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Why Trump Won


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The whole thing with political correctness and whatever is a worrying joke... People who think that they have all this new found freedom are in for a shock, because nothing is free. It will be paid for with lives if need be.

Political affiliation is meaningless unless you have the power and wealth to rise above it all anyway. What happens is the reshaping of narrative, and Trump is exceptionally good at this to the point where journalists are concerned. Perhaps they may have themselves to blame but this doesn't help us. What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters.

Nothing has really changed, the overton window is still very much intact and there appears to be little appetite for actul revolution. This is the 'new' political landscape and they have done an exceptional job at pulling the curtains, it's almost admirable if it wasn't so deceptive and exploititive.

Indeed the Trump supporters are in for a HUGE shock.Mainly because what they expect is not going to happen.What do you mean by," What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters."I'm apolitical i'm not at all impressed by political figures so i can't see how i could be manipulated.
Self censorship will be one way, unless one really is willing to go the distance... Which could be very ugly. Another way is the changing and selecting of context. Taking what people say and changing its meaning to serve political ends. Lastly being disengaged and ambivalent will not stop people speaking for you and signing you up to things you may not agree with or even know about.

This isn't to even confront the problem of 'real' and 'fake' news which if not intentionally misleading, still makes it next to impossible to know what you believe is true or gather enough support to fight for that truth. Even if you are and you can, they will still crush most opposition wuth relative ease.

Self censorship?I don't even understand the concept,why in Zeus would anyone that respects their own perception want to censor themselves?I censor nothing,ask my friends they hate me sometimes.

What do you mean by,"changing and selecting of context"Could you give an example?

I am very much the same and get into hot water with folks all the time. Even through the choice of words we self censor, it is a human natural trait for creating social constructs. This is looking at it from a most fundamental level. In fact the only people I've met who were properly 'uncensored' would be considered autistic or learning disabled (this is one example of the other point about the changing of context and intention).


Another example of changing what people mean is evident in the art world, or religion. Taking things and applying a narrative and subjection to what was originally intended. This happens all the time, it is what inherently defines Propaganda, and most things are Propaganda from one perspective or another. Thus the importance of finding different sources and applying critcal thinking. Unfortunately the number of people willing and able to apply the time and resources to do so is dwindling.


Welcome to a new dark ages, or enlightenment depending on your disposition and research on the subject! :D


I never "self-censor" I always say exactly what i want when i want without compunction.I don't f***ing care how anyone takes it i am who i am.Have you ever seen

Ozzy and the Osmonds.Well i would fit in quite well with these wonderful people...


In all reality, I wish more people would take that attitude. Call it what it is. Don't dance around the topic like it was plutonium or something. Spit it out. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. Don't worry about offending me, or anyone else. You can't toss an honorific in this society without pissing off someone. Screw 'em. I don't recall reading anywhere that you have the right to never be offended.....

Edited by HeyYou
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The whole thing with political correctness and whatever is a worrying joke... People who think that they have all this new found freedom are in for a shock, because nothing is free. It will be paid for with lives if need be.

Political affiliation is meaningless unless you have the power and wealth to rise above it all anyway. What happens is the reshaping of narrative, and Trump is exceptionally good at this to the point where journalists are concerned. Perhaps they may have themselves to blame but this doesn't help us. What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters.

Nothing has really changed, the overton window is still very much intact and there appears to be little appetite for actul revolution. This is the 'new' political landscape and they have done an exceptional job at pulling the curtains, it's almost admirable if it wasn't so deceptive and exploititive.

Indeed the Trump supporters are in for a HUGE shock.Mainly because what they expect is not going to happen.What do you mean by," What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters."I'm apolitical i'm not at all impressed by political figures so i can't see how i could be manipulated.
Self censorship will be one way, unless one really is willing to go the distance... Which could be very ugly. Another way is the changing and selecting of context. Taking what people say and changing its meaning to serve political ends. Lastly being disengaged and ambivalent will not stop people speaking for you and signing you up to things you may not agree with or even know about.

This isn't to even confront the problem of 'real' and 'fake' news which if not intentionally misleading, still makes it next to impossible to know what you believe is true or gather enough support to fight for that truth. Even if you are and you can, they will still crush most opposition wuth relative ease.

Self censorship?I don't even understand the concept,why in Zeus would anyone that respects their own perception want to censor themselves?I censor nothing,ask my friends they hate me sometimes.

