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Why Trump Won


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Winston, like many other famous politicians, was quite the political chameleon throughout his life and career, flipping from one perspective to the other, being contradictory, and keeping people guessing a lot of the time. A very useful tactic, especially when followed by a knowing wink and a *nudge nudge*...


Thing is pragmatism, and often the inconveniences and matter of fact of life, crosses political and party lines very often. It tis' the fool who does not look up to see what is around them.


However, perhaps 'applicable pragmatism' can only really be effective with a certain amount of 'populism' - or idealism i.e. getting people to do what you want them to do for less... Of course this can prove to be a barrel of firecrackers that can quickly become too hot to handle if it veers to far in either direction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So its official Trump won the Electoral College. He will be the next President of the United States.


Its amazing they tried to force a recount , succeeded in Wisconsin only to find out the vote tally was actually pretty accurate. Then mounted a campaign to get electors to deny him presidency in electoral college and failed. Its strange to say but this is like Hillary Clinton losing twice in the same election.

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For all the media focus on 'Hamilton Electors', last ditch Hollywood PSA's, organized email dunning of Electors...it turns out that only two Trump electors tried (unsuccessfully) to vote for someone else....whereas Hilary ended up with eight faithless delegates. After all was said and done only ONE faithless vote (HRC's loss) was recorded in this election. The remaining nine faithless electors were promptly replaced by alternates.


OK liberal snowflakes, that was your last desperate shot....Trump is going to be President, get used to it.

For better or worse we are all in the same lifeboat, so we better hope he succeeds.

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