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Skyrim is crap


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I bought DA:O and played it through 3 times with different options. Way to linear and after my disappointment and what I read didn't bother with DA:2. I already have way more hours into Skyrim. It's not that Skyrim is perfect it's just that nothing has even come close since....Oblivion. (OK..I loved Fallout 3 too but not NV.)

Well, what I can recommend is The Last Remnant, but don't even bother trying it if you don't like turn-based JRPG, then the Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2 (Because Faerun is Faerun) and prolly KOTORs (not the MMO). It's all rather old, but unless you're a graphic freak, you won't really mind it I believe. All those have nice stories and gameplay.

That's still comming from similar-to-BG tho.


I played it and got addicted to it for some strange reason. I still don't know why. :unsure:


Thanks for mentioning a game I had forgotten about but managed to ruin my life for a few weeks a few years ago. I never did finish it due to personal reasons in my life at the time and I never re-loaded it because I knew it was too addictive. Great game....but still don't know why though. :biggrin:

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Skyrim is one of those cases... every single part of it sucks, but when they are put together, it's pretty epic for no apparent reason.

That is if you can live with large number of bugs and technical difficulties. But we all knew they will be there.


I'm sure someone will like to hit me with a brick again, but there are no games like Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale and Planetscape anymore. Everything went to hell a bit. Or actually, everything improved, if you are "cool person" and hate reading, story and such. If you want to keep close, you want to aim for Neverwinter series. Perhaps Dragon Age: Origins (Note, Dragon Age 1, not DA 2, that's just not "it").

I comepletely agree, this is the exact feeling i have of skyrim and pretty much of all bethesda games...overall their games are good, you can get lost in them for hours and hours, but once you start to pay attention to the details, wich will happen after a time, you see the parts are poorly done.


I love to RP and immerse myself into a game, but with skyrim i just couldnt...i did played it a lot, but the more i played it, the more i felt disconnected with it...and finally after coming to the bards college, eagerly waiting that im going to be a bard, you know playing those instruments and stuff, the only thing i got was some quest and learn speech...that was basicaly the last straw, after that i didnt played.


Now im just waiting for the ck to repeat the same as with oblivion, tons of mods in order to be interested and i havent even finished the main quest. :wallbash:

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I would offer you two games; The Witcher Enhanced Edition and Dragon Age - Origins. Both presented themselves as action/adventure games with limited RPG elements and they delivered the goods. Skyrim on the other hand was hyped as a heavy RPG game in the TES tradition and it failed in that respect. Whereas all three games look great and the stories are good that's were similarities end. Both Witcher Enhanced Edition and Dragon Age - Origins came out of the box in good playable condition. Both had wonderful intuitive GUIs. Skyrim on the other hand had a mandatory Day-1 patch and a second patch a few days later broke the game for many. Plus Skyrim's PC interface is a horrid example of how not to build a KB/Mouse interface. The comparisons can go on and on but whether or not you are willing to look through the fog and see the truth that Skyrim looks great but falls short on substance really depends on how deeply you bought into Bethesda's hype.



The Witcher was good, not good enough to hold me until the end. I got bored and stopped playing, no. 2 was not my cup o tea either. But certainly not a game or game series I would go to a board and talk bad about like people are with Skyrim. I can see the attraction and I got my money's worth (not like a TES game though). DA:O I already talked about, to recap, good but way to linear. In BG I could have a stronghold and I was not pigeonholed into a group and I could go many places whenever I wanted...and...well you get the picture.

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I bought the Witcher and attempted to play it. To me, the game seemed ugly, stupid and uninspired. I didn't get far on that one. I really liked Dragon Age Origins though. The fantasy swat-team concept is a good one but it didn't hold my interest the way Oblivion did. I just prefer the wide, open sandbox world to the tightly linear style of games where the replay value is not so strong. Skyrim is an awesome non-linear game.


As for the UI, Oblivon had a terrible UI when it came out too. With Skyrim, I've actually gotten used to the UI and it doesn't bother me anymore although once the CK comes out I'm sure I'll try some UI overhaul mods. The CK, by the way, is also part of Skyrim. The fact that Bethesda gives modders the tools to totally reconfigure the game is what helped to prolong my interest in Oblivion for so long. I don't see Dragon Age or any other game I've played come with that much freedom for the player as Bethesda's games have. Sure, I have my complaints with Skyrim, but they all amount to minor details in the big picture as none of them are preventing me from enjoying the game.

