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What type of graphics card are you using?

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ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT 512 MiB GDDR3 PCIe GPU. I was thinking about upgrading to a Sapphire Radeon HD 3870, but I couldn't find one at the time - guess I'll have to tough it out... :( Anyway, I am actually pretty satisfied with it (at least it's better than the IGP that came with my computer, which BTW, believe it or not, had almost 2 gigs or memory available, but yet only 128 MiB were actually used for video-related processing (of course, all of that other memory was shared, so what the heck).


BTW, why are using a 9550 anyway? :huh: You do know that it was actually released in '02, don't you?

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Ultra-clocked 8800GTS, wish I had gone for the GTX now because I recently aquired a 24'' monitor where the native resolution is 19001200. For 1600x1200 the GTS pretty much resembles the GTX in benchmarks, but above that resolution you start seeing a larger difference. Ho hum, thankfully the games I'm playing aren't too taxing at the moment :)
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Geforce 8500GT 512mb... pretty good, picked it up a couple of months back for £45, so a great deal. It did get damaged while it was being delivered, but that was nothing a pair of pliers and some brute force couldn't fix! Now runs perfectly, and I'm very pleased. I have considered upgrading to one of the 8800 cards, but I only have a 17" monitor, so it's not entirely necessary yet, and the rest of my PC is in more need of upgrading anyway. So it'll have to wait a while. :)
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Just an old 7900gs, small but effective.


For me it doesn't have to pwn the game, just run it smoothly.


But my next rig, that I am going to have built when I retire (someday soon).....still in the design stages, will be the best I can afford at the time.



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I'm running Oblivion with a trusty old 512MB Radeon X1800XT. With a few tweaks I'm dipping into the mid 20s in the forests during combat in Oblivion. The rest of the time I'm getting anything between 30 and 60 fps outdoors. Most sliders are on medium to max, running at 1280x1024, large textures, 16x AF, HDR on, and I'm using a few mod tweaks (RPGBlackDragon's tweaked grass meshes etc). No AA though.


Yeah, it's not the fastest card out there these days but it gets the job done quite well. Especially considering that it's coupled with a fairly weak 3.4GHz HT'ed P4 CPU.






While the nVidia competition is faster I'm looking into a Radeon HD 3870 for my next (C2D) system, mainly due to the fact that I love the stability of ATI's drivers these days.


(Without the horribly bloated CCC that is. Yep, got to love Ray Adams' ATI Tray Tools!) :wink:


Cheers, UQF

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Radeon 1950 Sapphire


I can run any game (that I own) on full graphics with no trouble at all. My problem right now is that I only have 1 gb ram, so that slows down Oblivion.


Oh actually one game that I can't run on full graphics is Lock On Modern Air Combat. Strangely, that game is a graphics pig.

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