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Why Trump Won


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Also imo the first step to rebuilding America's political system is to rehabilitate the intentionally corrupted terms liberal and conservative. We've had a century of intentional polarization on virtually all issues by a two-party cartel that has maintained its power almost exclusively by keeping us pointing fingers at each other, instead of where the fingers of blame belong: the two-party cartel itself. Runaway, tax-and-spend government is not "liberal", it's socialist. And borrow-and-spend bankrupting of America's federal government, by pretending fair trade with enslaved Communist countries is even possible, is not "conservative", it's treason to our Constitution.


Have you actually listened to anything Trump has said, or are you just relying on other people telling you what he said? I ask because you condemn him in one paragraph, and then come out with this in the next. A paragraph that could have been lifted from one of Trump's many speeches.


The man will not take office for another month. His announced cabinet picks give me great hope that he really does mean to "drain the swamp." Remember, for the first time in more than a century we have a President elect who is not beholden to either political party or to a special interest. I was a reluctant Trump voter (I wasn't sure what he was going to do, but I was almost certain what Hillary was planning to do,) but given the six week temper tantrum the left has been throwing since the election, I'm still shaking from how big of a bullet the country just dodged.


Drain the swamp? Is that some kind of troll?


Look at Trump's cabinet picks so far:


Secretary of State - Rex Tillerson, CEO ExxonMobil Corporation

Attorney General - Sen. Jeff Sessions

Secretary of Health and Human Services - Rep. Tom Price (the ACA will be defunded immediately)

Secretary of Commerce - Wilbur Ross (aka "King of Bankruptcy")

Secretary of Defense - Gen. James Mattis

Secretary of "Department of Homeland Security" - Gen. John Kelly

Secretary of Energy - Rick Perry (think fracked and permanently polluted Texas)



Trump is draining the swamp directly into the White House. Simply watch what happens. As mentioned elsewhere I give Trump six months in office before impeachment proceedings begin due to incompetence and/or legal scandal, and if he starts getting in the way of the machine's agenda it will happen even sooner.


IMO we've been electing outright despots to lead our country since Nixon, regardless of party, and I can think of nobody more appropriate to see a failed, bankrupt and now outright fascist federal government to its final demise than the very king of the prostitutes. If that sounds extreme, Ben Franklin predicted exactly this eventual fate, well over two centuries ago. Our corrupted political system allows for no option other than electing despots and traitors. So imo the only option is to abolish our Executive Branch entirely. Again if it sounds extreme, according to history it's a natural progression in government that countries from Britain to China have gone through. It had an essential function during our revolutionary years, in absence of formal declarations of war from Congress it's become nothing but a playground for fascism, military adventurism and special interest corruption.


Yes, because top people in their fields must have gotten there dishonestly. /sarc/


For the first time in my lifetime, we have an incoming administration that is filling the cabinet with top people from the private sector rather than career politicians (with a few notable exceptions.) I, for one, have gotten sick a tiered of the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the left side of the aisle. Trump won because of a rejection of the liberal ideas that have been shoved down the American people's throats for the past eight years.


You mentioned the ACA? Also say goodbye to Obamacare, police consent decrees, the war on energy in the name of AGW, and (I strongly suspect) a large portion of the current civil service. To me, this looks like a return to 1980, but without an obstructionist congress to clog up the works.


As the current president so infamously said, "Elections have consequences." Go back to your "safe space" for the next four years and let Trump get on with the Herculean task of undoing the damage the left has done over the past fifty. You can try to vote him out in 2020, but I have a strong suspicion that will not happen.



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"Top people from the private sector"? Ok now I'm sure you're trolling.


Rex Tillerson is a civil engineer.

Jeff Sessions wrote the book on partisan politics in our Senate.

And I'm sure Rick Perry will finish the job with fusion energy, instead of pollute Texas forever on behalf of his coal and oil industry sponsors. Not.


Face facts, this is "leadership" without even the pretense of doing what's best for our country. Watch and learn.

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I thought Tillerson was a good choice, and it demonstrated Trumps willingness to go outside the box, which is what he was elected to do; if Trump has a mandate for anything it is to break the mold. You don't become CEO of Exxon without being extremely competent, so well done Mr Trump. I'm not so sure about some of the other choices but time will tell.


So far the only thing I am really disappointed in is Trump's Kowtowing to Israel, I was hoping for a little less servility. Early on in the primaries Trump expressed a desire to take a more neutral stand vis-a-vis Israeli Palestinian issues, suggesting he could broker a lasting peace with such an approach. With his current direction there will be no peace there, just more misery and suffering on both sides. Perhaps this was a price he had to pay to bring the Republican party to his side, but I don't like it.


