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Trump is no go for German TES Community as far as I know them

Lord of the Strings

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I'm a 56 year old Woodelf from Germany (well, I'm obviously not, but my game playing mate since TES III has been every time). About 70 years ago we had a terrorism of state here, that was a butchery simply spoken.


The whole world was in war with us, and especially young people in the 60ies and up into the eighties were listening to the AFN (American Forces Network) radio, because this was the radio of the guys, that had freed us from this nazi terror ( and Britons and Russians and so on were with them) .... /€(And, to tell the truth: from Jazz to Pop they had the best music )/€ :wink:


We didn't agree with some of yours regarding the Vietnam war.


But the best of us critical intellectuals dreamed of a studient scholarship at Berkley, Yale or MIT.


I please you:





The Lord of The Strings


@staff. Possible to type out the typo in the title ... ?

/€dit: oh, thanks/€dit

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Some of US didn't like the vietnam war....... Of course, a fair few of us didn't want Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria, etc. either.


There are also a fair few of us that DON'T want Hillary......... That leaves us with pretty much one choice........

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The decay process is step by step, and the parallels between our country and pre-war Germany are beyond remarkable... Our 911 was their Reichstag Fire, Bush's "Patriot" Act was Hitler's Enabling Act. Etc etc. Our Fourth Amendment remains altogether negated at our airports and borders, we're now required to "prove" our innocence to our own federal government. Our last NSA chief was financially invested in several national security companies, the louder he spewed his terror and fear of terror, the more money he put into his own pocket. Etc. Thanks to our last president we now have our very own pathetic Gestapo and concentration camps, our "foreign policy" consists of war and the constant threat of war, and at this point the singular difference between America and WWII Germany is gas chambers. Give Trump a few months.


I can think of no more fitting end to my former and formerly beloved country than for it to elect a man who is the personification of everything our religions teach is evil. My honest opinion based on readings and recordings of both men is that Hitler had more of a moral conscience than Trump.


Also imo Ben Franklin knew this was coming eventually:


"In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults,
if they are such, because I think a general government necessary for us; and
believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of
years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it,
when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government,
being incapable of any other."

-- Benjamin Franklin, Speech before the Constitutional Convention, 9/17/1787

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If I were American, I wouldn't know what to do. But I'd be sure, what I would *not* going to vote


The future in it self is not in international contracts and communications.


We want our Country back? We want back our *life*.


I buy therefor I am ???


Please read the subject if you are in doubt with my """opinion"""

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A Hillary presidency will mean:

  1. Large percentage of people feel nothing but alienation from their leaders.
  2. 67% of Americans will continue to think their elected officials, courts, justice system, business leaders, educators are leading the country in the wrong direction, do more harm than good, make us poorer, get us into wars then prevent us from winning them.
  3. this 67% majority will 'check out', 'tune out', or ignore the federal government, concluding it has no moral authority to direct their lives.
  4. Hillary, arriving in office under a huge cloud of corruption, will not have any incentive to be honest or truthful, will likely play the 'woman' card, much like her predecessor played the 'race' card, and she will be impossible to impeach from office irrespective of how criminal her behavior.
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  On 11/7/2016 at 3:03 PM, jim_uk said:

There'd less of chance of a war with Trump in charge.

There's zero chance of avoidance of war with either candidate in charge. IMO it will happen much sooner with Trump wagging his genitals at the world. The world has had enough.


As in 1940, war is the only way out of our current self-made economic situation. For the last 45 years our federal government has been pretending it's possible, even in theory, to establish fair trade ties with totalitarian and monolithic Communist regimes, even ones like China that dictate the values of their own "currencies". Richard Nixon's "opening the gate to China" and taking us off the gold standard in 1971 was the multinational mafia's coup over our labor force and federal government. Every U.S. president and Congress since has signed onto this treason, regardless of party.


So after four decades of treasury bloodletting, even interest rate recovery is impossible for us without automatic bankruptcy of our federal government -- as evidenced by Trump's proposal to renegotiate our national debt, which now stands at $20 trillion. That's over $65,000 for every U.S. citizen, a family of four is in debt over a quarter million dollars with zero practical hope of repayment. Our federal government runs itself with money that does not and cannot exist in reality. It's debt we're imposing on our grandkids and great-grandkids and it will be their responsibility to earn and repay it. So all of this is a charade, performed by a financially and morally bankrupt group of traitor despots. IMO.

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We are already bankrupt, no one has done the paper work yet though. There is no way on god's little green acre we can ever repay the debt, and it keeps expanding. It will get to the point of interest on the debt will be more than the government takes in in taxes. Provided we don't blow ourselves to hell beforehand.


Hilary keeps talking about a 'no fly zone' in Syria.... If she thinks Russia is going to honor that, she is sadly mistaken. (not to mention that Russia has already implemented their own 'no fly zone', and backed it up with a boatload of SAMs.....) Hilary will have us at war with Russia within a year. Obama already has us in a proxy war with them......


Trump wants to get the US OUT of the nation building business. Just as well too, as it has been more than adequately demonstrated that we SUCK at it.

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As mentioned it doesn't matter who wins tomorrow. Both of our major parties are following the same scriptbook, it's simply Syria's turn for demonic chaos to be imposed on them, like Iraq (btw Iraq is a bigger chaotic mess now than at any time since Bush's invasion). Syria is #5 in the Halliburpalooza Tour that started all the way back in Egypt and Tunisia. See:



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  On 11/7/2016 at 9:48 PM, TheMastersSon said:

As mentioned it doesn't matter who wins tomorrow. Both of our major parties are following the same scriptbook, it's simply Syria's turn for demonic chaos to be imposed on them, like Iraq. BTW Iraq is a bigger chaotic mess now than at any time since Bush's invasion. I believe Syria is #5 in the Halliburpalooza Tour that started all the way back in Egypt and Tunisia. See:



They blew it with this particular line, right near the beginning of the article:




In general, the spread of less corrupt and more democratic governments in the Middle East will be of tremendous benefit to the United States

Less corrupt? I am REAL curious what they have been smoking. Afghanistan is one of THE most corrupt governments in the world. The rest of the countries involved in the Arab Spring, so far do not have ANY sort of cohesive government, that can claim to represent the entire country. The Arab Spring has been an outright disaster for american interests in the middle east. The various dictators at least maintained some semblance of stability..... Folks in Libya are publicly lamenting the loss of Qaddafi...... Life was vastly better for them when he was in power, as compared to the mess they have now. Iraq isn't much better, Yemen and Syria are still just country-wide war zones. I don't see how ANY of that goes in the plus column for the US. Nope. We would have been FAR better off, (and with a lot less dead folks, the world over) had we just left Iraq alone, and just sent a small team into Afghanistan to take out the ONE GUY we wanted..... Instead, we have the catastrophe that is the current situation.

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