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Skyrim is one of those cases... every single part of it sucks, but when they are put together, it's pretty epic for no apparent reason.

That is if you can live with large number of bugs and technical difficulties. But we all knew they will be there.


I'm sure someone will like to hit me with a brick again, but there are no games like Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale and Planetscape anymore. Everything went to hell a bit. Or actually, everything improved, if you are "cool person" and hate reading, story and such. If you want to keep close, you want to aim for Neverwinter series. Perhaps Dragon Age: Origins (Note, Dragon Age 1, not DA 2, that's just not "it").

I comepletely agree, this is the exact feeling i have of skyrim and pretty much of all bethesda games...overall their games are good, you can get lost in them for hours and hours, but once you start to pay attention to the details, wich will happen after a time, you see the parts are poorly done.


I love to RP and immerse myself into a game, but with skyrim i just couldnt...i did played it a lot, but the more i played it, the more i felt disconnected with it...and finally after coming to the bards college, eagerly waiting that im going to be a bard, you know playing those instruments and stuff, the only thing i got was some quest and learn speech...that was basicaly the last straw, after that i didnt played.


Now im just waiting for the ck to repeat the same as with oblivion, tons of mods in order to be interested and i havent even finished the main quest. :wallbash:


I guess I understand and even agree to a point. I just look at Steam and see 216 hours played and it trumps any game I have played in a long time. The Civ series was always my favorite since Civ 2 but Civ 5 is crap (129 hrs) compared to the others. Civ 2 is way better and 4 is the best. I can't even imagine the hours I put into Civ 2,3 and 4.

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I comepletely agree, this is the exact feeling i have of skyrim and pretty much of all bethesda games...overall their games are good, you can get lost in them for hours and hours, but once you start to pay attention to the details, wich will happen after a time, you see the parts are poorly done.


I love to RP and immerse myself into a game, but with skyrim i just couldnt...i did played it a lot, but the more i played it, the more i felt disconnected with it...and finally after coming to the bards college, eagerly waiting that im going to be a bard, you know playing those instruments and stuff, the only thing i got was some quest and learn speech...that was basicaly the last straw, after that i didnt played.


Now im just waiting for the ck to repeat the same as with oblivion, tons of mods in order to be interested and i havent even finished the main quest. :wallbash:

Yeah, once you start to think about it too much, it all breaks. But the details hurt, so many things that could've been so much better with little to no effort while it was in development. It actually looks like some parts were added just to remind you "It's just a game, don't try to get sucked in too much", can't shake that feeling.


From that point of view, I think the best game Beth made (in recent history) is Fallout 3. It's a bit of a combo breaker, when compared to other Fallouts, but still. Found it to be easy to get completly lost there, when noone kept telling you you're a sneak thief after you saved their life 15 times over.

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The Witcher games are better, obviously a LOT more creativity and work put into them, plus you get free dlc. Seems if you make a quality game you don't need to milk gamers to break even. If pc devs can do it why can't console devs?


Skyrim is just so typical, there's only a few different environments where as Morrowind (I'm referencing an older game so deal with it) had way more. It gave you MUCH more freedom (killing essential plot characters, levitation, athleticism, spell making and telekinesis) and had character. How many times did you see some random dude fall out of the sky or someone chilling in the river in underwear cause they were tricked into doing it in Skyrim? In Morrowind certain characters wouldn't even attack you if you had a different reputation but it seems Skyrim bandits are hell bent on taking you on even if you're obviously more powerful. Not to mention the fact all you have to do is join a Guild and you're master 10 seconds later.


I'm enjoying Skyrim, but sequels are supposed to IMPROVE and this sure as hell isn't an improvement from Morrowind. Oblivion yes, but that game was a joke and i regret buying it.

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I used to be a Morrowind Elitist, then I took an arrow in the knee.


Great but is anything made in the last 3 years even comparable? I loaded it with all the new graphics mods and played for a while but the damn cliff racers pissed me off so bad I quit and never played again! They kept getting caught in trees and I was ready to level but couldn't get to a place to sleep and I had to drop the skooma and moonsugar JUST TO TALK TO A MERCHANT! so many things pissed me off. Yay Skyrim.

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How many times did you see some random dude fall out of the sky or someone chilling in the river in underwear cause they were tricked into doing it in Skyrim?


Mammoths fall out of the sky all the time. And the couriers are almost always naked. Why are you complaining? XD

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