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What type of graphics card are you using?

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i have a NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS which happens to be on the frits and when i try to play Oblivion, or any other game it shuts down and i have to wait half an hour before i can use my computer again...
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i have a NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS which happens to be on the frits and when i try to play Oblivion, or any other game it shuts down and i have to wait half an hour before i can use my computer again...


Your card is probably overheating. I'd add some extra fans to your computer. Atleast to help the airflow around your card. Soon if possible. The longer you wait the more damage can happen.

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Nvidia GeForce 9500 GS 512mb.


Can run Oblivion with mid-high graphics, without any problems at all.


Max Shadows,


4x Anti Alias


Distant Landscape, Trees and Buildings- Thats pretty much it XD

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Had a Radeon X1650 pro when the game released with a pc setting more than enough for recommended options and game ran smoothly on 1280x1028 everything maxed out with ATI's patch for both AA+HDR (2 gigs ram support other than the vid card and C2Duo 2.2 back then) Now having HD 4850 not really changed anything other than the resolution
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Well i'm using an Nvidia Geforce 9400GT with 1GB


It runs fallout 3 on ultra high settings and with 1280x1024 res at something like 60 frames per second :D But that's only when i'm running it in the gamers OS (a modified xp pro that is specificly for gaming only). Still runs ultra high settings in a normal xp pro, but it starts running at 15-30 fps in certain areas such as looking at that bomb in megaton from moriarty's saloon door.


Edit: Oh crap, didn't see that the guy who started the topic was asking about it running on oblivion lol :whistling: . Anyway, havn't played oblivion much lately, but from what I seen so far, it runs absolutely perfectly on the very highest settings :D

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Although the first digit is important, the second is the prime definitor of the VB power... uh, most of times, at least.


The Nvidia's FX series, numbered normally with 5 in the first digit almost lead the company to bankrupt, luckly series 6000 was amazing at it's time and 6800 (there are some 'obscure' sufixes that normally implies the board being full or cripled someway) was for a time the VB's queen. Series 7000 introduced better miniaturization and gained raw power enough for the 7600 to be a worthy competitor to the 6800. But series 8 introduced a whole new arquitecture (as series 3000 and 4000 from AMD did too) and the GPU should lose that U, since it is now massive super scalar (parallel) processing and multiprocessors. So it may be worth upgrading my somewhat 'old' 7900 gt/gto to one from series 8 or 9 or even the gfx 260 (the 280 is just to pricy to be worth paying something near $1000, here on Brazil, for it).


And I have another reason to spare some bucks on a VB for now. I think they are moving toward integrating full physics calculation on integrated PPU(s), indeed Nvidia I know is doing some already since it bought Ageia (PhysX).


This long post meant for someone willing to buy a VB now, hoping these basics helps chosing one. May be more interesting keeping in the upper mainstream than leaping for the high end and expensive cards, at least until the industry settles out for the "physics" standard.

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I use an ATI Radeon x1050. Really cheap card but good. 50 bucks at Circuit City, probably cheaper on newegg. Runs Oblivion fine but I don't have too many graphics options turned up high. I have tons of mods. I had to deactivate some things because they made my framerate drop dead.
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