What do you mean by,"changing and selecting of context"Could you give an example?

I am very much the same and get into hot water with folks all the time. Even through the choice of words we self censor, it is a human natural trait for creating social constructs. This is looking at it from a most fundamental level. In fact the only people I've met who were properly 'uncensored' would be considered autistic or learning disabled (this is one example of the other point about the changing of context and intention).


Another example of changing what people mean is evident in the art world, or religion. Taking things and applying a narrative and subjection to what was originally intended. This happens all the time, it is what inherently defines Propaganda, and most things are Propaganda from one perspective or another. Thus the importance of finding different sources and applying critcal thinking. Unfortunately the number of people willing and able to apply the time and resources to do so is dwindling.


Welcome to a new dark ages, or enlightenment depending on your disposition and research on the subject! :D


I never "self-censor" I always say exactly what i want when i want without compunction.I don't f***ing care how anyone takes it i am who i am.Have you ever seen

Ozzy and the Osmonds.Well i would fit in quite well with these wonderful people...


In all reality, I wish more people would take that attitude. Call it what it is. Don't dance around the topic like it was plutonium or something. Spit it out. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. Don't worry about offending me, or anyone else. You can't toss an honorific in this society without pissing off someone. Screw 'em. I don't recall reading anywhere that you have the right to never be offended.....


Ok,i'm trying to figure why i have HeyYou blocked...i have no idea except that you/he/she pissed me off somewhere,i'm not sure.Anyway i like what you're saying here and perhaps we can go back to being friendly until you piss me off again.Love Gandalf...

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The whole thing with political correctness and whatever is a worrying joke... People who think that they have all this new found freedom are in for a shock, because nothing is free. It will be paid for with lives if need be.

Political affiliation is meaningless unless you have the power and wealth to rise above it all anyway. What happens is the reshaping of narrative, and Trump is exceptionally good at this to the point where journalists are concerned. Perhaps they may have themselves to blame but this doesn't help us. What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters.

Nothing has really changed, the overton window is still very much intact and there appears to be little appetite for actul revolution. This is the 'new' political landscape and they have done an exceptional job at pulling the curtains, it's almost admirable if it wasn't so deceptive and exploititive.

Indeed the Trump supporters are in for a HUGE shock.Mainly because what they expect is not going to happen.What do you mean by," What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters."I'm apolitical i'm not at all impressed by political figures so i can't see how i could be manipulated.
Self censorship will be one way, unless one really is willing to go the distance... Which could be very ugly. Another way is the changing and selecting of context. Taking what people say and changing its meaning to serve political ends. Lastly being disengaged and ambivalent will not stop people speaking for you and signing you up to things you may not agree with or even know about.

This isn't to even confront the problem of 'real' and 'fake' news which if not intentionally misleading, still makes it next to impossible to know what you believe is true or gather enough support to fight for that truth. Even if you are and you can, they will still crush most opposition wuth relative ease.

Self censorship?I don't even understand the concept,why in Zeus would anyone that respects their own perception want to censor themselves?I censor nothing,ask my friends they hate me sometimes.

What do you mean by,"changing and selecting of context"Could you give an example?

I am very much the same and get into hot water with folks all the time. Even through the choice of words we self censor, it is a human natural trait for creating social constructs. This is looking at it from a most fundamental level. In fact the only people I've met who were properly 'uncensored' would be considered autistic or learning disabled (this is one example of the other point about the changing of context and intention).


Another example of changing what people mean is evident in the art world, or religion. Taking things and applying a narrative and subjection to what was originally intended. This happens all the time, it is what inherently defines Propaganda, and most things are Propaganda from one perspective or another. Thus the importance of finding different sources and applying critcal thinking. Unfortunately the number of people willing and able to apply the time and resources to do so is dwindling.


Welcome to a new dark ages, or enlightenment depending on your disposition and research on the subject! :D


I never "self-censor" I always say exactly what i want when i want without compunction.I don't f***ing care how anyone takes it i am who i am.Have you ever seen

Ozzy and the Osmonds.Well i would fit in quite well with these wonderful people...


In all reality, I wish more people would take that attitude. Call it what it is. Don't dance around the topic like it was plutonium or something. Spit it out. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. Don't worry about offending me, or anyone else. You can't toss an honorific in this society without pissing off someone. Screw 'em. I don't recall reading anywhere that you have the right to never be offended.....