Someone who has been overlooked post election for her work in getting Trump elected is Kellyanne Conway. I thought his campaign became more focused and resilient and able to weather the storm of controversies after she became involved in a big huge way. Ironic that the supposedly misogynist Trump might owe his presidency to a woman.

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To me and my family, that Trump was even considered a viable presidential candidate was more than enough proof that either nothing or virtually nothing remains to be salvaged of the U.S. Again we'll see what happens, imo the length of his presidency will be measured in months not years due to scandal, legal problems and/or global holocaust. Trump might be your president, unfortunately my conscience prevents him from ever being mine, hell I don't even recognize Bush's alphabet soup of domestic terrorists (the current "Homeland Security" teetsuckers). It will all collapse far quicker and easier than many Americans imagine it ever could, just like the USSR.

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"Top people from the private sector"? Ok now I'm sure you're trolling.


Rex Tillerson is a civil engineer.

Jeff Sessions wrote the book on partisan politics in our Senate.

And I'm sure Rick Perry will finish the job with fusion energy, instead of pollute Texas forever on behalf of his coal and oil industry sponsors. Not.


Face facts, this is "leadership" without even the pretense of doing what's best for our country. Watch and learn.

Well after eight years of 'leading from behind'....leading from the front might seem confusing.

No matter whom he picked, I'm willing to wager that you wouldn't like them.

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"Top people from the private sector"? Ok now I'm sure you're trolling.


Rex Tillerson is a civil engineer.

Jeff Sessions wrote the book on partisan politics in our Senate.

And I'm sure Rick Perry will finish the job with fusion energy, instead of pollute Texas forever on behalf of his coal and oil industry sponsors. Not.


Face facts, this is "leadership" without even the pretense of doing what's best for our country. Watch and learn.

Well after eight years of 'leading from behind'....leading from the front might seem confusing.

No matter whom he picked, I'm willing to wager that you wouldn't like them.


If war for oil and money is the problem, please tell us how appointing ExxonMobil's CEO to be America's Secretary of State is going to help.


Stupidity is infinite punishment.

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"Top people from the private sector"? Ok now I'm sure you're trolling.


Rex Tillerson is a civil engineer.

Jeff Sessions wrote the book on partisan politics in our Senate.

And I'm sure Rick Perry will finish the job with fusion energy, instead of pollute Texas forever on behalf of his coal and oil industry sponsors. Not.


Face facts, this is "leadership" without even the pretense of doing what's best for our country. Watch and learn.

Well after eight years of 'leading from behind'....leading from the front might seem confusing.

No matter whom he picked, I'm willing to wager that you wouldn't like them.


If war for oil and money is the problem, please tell us how appointing ExxonMobil's CEO to be America's Secretary of State is going to help.


Stupidity is infinite punishment.


If you think that the struggle for control of essential resources is not in the Vital Interests of the US then I suggest that you review the last 75 years of US Foreign Policy.

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If you want irony, if not utter disgust, according to experts, for less than the cost of a single year's tax subsidies to Big Oil ($30B as opposed to $40B) we could be free forever from these "essential resources", and make fusion energy a reality. Even if America doesn't, governments of other countries are not prostituted or as prostituted to the oil cartel as ours is, e.g. China just successfully test fired their own fusion reactor and they've got hard dates set for conversion to fusion reactors. Their mining operations of helium-3 (on the moon) begin in 2020. Meanwhile Rick Perry will be busy destroying the ecology of Texas practically forever, and Trump will continue sending other people's kids to fight and die for Halliburton and ExxonMobil, in defense of the fossil fuel industry.


Again imo this is GWB without any pretenses to progress, morality or responsibility to the American people. To claim I'd have the same opinion of 300 million other people that I have of ExxonMobil's CEO being America's Secretary of State is not only ridiculous but desperate imo. I suppose it's the best spin one can put on Trump's wagging of his genitals to the world. Get used to it because I think we'll be seeing lots more in the future. He hasn't even taken office yet.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Fusion? There has not been one proven successful attempt at fusion. By that I mean a repeatable experiment with identical lab results . So if that is your fantasy that keeps you warm at night , be my guest. I can see that reason with not persuade you that your assertions are hyperbolic, so I won't try. We have a fascist government and fusion energy is just waiting to be put online...dear god little snowflake it's going to be rough on you for the next few years as reality comes crashing in. Last but by no means least; we fight for each other because of a shared ideal and that they are closer than brothers, not for Exon, the Flag or even you...ask any vet and he will tell you the same thing.

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