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The Sunday discussion - Chesko


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In response to post #44235450. #44237245, #44239895 are all replies on the same post.

RumBakats wrote: I'm reading so many childish comments about paid mods fiasco etc. I have the solution, and it's simpler than you all think. Sites like Nexus, ModDB etc. are there thanks to MODDERS and the users who visit and download from them. Every Modder has is own page for his mods, and there are ADS in every page. So a little percentage (like 30%) of every click in the "mod X" page SHOULD GO TO THE MODDER. I know it's tricky scripting something like that but modding is some kind of work and takes time and efforts, deserving to be paid in some way. Maybe adding a mandatory ad before the download like some other sites would help. And obviously we users, should disable Adblockers on these sites. And justice for all :) These are my two cents.
Ethreon wrote: OH EM GEE Man how did nobody thing of this it's so damn easy and super simple!!!one!!!

I think you could come up with even better ideas, like printing more money and such.
lasse1001 wrote: Your idea won't get any better just because you re posting it. :) However, you are always free to donate to almost all mod authors

Because ads are that lucrative, Nexus clearly doesn't require any sort of alternative direct donation system. Maybe gofundme should set up this new system for people like Hugh Mungus, so they can benefit even more? Edited by SparrowPrince
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In response to post #44169115. #44171160, #44171925, #44172710, #44174990, #44175880, #44180895, #44190425, #44192060, #44197925, #44198580, #44201785, #44212395, #44213285, #44220590, #44232570, #44234000, #44234945 are all replies on the same post.

CptVolto wrote: Not a single question or insight concerning the entire "Paid Mods" fiasco?

Look, I like Chesko's mods as much as the next guy, but are we all really so quick to forget that he heavily took part in a spearhead movement which would have screwed both modders and the modding community as a whole in the long run.

At least a question as to "why?" would have been nice, especially now that it's months behind and hindsight can reign free.
seedannis wrote: He's already made a reddit post about that before if you really want to read it. I don't think this is necessary in this interview. It was nice to have the focus be on the mods he makes and nothing else.
archerarcher wrote: I think nearly no one cares about this cr@p anymore
camycamera wrote: He's already "explained" himself. Bethesda approached him about it, and of course he'd not turn it down, if you were in his shoes, you certainly wouldn't either; an opportunity to get paid for his work that he did for free, that would be great!

But, unfortunately, due to the terrible way that the whole paid mods thing was implemented by Valve/Bethesda, he got caught up in a bunch of this negativity, and then they pulled the plug. End of story.

You shouldn't demonize someone for taking such an opportunity, even if it was for a lost cause later on. Sometimes, s#*! happens, and Chesko is not to be blamed whatsoever for any of that mess.
Rigmor wrote: How Chesko and some other modders were treated by the crapstorm was pretty much disgusting, seeing as it wasn't really their fault the green eyed genie was let out of the bottle by Valve/Beth, and at the worst possible deal available at that.

Chesko leaves his source files in his mods so people like me can pick at them, and takes time to point you in the right direction if you are having difficulties to an issue. I hope the support he gets from his fans keeps him working on mods, especially SSE.

Unfortunately for all you guys/gals out there, he is going to marry me, so whatever...


Iceman8619 wrote: I have no problem with the fact that Bethesda approached Chesko about getting paid for his mods. I consider Frostfall an essential mod for me to play Skyrim. I'd gladly pay for his mods if they were released as paid mods.

Making mods takes a lot of time and work. Sure, it is great to know that the community appreciates it. Having Bethesda approach him because of his work is, I'm sure, an honor for him. We may not all like the way that whole thing went down, but we all need to have respect and show support to all of the modders out there. Regardless of the paid mod deal, modders have made this game and many other game what they are. There are countless games out there that would not be played near as much as they are without the modders. Skyrim is one of those.
SparrowPrince wrote: Everyone forgets and moves on today. That's how companies like EA keep getting away with nickle and dime anti-consumer practices. But no, let's not go on about it!

Not the modder's fault? Did Bethesda hold a gun to their head? The spin is making me feel dizzy.
SamusKnight2K wrote: Far as I'm concerned Chesko did show remorse for it and stuck around despite some mod authors vanishing after the shitstorm. He has and always will have, my respect. Besides, life is too short to hold grudges over something where someone just wanted to get some extra money doing what they love the most. It wasn't a bad idea, just poortly executed. That's my two septims on the matter.
Leros wrote: What fiasco, the whining of kids that feel entitled to other peoples work?

No modder supporting paid mods did anything wrong. It did not work out, be glad, shut up and move on.