Ok,i'm trying to figure why i have HeyYou blocked...i have no idea except that you/he/she pissed me off somewhere,i'm not sure.Anyway i like what you're saying here and perhaps we can go back to being friendly until you piss me off again.Love Gandalf...




I'm a "he", last I checked.


Can't have too many friends. :D

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The whole thing with political correctness and whatever is a worrying joke... People who think that they have all this new found freedom are in for a shock, because nothing is free. It will be paid for with lives if need be.

Political affiliation is meaningless unless you have the power and wealth to rise above it all anyway. What happens is the reshaping of narrative, and Trump is exceptionally good at this to the point where journalists are concerned. Perhaps they may have themselves to blame but this doesn't help us. What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters.

Nothing has really changed, the overton window is still very much intact and there appears to be little appetite for actul revolution. This is the 'new' political landscape and they have done an exceptional job at pulling the curtains, it's almost admirable if it wasn't so deceptive and exploititive.

Indeed the Trump supporters are in for a HUGE shock.Mainly because what they expect is not going to happen.What do you mean by," What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters."I'm apolitical i'm not at all impressed by political figures so i can't see how i could be manipulated.
Self censorship will be one way, unless one really is willing to go the distance... Which could be very ugly. Another way is the changing and selecting of context. Taking what people say and changing its meaning to serve political ends. Lastly being disengaged and ambivalent will not stop people speaking for you and signing you up to things you may not agree with or even know about.

This isn't to even confront the problem of 'real' and 'fake' news which if not intentionally misleading, still makes it next to impossible to know what you believe is true or gather enough support to fight for that truth. Even if you are and you can, they will still crush most opposition wuth relative ease.

Self censorship?I don't even understand the concept,why in Zeus would anyone that respects their own perception want to censor themselves?I censor nothing,ask my friends they hate me sometimes.

What do you mean by,"changing and selecting of context"Could you give an example?

I am very much the same and get into hot water with folks all the time. Even through the choice of words we self censor, it is a human natural trait for creating social constructs. This is looking at it from a most fundamental level. In fact the only people I've met who were properly 'uncensored' would be considered autistic or learning disabled (this is one example of the other point about the changing of context and intention).


Another example of changing what people mean is evident in the art world, or religion. Taking things and applying a narrative and subjection to what was originally intended. This happens all the time, it is what inherently defines Propaganda, and most things are Propaganda from one perspective or another. Thus the importance of finding different sources and applying critcal thinking. Unfortunately the number of people willing and able to apply the time and resources to do so is dwindling.


Welcome to a new dark ages, or enlightenment depending on your disposition and research on the subject! :D


I never "self-censor" I always say exactly what i want when i want without compunction.I don't f***ing care how anyone takes it i am who i am.Have you ever seen

Ozzy and the Osmonds.Well i would fit in quite well with these wonderful people...


In all reality, I wish more people would take that attitude. Call it what it is. Don't dance around the topic like it was plutonium or something. Spit it out. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. Don't worry about offending me, or anyone else. You can't toss an honorific in this society without pissing off someone. Screw 'em. I don't recall reading anywhere that you have the right to never be offended.....


Ok,i'm trying to figure why i have HeyYou blocked...i have no idea except that you/he/she pissed me off somewhere,i'm not sure.Anyway i like what you're saying here and perhaps we can go back to being friendly until you piss me off again.Love Gandalf...




I'm a "he", last I checked.


Can't have too many friends. :D


This is starting to annoy me,i can't remember why i blocked you,what the bloody hell did you do to me and how many times?Even more annoying is that i like what you're saying,stop it.Hehe...Now i have to unblock you,even more annoying because you're causing me to act.I don't like that ,i prefer passivity i don't enjoy acting look what you've done to me!!!!Damn you!!!

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By saying something you always choose not to say something else. However much we might find it infuriating, we are still products of our surroundings.


Yes indeed, a practical exercise in the choices I'm referring to. Maybe 'self-censorship' is not the correct phrase as that seems a little triggered...


The point is that you can't live multiple lives and so we have no real relatable comparison. There are not two presidents, for example, so we can only speak from the one perspective.


We choose to believe and think a certain way and although that can change, we cannot change what has happened nor easily the thoughts and actions of others.


