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Need your skyrim save files (without mods)


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Hey everyone!


i don't know if im posting in the right place but im requesting some save files or a website where i can download save files with progress already in the game WITHOUT a bunch of mods.


i already beat skyrims main questline and almost all other major side quests and am on a new pc in a different state, far away from my own personal saves, so if anyone can help or point me in the right direction that would be MUCH appreciated so i can get back to playing this amazing game :)

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So basically, you're looking for this. Homepage > Files > Categories > Savegames... or just, you know, the hyperlink back there in the text. :P Now, most of these are basically "Check out my sexy Nord broad I made!", but there should be a fair few games with genuine progress in them as well, if you look hard enough. Edited by TheNiceNightmare
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Eh, you found your way onto the forums. I'm pretty sure it took me the better part of a year to figure that part out, we were all new at one point, I'm glad to help. Now, see if you can figure out how to conjure one of the mods to lock this before anyone begins hunting for cheap posts like I'm doing!


EDIT: For the below question, try C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Skyrim. Mind you that this is on Windows 7.

Edited by TheNiceNightmare
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Hey everyone!


i don't know if im posting in the right place but im requesting some save files or a website where i can download save files with progress already in the game WITHOUT a bunch of mods.


i already beat skyrims main questline and almost all other major side quests and am on a new pc in a different state, far away from my own personal saves, so if anyone can help or point me in the right direction that would be MUCH appreciated so i can get back to playing this amazing game :)



This is my first post so please bear with me or is it bare??

I have purchased several copies of Skyrim, 2 for my PCs and 1 for my 360 - what can I say, I was looking forward to this game a great deal.

I find that while I like to play on the PC the Xbox controller has a lot to recommend it.

I having been playing Skyrim for a while now and while I may not have made a super character, I have logged a lot of hours into the game.

I received a nice custom built rig for Christmas and would like to move my save game to that and pick up and start playing.

But, 1 - I don't know if this is possible and 2 - I don't know where my games are saved.

There will be a Store Purchased DVD for each of my PCs so while some may cry "You break the law!" I just don't see how.

So if this is something someone can share with me, I would be eternally grateful - or at least happy as long as I am playing the game.

Would I need to do something on the new computer to get the new game to be recognized?

Also, I have no mods installed on either games - do not know if this matters.

And could I start playing a new game on the new computer untill I figure this out and the copy my old game and play both if I wish.

Whee. Well, if you are willing to help me please let me know and tell me what to do.


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This is my first post so please bear with me or is it bare??


It's Bear.....like a weight Bearing Wall etc.... :yes:


You should have 1) Read all the messages posted here b/c the answer lies in the first few posts or 2) search your hard drive for the name of the saved files.

You really need to put forth some effort when you need help and you cannot expect everyone to do it all for you. Please try harder next time before you ask the hard working people here for help.

Just because they were not under SAVED GAMES, you should have kept looking. You would have easily found them under DOCUMENTS\SAVED GAMES.

Why here I don't know but they are.


BTW, Demhi, "You're Welcome!"

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