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Need some help with a nif


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As I recall, the one with _0 is for a small body and the one with _1 is for a bigger one, since you can adjust the character size in the character creation menu and the NPC's can be buffed/skinny so the outfit scales along with the body, though I might be wrong and I most likely am.


EDIT: Ninja'd.

Edited by Werne
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Well, i found out that mine was a skinny model, so i had to do a little work, but i got it ingame:



I did not get this far the last attempts i've made or well i did, but the hood was completely out of position, helped a lot to check the weight painter in blender when you assign the parts etc.I have only practiced 3D with Maya, and im fairly newbish at it as well, only weapons etc, armor is a new world to explore.

As you can probably see, the textures on the hood is very dark, almost black, is there any reason why?


The head is also invisible, but i will have to figure that out too, i have not made any alpha channels yet, that might be the case? As you may understand, i want everything but the hood itself gone, the whole facemask needs to go.

The reason why i did not just use alphas to remove the mask to begin with is because the helm hides the head behind a facecover and the mask, much like some of the other full-face helmets ingame, so i thought that i had to remove parts of the mesh to get this working.


Im only facing 2 problems and then im good to go.


Thanks again for all the help you guys have been giving, i don't like to bother you, but if i found tutorials that gave a little more detail it would be a lot easier, maybe i should have started with modding New Vegas first where everything works as it should to get the necesarry skill-level for this kind of modding, Nifskope is the challenge for me, but im learning, i hope this post can be to help for others as well however.

Edited by Sk8on
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yay for progress! Don't worry about asking questions.


The hood probably doesn't have tangent space, hence the darkness. In NifSkope, check the TriShapeData for the hood, ensure that BS Num UV Sets=4097. Then rClick on the TriShape and do Mesh>Update Tangent Space.


Regarding the face, that's a flag in the esm/esp. There's a thread around here somewhere on using TESSnip or SkyEdit to that end.

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Oh well i did'nt find the post, but i figured out how to remove face covers in skyedit myself, here is the result:




It was very easy with skyedit, to be sure i did this to all the hoods in the game ArmorNightingaleHelmetPlayer01, ArmorNightingaleHelmetPlayer02, ArmorNightingaleHelmetPlayer03 and ArmorNightingaleHelmet. What i did was just looking at body parts it got 4 records, skin, head, face and crown, i removed skin and face from the record and it gave me the result i wanted. however i still got the problem with a dark hood, i did set UV to 4097 as instructed (it was still on 1 after the tutorial i followed before i deleted the old bs shader and replaced it with a vanilla one. I also updated tangent spaces, but it did'nt seem to help..got one error message as well though "link points to wrong block type" this might be the problem, i do not know. Im currently looking over the nif to see if i can spot the problem, but it occured after i set the UV to 4097. I do not have the choice to "update tangent space" through mesh, but i can through batch - Update all tangent spaces.checked vanilla nif and i could do mesh - update tangent space by rclicking trishape there. The only difference between mine and vanilla is that mine does not "Have normals? - yes" at least what i can see, but it was the tutorial who told me to set "Has Normals - no"


;EDIT: Apparently setting "has normals - yes" enables the mesh ->update tangent spaces choice, but unfortuantly it does not give me any difference towards dakrness in the textures. and the error message "link points to wrong block type" persists.I checked the block type and it's bslightingshaderproperty - but it's linked as it should though. experimented a little here and just for fun enabled "has normals" again - updated tangent spaces and got this :http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j183/Siomir/2012-01-08_00002.jpg


So im one step closer again, its just the black spots on the hood that needs to be fixed, i want to add that when i enabled "has normals" the hood became completely black in nifskope, so i suspect there is something amiss here.

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If you didn't have normals before, then you'll need to right click on the TriShape again, and do Mesh>Face Normals. (by switching them on, it simply filled the field with all zeros, hence the darkness.) You'll want to update the tangent space again after this to reflect that change in the rest of the associated data.


"Link points to wrong type" should hopefully be fixed in the next NifSkope release. It's a problem on our end, and can (usually) be ignored, just make sure the ShaderProperty stays linked to the TriShape. It will fall out of line in the tree view if it does, but this shouldn't happen.

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haha, i was close, but yet abit off! But my final result!




Thanks a lot throttlekitty! Now i just need to make this work for cowl_1 and all the both for females and i got myself a maskless nightingale mod ^^


Hopefully there will be less pain when new blender plugins comes into play. :)

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