We make decisions we may think are our own, but they are always made from the experiences and formulated opinions that have led us to that point.


Like I said before it may be possible to be 'different' but it takes a special kind of conviction and if it is not in the interest of an established order then if you don't buy into it then things will be quite a challenge to say the least.

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By saying something you always choose not to say something else. However much we might find it infuriating, we are still products of our surroundings.

Yes indeed, a practical exercise in the choiced I'm referring to. Maybe 'self-censorship' is not the correct phrase as that seems a little triggered...


The point is that you can't live multiple lives and so we have no real relatable comparison. There are not two presidents, for example, so we can only speak from the one perspective.


We choose to believe and think a certain way and although that can change, we cannot change what has happened nor easily the thoughts and actions of others.


We make decisions we may think are our own, but they are always made from the experiences and formulated opiniona that have led us to that point.


Like I said before it may be possible to be 'different' but it takes a special kind of conviction and if it is not in the interest of an established order then if you don't buy into it then things will quite a challenge to say the least.


You are babbling.Why i don't get it?Do you actually think that nonsense impresses?

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The whole thing with political correctness and whatever is a worrying joke... People who think that they have all this new found freedom are in for a shock, because nothing is free. It will be paid for with lives if need be.

Political affiliation is meaningless unless you have the power and wealth to rise above it all anyway. What happens is the reshaping of narrative, and Trump is exceptionally good at this to the point where journalists are concerned. Perhaps they may have themselves to blame but this doesn't help us. What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters.

Nothing has really changed, the overton window is still very much intact and there appears to be little appetite for actul revolution. This is the 'new' political landscape and they have done an exceptional job at pulling the curtains, it's almost admirable if it wasn't so deceptive and exploititive.

Indeed the Trump supporters are in for a HUGE shock.Mainly because what they expect is not going to happen.What do you mean by," What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters."I'm apolitical i'm not at all impressed by political figures so i can't see how i could be manipulated.
Self censorship will be one way, unless one really is willing to go the distance... Which could be very ugly. Another way is the changing and selecting of context. Taking what people say and changing its meaning to serve political ends. Lastly being disengaged and ambivalent will not stop people speaking for you and signing you up to things you may not agree with or even know about.

This isn't to even confront the problem of 'real' and 'fake' news which if not intentionally misleading, still makes it next to impossible to know what you believe is true or gather enough support to fight for that truth. Even if you are and you can, they will still crush most opposition wuth relative ease.

Self censorship?I don't even understand the concept,why in Zeus would anyone that respects their own perception want to censor themselves?I censor nothing,ask my friends they hate me sometimes.

What do you mean by,"changing and selecting of context"Could you give an example?

I am very much the same and get into hot water with folks all the time. Even through the choice of words we self censor, it is a human natural trait for creating social constructs. This is looking at it from a most fundamental level. In fact the only people I've met who were properly 'uncensored' would be considered autistic or learning disabled (this is one example of the other point about the changing of context and intention).


Another example of changing what people mean is evident in the art world, or religion. Taking things and applying a narrative and subjection to what was originally intended. This happens all the time, it is what inherently defines Propaganda, and most things are Propaganda from one perspective or another. Thus the importance of finding different sources and applying critcal thinking. Unfortunately the number of people willing and able to apply the time and resources to do so is dwindling.


Welcome to a new dark ages, or enlightenment depending on your disposition and research on the subject! :D


I never "self-censor" I always say exactly what i want when i want without compunction.I don't f***ing care how anyone takes it i am who i am.Have you ever seen

Ozzy and the Osmonds.Well i would fit in quite well with these wonderful people...


In all reality, I wish more people would take that attitude. Call it what it is. Don't dance around the topic like it was plutonium or something. Spit it out. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. Don't worry about offending me, or anyone else. You can't toss an honorific in this society without pissing off someone. Screw 'em. I don't recall reading anywhere that you have the right to never be offended.....


Ok,i'm trying to figure why i have HeyYou blocked...i have no idea except that you/he/she pissed me off somewhere,i'm not sure.Anyway i like what you're saying here and perhaps we can go back to being friendly until you piss me off again.Love Gandalf...




I'm a "he", last I checked.