Seriously the way you people treated modders that created content for you was simply disgusting, it still makes me angry.
Ethreon wrote: Hope you'll enjoy seeing the paid mods return. Cause they will.
SparrowPrince wrote: 'I don't like X opinion, so it's whining.'

Leros, people can 'whine' or complain about what they want. If they weren't allowed, how would they express their opinions? By talking to themselves? By muttering under their breath? You are doing the same right now, but no one else can because it doesn't aline with your own views? Ok then.

It was a bad idea as it was truly built out of corporate greed. It was an attempt to profit off the work of their user base, while watching some extra revenue roll in for doing absolutely nothing; basically, it's YouTube content ID. It's easy to work out why you should have never been a part of it from the very start.
bigo161107 wrote: "Seriously the way you people treated modders that created content for you was simply disgusting, it still makes me angry."

Did you ever think how the modders treated their fans and supporters? crippling the community by only uploading to steam workshop which isnt a good platform, just to feed bethesda for sitting on their asses whilst the modder did all the work. Its like horsearmour all over again but with slaves doing the DLC. "Ah, i see you finished the George Clooney BatNip armor. have a piece of bread and a glass of poowater peasant, we will take it from here $$$" The modders basically took a dump on their fans and got down on their knees ready to blow bethesda. That was pretty disgusting if you ask me.

Sure, If youre good at something, dont do it for free. But with modding you just have to bite that bullet because there is no good way to make that happen. Bethesda cant just allow people to profit from the source material. Its copyrighted and s#*!. alot of laws would be broken etc. íf modders want to be paid they need to get a job as a gamedeveloper, they cant just piggyback ride off of skyrims success.
archerarcher wrote: SparrowPrince:
Everyone forgets and moves on today. That's how companies like EA keep getting away with nickle and dime anti-consumer practices. But no, let's not go on about it!

Not the modder's fault? Did Bethesda hold a gun to their head? The spin is making me feel dizzy.


Kazuya482 wrote: Man, see I knew this would come back to bite mod authors in the ass. Nobody gained anything from the whole ordeal, and things got disgusting all around.
Hutspot01 wrote: Why should they? It's not relevant at the moment.

And Chesko has already been quite open as to the "why" and "how". Most of which is still accessible and easy to find if you're really that interested. No need for him to regurgitate the same statements over and over.

Nobody gained anything from that fiasco. Lot's of people showed the worst side of their personalities, while "spearheading" on both sides of the barricades. He's been able to make amends with the people who matter to him, same as everybody else, and that's really the only thing that matters. It's best to just move on.
jacktooff wrote: Complètement daccor avec toi, je suis un joueur parmis tant d'autre, sans etre geek à fond, mais tout le monde profite de son travaille extra et la vie est loin d'etre gratuite, tout à son honneur d'etre récompenser par autre chose que des merci qui ne nourri pas un homme, vive chesco!! fais rêver les joueur encore et ne perd pas ta passion pour certain jaloux ou rageux qui veulent seulement profiter.
RumBakats wrote: I have the solution, and it's simpler than you all think. Sites like Nexus, ModDB etc. are there thanks to MODDERS and the users who visit and download from them. Every Modder has is own page for his mods, and there are ADS in every page. So a little percentage (like 30%) of every click in the "mod X" page SHOULD GO TO THE MODDER. I know it's tricky scripting something like that but modding is some kind of work and takes time and efforts, deserving to be paid in some way. Maybe adding a mandatory ad before the download like some other sites would help. And obviously we users, should disable Adblockers on these sites. And justice for all ;) These are my two cents.
dpgillam wrote: A man's work and time are worth getting paid for. Especially for the quality and (most important) the continued upkeep that Chesko offered. Even Bethesda hasnt offwered a level of support for their work like Chesko does for his. The REAL question is why do you think you're entitled? You dont expect Bethesda or Square Enix to give you free games or DLC. So why do you expect anyone else to?

And, after the shitstorm, and childishness like OP and some responses, Chesko didnt tell everyone where to go and what to do with themselves, as he has every right to do. He didnt demand all his works be removed from all sites, as he has every right to do. He didnt decide to go take up blacksmithing or some other hobby, where the "fans" dont demand work be given freely, nor did he quit in favor of homebrewing, which is its own reward. He not only continued to give his work (FOR FREE!), he expanded it, making it even better. He's shown himself to be a far better man than most in the modder communities (both authors and users) and far from getting yet more s#*! slung over a dead issue, he deserves respect as one of the best examples of what a mod author should be.

