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A short lived modding career.


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I spent most of the weekend working on a mod that lets you decide when you want to start Dawnguard and Dragonborn..

I was unsuccessful with Dragonborn(the trigger is well hidden, nice one Beth), but Dawnguard was pretty easy.

Uploaded it, and the first comment I got was some one linking to a mod that does the same thing and then lists all the stuff that mine didnt do. Comments like that are basically deterrents. I didn't get anymore comments or downloads after that..

I had another much larger project I was taking a break from which was basically an overhaul of dungeon spawns(I was adding new ones). However the comment was so demoralizing and discouraging that I dropped the project because if I spend several months making 123 dungeons move "lively" just to have someone say another mod gives 100 more options than mine.. then no. So I took my mod down, and walked away from the modding. I feel I am useful in other areas, like touching folks how to script or something.

Edited by Lisselli
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I don't really get your complaint.

It's like I'm coming up with the idea "Let's build (more like invent them and then discovering they're already invented) a car" and then suddenly "Oh cars are already invented..." and then a dude comes up "man why are you trying to reinvent the wheel - there are so much more cars out there already, and they are capable of so much more.

And I'm like "Oh man everybodys mean".

For short: Before you start investing a lot of time and hard effort in making/creating a mod - always check if there is alredy something like your mod. It's the same with making Topics - always check first if your question/topic is already opened by another user. Or generally if you want to invent/make/produce stuff you first have to check if not another one is already doing the work.

I don't mean to be mean - Just want to point out before investing your precious time - Always check if something is already available.

And for your learning curve: rather then just dropping it and leaving modding behind you could look at the other mods and learn. What did they do different, what was better, what did I forget?
You can build up on that - and maybe have another Idea later for another mod someone hasn't come up with - and tada - your will to learn maybe pays out! :smile:

Good Luck!

Edited by softloader
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Wahaha the scene these days reminds me if hollywood actors and the many that become washed up junkies after they fail/get beat by better candidates (cough* teenage director pets *cough).


You need to find a unique spot to slot in. If you're dungeon mod is the same as another well defined mod, your trying to compete in a space that doesn't really need competition, only fulfillment of demand. Maybe take what parts (as in ideas not assets lol) you do like from those mods and create something unique that you yourself would play. And probably a good idea to do some research on those mods pages to see what users complain about. I find most people are pessimistic these days, quick to conclude.


PM me if you wanna chat.

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Ah, well, that was only you not researching a little bit if someone did it or not before, or say, if you are going to do something someone already did, then do it in a particular different way, maybe take a different approach/way so mod users have options to arrive at a same result. Then it's a matter of personal opinion for the user. Doesn't mean it will necessarily be as successful as the other, though. Don't worry about it. Also, you aren't the only one that such things happen.

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i know I am more active on other forums such as the Nexus FO4 or Nexus Witcher3/gwent threads,

though this speaks to me on a lot of levels...

I feel compelled to write in response.

Thank you for being earnest and still engaging with Nexus and modding in general despite a

once-off experience.


We all start somewhere.

my mod fu for Unity, FO4 or a few other programs, is weak. it is no good code fu...

I am in awe of everyone's awesome code-skills.

some modders on Nexus code for games or for a living in all kinds of backgrounds,

a lot of 'general knowledge' folks can't compete with them on everything,

that's just how the cookie crumbles hehe.


yet, no-one can be awesome at everything hehe :smile:

you have some ability at Skyrim-mod-fu, and it will become more in time.

maybe your unity-fu or other mod-fu develops more too?

skyrim fu, FO4-fu...


Some people are direct in their approach,

that can be a blessing in disguise sometimes, a quick signal

in 50 characters or less, which pre-warn,

so as to avoid duplication of efforts etc.

just to put things on the radar, so as you know it, if you dont know or so,

because for some reason, Murphy's Law of the net doesn't always hold,

and some people can't search-bar-fu or google-fu very well :smile:


others less so... they speak in full sentences and so,

their feedback can be more guided, and of more use to the (presumably) person who

took the time to try to do something.


it is like a form of textrage or bluntness,

(curse the minimalists, YOLOers and l337zors).

yet, it is concrit all the same.

sometimes, people think it is mod-theft or mod-mimicry...

or other foul play, to take the work others put in,

and not give the right folks the proper credit where credit is due.

it can fuel some misunderstandings.

Nexus is awesome compared to elsewhere, as flamewars are very rare,

and folks use PrivateMessages a lot.



these kinds of 'duplications' happen though, especially when 'great minds think alike'.

sometimes, a duplication help, because it can work where other ones do not.

or, if a disappearing drought happen, mirrors and so can help retain it.

collaborations generally avoid how some duplications can happen.

that way

"many hands make light work", and that balances against "too many cooks" :smile:



I hope you are not dissuaded from modding,

don't give up on some code-studies or code-fu hehe

or gaming, purely on one negative experience somewhat one time.

it happen, and the law of averages usually balances it out over the long run.

collabs and mods and fun are why a lot of folks are at nexus hehe.

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OK....so you are easily discouraged. Is this a new discovery you have made about yourself?

What you need to realize is that ALL modders receive criticism! Every. Single. One! So, what is the difference between the modder who keeps going and the one who takes down her mods after the first sign of negative feedback under the exact same social environment?

And what do you think is going to change? I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that the community of gamers will NOT change. You will keep receiving negative feedback from some, no matter what mod(s) you produce! So that leaves you with 2 options; either you quit, or you stop being so sensitive about negative comments and focus instead on the positives. Cultivate some confidence in yourself.

So what if half of the people don't like your mods? Any negative impact you experience is a reflection on your own insecurities. And you have the opportunity to change that!

If modding makes you happy and you enjoy it, then KEEP DOING IT!

Edited by Guest
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*shrugs* You need a fairly thick skin to publish mods. Personally, I just make mods I want, and publish it. It sucks, to recreate the wheel for a mod I admit.


If you want a fun challenge, that runs in same direction as your first mod,


Try creating a mod that allows you to do *both* dawn guard storylines. In theory it shouldn't be hard, but I never could get it to work right. The way it works in my head is this, instead of killing dawnguard members during a quest, you can make them vampires instead. Thus preserving their radiant quests, and unique vendors. -- Of course if anyone does know of a mod like that, by all means speak up. I'd love to crack it open with the ck and see how they managed it.

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