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I Got Banned


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in name of arrakis69ct

mail [email protected]


i send varius mail and dont recive anithing



in the same channel previuslu i talk tha i have the original game in steam and use for vanilla game and original for multiplayer


the other i use is only for mod tha i do no need update steam and block thems,


my game is original, if my game is original i dont use a piraty game i use a backup


if you want i send you my deliver mail of buy


please contac me, [email protected]

user arrakis69ct


i want to solve this situation, thx for you time


sorry for my bad english, if here have a spanish modder i can explain better

i know that create another accoun no is legal, but if i cant acces i cant defend me

this is a error, ihave the game, may be in my ignorance i says anithing wrong

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I got banned from chat for saying feces. No warning just bam! I feel this is very harsh considering I am otherwise well behaved and respectful and I could have used many colorful alternatives to the word feces. I thought this site was PG13, feces is a scientific name not bad language. I request an unban please, thank you.
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I got banned from chat for saying feces. No warning just bam! I feel this is very harsh considering I am otherwise well behaved and respectful and I could have used many colorful alternatives to the word feces. I thought this site was PG13, feces is a scientific name not bad language. I request an unban please, thank you.

Arguing about Staff actions in a public forum is not the way to get your case favourably reconsidered. In fact, it's an additional violation of the Terms of Service. Use the Private Message (PM) system and discuss the matter with the Staff member involved, or with Dark0ne himself. :armscrossed:

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My main account was banned for Playfully talking about torrenting a program and uttering B-slap in replay to someone in chat. i was labeled a chat troll and a pirate. I myself am not software pirate and never will be. aside from stealing, you could end up damaging your computer due to viruses. I put in a Ban apeal form and hope im reinstated. i went back and re read all the rules and such so i don't make the mistake of saying something in a joking manner and have it taken seriously. i completely understand what ive done wrong and all i can do is wait and see if i am worthy enough to be reinstated. i was working on a skyrim mod and was hoping to put it onto here in the future.


Creating a second account nullifies your appeal - which is now denied. You picked a poor topic to joke about, as advocating piracy in any form is not allowed here.


Banned again- TVD.

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I somehow cannot access chat or appeal for a chat unban because the username I entered has not been banned, only chat banned.


I have had a lengthy PM discussion with Dr.Grimm (Site moderator) about my punishment


I would like to know how to request/fill out a form for a CHAT unban (appeal)


Thank you for reading.



Edited by Olaffsen
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I am posting here becuse my main account has been banned and I am unsure of why.I have not found my other accounts name "Ineedtoseethis"on the ban list and neither was i notified i was banned until I had signed out of the website I assume bans here also deals with bans from the nexus skyrim site.I dont know if my username was inappropiate and I read that if there was some confusion It would be acceptible to create a new account to ask for help.



i have found the reason for my ban.Please disreegard this,I have already made an appeal before this, however In which i was not aware of this,If nessicary can a mod also ban this account?


Is it possible for me to change my appeal so that I can add this information in at all?Also will making this account then closing it effect my appeal at all?I did not know the reason for my ban as it seems that I only was unable to use the nexus features 10 days later(the ban was implaced on November 12th http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/831137-ineedtoseethis-banned/page__p__6658634__hl__ineedtoseethis__fromsearch__1#entry6658634), and I wished to use the search function to find out what was the reason for my ban,which I could not do on my other account(I did not know that the search was avalible to visitors,many other fourms require an account to use it,I only realized this after)


This account now banned. Don't think it'll help your original appeal though... --TNL :armscrossed:

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