Modders are not official. Their work relies strictly on another company's game. Therefore no, they should not be paid to be used. That's like youtubers being able to prevent you from watching their videos despite their videos being through free youtube. It's stupid, big headed, and wrong. You can ask for donations but to EXPECT a MODIFICATION of a base game that you did not create in the first place to be paid for is ridiculous.
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In response to post #44207725. #44210065, #44213255, #44221230, #44227480, #44234165, #44235230 are all replies on the same post.

XZodio12345 wrote: Wasn't Chesko the guy that sold out to paid modding, and when it all got taken down he acted like a total c*%! to just about everybody and made a huge deal out of leaving the modding community? I'm glad he's back; his mods are pretty good, but they're not exactly godsend. Well, I can see that he's still acting like the Kanye West of Skyrim modding. Nobody gives Chesko more credit than Chesko.
TehKaoZ wrote: I'm sorry, who are you again?
Kazuya482 wrote: You need to upgrade the bait.
Hutspot01 wrote: Don't forget that he suffered massive abuse because he was involved in the paid mods fiasco. From fellow mod authors (aka: the people who matter) and many thousands of enraged mod users. He didn't act like a c**, he was treated like a c***, and backed off for a while because of it.

You don't matter. (Same as me.) The people who do matter, his fellow mod authors, have in general made good and moved on. There is no need for mod consuming peasants like us to keep regurgitating that fiasco. It contributes nothing, it helps nothing.

And saying he isn't a godsend and making him the "Kanye West" of modding is pretty pretentious. How many api's have you developed? How many (quality) mods have you published? How many mod authors hold you in high regard? I know the answer: 0.0.

Chesko has every right to be proud of his work. And to take credit for it. Especially since he gladly shares credit when he has other people cooperating, and since he gladly helps out other people when he has the opportunity. Almost everybody who makes quality mods is extremely proud of their work. That's not an attribute unique for Chesko.
Psychophobe wrote: Well said Hutspot01
Diotima wrote: Agree with Psychophobe!
Well said Hutspot01 :)
dpgillam wrote: Agree with Psychopobe and Diotima.
Well said Hutspot01

That stupid, childish and ridiculous argument of 'well you haven't created anything so your opinion doesn't matter' is just plain ignorant. Just because you haven't written a book doesn't mean you can't tell a book is good. Just because you haven't made a movie doesn't mean you can't make the judgement if a movie is good. Just because you haven't composed music doesn't mean you can't figure out the 'song' you're listening to is just a bunch of babies hitting pots and pans.

So just because you haven't made a mod doesn't mean you can't say that the mod is good or bad.
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In response to post #44207725. #44210065, #44213255, #44221230, #44227480, #44234165, #44235230, #44244270 are all replies on the same post.

XZodio12345 wrote: Wasn't Chesko the guy that sold out to paid modding, and when it all got taken down he acted like a total c*%! to just about everybody and made a huge deal out of leaving the modding community? I'm glad he's back; his mods are pretty good, but they're not exactly godsend. Well, I can see that he's still acting like the Kanye West of Skyrim modding. Nobody gives Chesko more credit than Chesko.
TehKaoZ wrote: I'm sorry, who are you again?
Kazuya482 wrote: You need to upgrade the bait.
Hutspot01 wrote: Don't forget that he suffered massive abuse because he was involved in the paid mods fiasco. From fellow mod authors (aka: the people who matter) and many thousands of enraged mod users. He didn't act like a c**, he was treated like a c***, and backed off for a while because of it.

You don't matter. (Same as me.) The people who do matter, his fellow mod authors, have in general made good and moved on. There is no need for mod consuming peasants like us to keep regurgitating that fiasco. It contributes nothing, it helps nothing.

And saying he isn't a godsend and making him the "Kanye West" of modding is pretty pretentious. How many api's have you developed? How many (quality) mods have you published? How many mod authors hold you in high regard? I know the answer: 0.0.

Chesko has every right to be proud of his work. And to take credit for it. Especially since he gladly shares credit when he has other people cooperating, and since he gladly helps out other people when he has the opportunity. Almost everybody who makes quality mods is extremely proud of their work. That's not an attribute unique for Chesko.
Psychophobe wrote: Well said Hutspot01
Diotima wrote: Agree with Psychophobe!
Well said Hutspot01 :)
dpgillam wrote: Agree with Psychopobe and Diotima.
Well said Hutspot01
WolfSpirit62 wrote: That stupid, childish and ridiculous argument of 'well you haven't created anything so your opinion doesn't matter' is just plain ignorant. Just because you haven't written a book doesn't mean you can't tell a book is good. Just because you haven't made a movie doesn't mean you can't make the judgement if a movie is good. Just because you haven't composed music doesn't mean you can't figure out the 'song' you're listening to is just a bunch of babies hitting pots and pans.