Can't have too many friends. :D


This is starting to annoy me,i can't remember why i blocked you,what the bloody hell did you do to me and how many times?Even more annoying is that i like what you're saying,stop it.Hehe...Now i have to unblock you,even more annoying because you're causing me to act.I don't like that ,i prefer passivity i don't enjoy acting look what you've done to me!!!!Damn you!!!


I haven't the faintest what I could have said/done to prompt you to block me. In all reality, I don't remember that many interactions between us.... Am I really that annoying? :D (are we there yet?)


If folks actually said what they meant, and didn't try and couch it in pretty words, there would be far fewer misunderstandings in the world.

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The whole thing with political correctness and whatever is a worrying joke... People who think that they have all this new found freedom are in for a shock, because nothing is free. It will be paid for with lives if need be.

Political affiliation is meaningless unless you have the power and wealth to rise above it all anyway. What happens is the reshaping of narrative, and Trump is exceptionally good at this to the point where journalists are concerned. Perhaps they may have themselves to blame but this doesn't help us. What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters.

Nothing has really changed, the overton window is still very much intact and there appears to be little appetite for actul revolution. This is the 'new' political landscape and they have done an exceptional job at pulling the curtains, it's almost admirable if it wasn't so deceptive and exploititive.

Indeed the Trump supporters are in for a HUGE shock.Mainly because what they expect is not going to happen.What do you mean by," What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters."I'm apolitical i'm not at all impressed by political figures so i can't see how i could be manipulated.
Self censorship will be one way, unless one really is willing to go the distance... Which could be very ugly. Another way is the changing and selecting of context. Taking what people say and changing its meaning to serve political ends. Lastly being disengaged and ambivalent will not stop people speaking for you and signing you up to things you may not agree with or even know about.

This isn't to even confront the problem of 'real' and 'fake' news which if not intentionally misleading, still makes it next to impossible to know what you believe is true or gather enough support to fight for that truth. Even if you are and you can, they will still crush most opposition wuth relative ease.

Self censorship?I don't even understand the concept,why in Zeus would anyone that respects their own perception want to censor themselves?I censor nothing,ask my friends they hate me sometimes.

What do you mean by,"changing and selecting of context"Could you give an example?

I am very much the same and get into hot water with folks all the time. Even through the choice of words we self censor, it is a human natural trait for creating social constructs. This is looking at it from a most fundamental level. In fact the only people I've met who were properly 'uncensored' would be considered autistic or learning disabled (this is one example of the other point about the changing of context and intention).


Another example of changing what people mean is evident in the art world, or religion. Taking things and applying a narrative and subjection to what was originally intended. This happens all the time, it is what inherently defines Propaganda, and most things are Propaganda from one perspective or another. Thus the importance of finding different sources and applying critcal thinking. Unfortunately the number of people willing and able to apply the time and resources to do so is dwindling.


Welcome to a new dark ages, or enlightenment depending on your disposition and research on the subject! :D


I never "self-censor" I always say exactly what i want when i want without compunction.I don't f***ing care how anyone takes it i am who i am.Have you ever seen

Ozzy and the Osmonds.Well i would fit in quite well with these wonderful people...


In all reality, I wish more people would take that attitude. Call it what it is. Don't dance around the topic like it was plutonium or something. Spit it out. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. Don't worry about offending me, or anyone else. You can't toss an honorific in this society without pissing off someone. Screw 'em. I don't recall reading anywhere that you have the right to never be offended.....


Ok,i'm trying to figure why i have HeyYou blocked...i have no idea except that you/he/she pissed me off somewhere,i'm not sure.Anyway i like what you're saying here and perhaps we can go back to being friendly until you piss me off again.Love Gandalf...




I'm a "he", last I checked.


Can't have too many friends. :D


This is starting to annoy me,i can't remember why i blocked you,what the bloody hell did you do to me and how many times?Even more annoying is that i like what you're saying,stop it.Hehe...Now i have to unblock you,even more annoying because you're causing me to act.I don't like that ,i prefer passivity i don't enjoy acting look what you've done to me!!!!Damn you!!!


I haven't the faintest what I could have said/done to prompt you to block me. In all reality, I don't remember that many interactions between us.... Am I really that annoying? :D (are we there yet?)


If folks actually said what they meant, and didn't try and couch it in pretty words, there would be far fewer misunderstandings in the world.


I know, we should always say what we think,that's what i keep telling my pissed off friends,i insult you because i love you..They don't buy it...i...i..i... don't know why. Why?

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