So just because you haven't made a mod doesn't mean you can't say that the mod is good or bad.


Well you know what they say. Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one Edited by TehKaoZ
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In response to post #44207725. #44210065, #44213255, #44221230, #44227480, #44234165, #44235230, #44244270, #44249895 are all replies on the same post.

XZodio12345 wrote: Wasn't Chesko the guy that sold out to paid modding, and when it all got taken down he acted like a total c*%! to just about everybody and made a huge deal out of leaving the modding community? I'm glad he's back; his mods are pretty good, but they're not exactly godsend. Well, I can see that he's still acting like the Kanye West of Skyrim modding. Nobody gives Chesko more credit than Chesko.
TehKaoZ wrote: I'm sorry, who are you again?
Kazuya482 wrote: You need to upgrade the bait.
Hutspot01 wrote: Don't forget that he suffered massive abuse because he was involved in the paid mods fiasco. From fellow mod authors (aka: the people who matter) and many thousands of enraged mod users. He didn't act like a c**, he was treated like a c***, and backed off for a while because of it.

You don't matter. (Same as me.) The people who do matter, his fellow mod authors, have in general made good and moved on. There is no need for mod consuming peasants like us to keep regurgitating that fiasco. It contributes nothing, it helps nothing.

And saying he isn't a godsend and making him the "Kanye West" of modding is pretty pretentious. How many api's have you developed? How many (quality) mods have you published? How many mod authors hold you in high regard? I know the answer: 0.0.

Chesko has every right to be proud of his work. And to take credit for it. Especially since he gladly shares credit when he has other people cooperating, and since he gladly helps out other people when he has the opportunity. Almost everybody who makes quality mods is extremely proud of their work. That's not an attribute unique for Chesko.
Psychophobe wrote: Well said Hutspot01
Diotima wrote: Agree with Psychophobe!
Well said Hutspot01 :)
dpgillam wrote: Agree with Psychopobe and Diotima.
Well said Hutspot01
WolfSpirit62 wrote: That stupid, childish and ridiculous argument of 'well you haven't created anything so your opinion doesn't matter' is just plain ignorant. Just because you haven't written a book doesn't mean you can't tell a book is good. Just because you haven't made a movie doesn't mean you can't make the judgement if a movie is good. Just because you haven't composed music doesn't mean you can't figure out the 'song' you're listening to is just a bunch of babies hitting pots and pans.

So just because you haven't made a mod doesn't mean you can't say that the mod is good or bad.
TehKaoZ wrote: @WolfSpirit62

Well you know what they say. Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one

Ugh. Oh my god. Are people really still going on about payed modding? Bethesda invited him to participate, so he put his mods on there, while making sure to keep them available for free on the Nexus. He took down the mods when problems arose. He was then given threats and harassment for literally no reason at all. So he left, and would have stayed gone, if he had not received hundreds of requests to return from his supporters. Does that sound like an egotistical sellout to you? Not to me, it doesn't.
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In response to post #44235450. #44237245, #44239895, #44243165 are all replies on the same post.

RumBakats wrote: I'm reading so many childish comments about paid mods fiasco etc. I have the solution, and it's simpler than you all think. Sites like Nexus, ModDB etc. are there thanks to MODDERS and the users who visit and download from them. Every Modder has is own page for his mods, and there are ADS in every page. So a little percentage (like 30%) of every click in the "mod X" page SHOULD GO TO THE MODDER. I know it's tricky scripting something like that but modding is some kind of work and takes time and efforts, deserving to be paid in some way. Maybe adding a mandatory ad before the download like some other sites would help. And obviously we users, should disable Adblockers on these sites. And justice for all :) These are my two cents.
Ethreon wrote: OH EM GEE Man how did nobody thing of this it's so damn easy and super simple!!!one!!!

I think you could come up with even better ideas, like printing more money and such.
lasse1001 wrote: Your idea won't get any better just because you re posting it. :) However, you are always free to donate to almost all mod authors
SparrowPrince wrote: Because ads are that lucrative, Nexus clearly doesn't require any sort of alternative direct donation system. Maybe gofundme should set up this new system for people like Hugh Mungus, so they can benefit even more?

This site gets its money from ads + premium subscribers and its barely standing, having to limit non premium users downloadspeed to what, 1MB per sec? How do you expect the site to run if they pay all the users 30% of their main incomesource? It baffles me how stupid some people are... the nexus isnt youtube, we're a small community. Edited by bigo161107
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