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Why Trump Won


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The fact is, only 18% of America wants the ACA repealed in its entirety. Trump is doing it anyway, and he began the process on the same day he proudly proclaimed that the American people will never be ignored again. As mentioned before imo it's a new low in abject hypocrisy.


As far as who I wanted to win, I'm more glad Hillary lost than sad that Trump won. Because the Republican Party in its current state of civil war has proven itself incapable of anything other than attack of their political opponents and blockage of our political processes, and an HRC win would have meant another do-nothing-except-attack-the-president Congress for four or eight years. I mourn our Judicial Branch, or rather what little remains of it. Half of the Supreme Court is on life support and imo we can look forward to some unprecedented prostitutes being appointed to it, which will make even Anton Scalia look like a girl scout. This assumes of course that Trump doesn't follow through on his promise to "renogotiate" our national debt (i.e. admit bankruptcy) and the entire government collapses under the weight of its own corruption and near-total dysfunction. The other possible eventuality is that China makes fusion power a reality, sending Big Oil to its practical demise as King of the World and converting our dollar into really stiff toilet paper. I don't think Trump's cabinet picks are accidental. It's basically another version of the GWB/Halliburton/Chevron Oil gang from before Obama. Even Condi Rice was from Chevron. Did you know, according to Pentagon budget papers, Dick Cheney chose military targets in Iraq based on Halliburton's potential profit margins for reconstruction of his targets. The punchline to this joke is that, as far as anyone knows, he did nothing illegal. It's simply what happens when you give oil execs control of your White House and military. New levels of despotism in human history.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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The fact is, only 18% of America wants the ACA repealed in its entirety. Trump is doing it anyway, and he began the process on the same day he proudly proclaimed that the American people will never be ignored again. As mentioned before imo it's a new low in abject hypocrisy.


As far as who I wanted to win, I'm more glad Hillary lost than sad that Trump won. Because the Republican Party in its current state of civil war has proven itself incapable of anything other than attack of their political opponents and blockage of our political processes, and an HRC win would have meant another do-nothing-except-attack-the-president Congress for four or eight years. I mourn our Judicial Branch, or rather what little remains of it. Half the court is on life support and imo we can look forward to some unprecedented prostitutes being appointed to our Supreme Court, which will make even Anton Scalia look like a girl scout.

According to CNN (Not Trump fans) just put out a poll that only 22% favor retaining Obamacare, 4 out of 5 favor it's demise and replacement.

As for a strict conservative SCOTUS appointment......most conservatives that I know who were on the fence about voting for him.....that was the tipping point, the thought of an Obama / HRC activist appointee sitting on the court was an anathema..


I knowhttp://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2017/01/23/cnn-poll-americans-overwhelmingly-support-obamacare-repeal-n2275224

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Qunnipiac does not equate to "Trump fans". Their latest poll says only 18% support entirely repealing Obamacare. 31% don't want any part of it repealed, another 47% wish only parts of it to be replaced:




So your claim that 4 out of 5 Americans favor its demise or replacement is more than spin, it's outright disinformation. The program is fully supported by almost twice as many Americans as those who wish it to be entirely repealed (31 vs 18%) and another half of us are pushing for a single-payer overhaul of the current program.

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Qunnipiac does not equate to "Trump fans". Their latest poll says only 18% support entirely repealing Obamacare. 31% don't want any part of it repealed, another 47% wish only parts of it to be replaced:




So your claim that 4 out of 5 Americans favor its demise or replacement is more than spin, it's outright disinformation. The program is fully supported by almost twice as many Americans as those who wish it to be entirely repealed (31 vs 18%) and another half of us are pushing for a single-payer overhaul of the current program.

You may play dueling polls all you like, I simply quoted CNN given your disdain for Fox. However Obamacare is toast one way or the other...that much is certain.

I personally am enjoying the rapid demise of Obama's policies...that it drives progressives up the wall is just the icing on the cake.

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I'm 100% certain time will expose the American people as the sole losers in this election. Given these two candidates it would have been true regardless of who won imo.


I'm also certain future historians will simply read and stare with astonishment, as we once again rally to protect the former abomination we called a health care system. Welcome to the good old days, where corporate profit takes precedence over public health. This appears to be Trump's idea of "restoring" America.


IMO bottom line is, health care is a universal requirement for citizens and therefore the cost of this care should be likewise distributed among everyone, or as close to everyone as possible. We're the only industrialized country on Earth that doesn't have a national health care system, and we know from the experience of other countries that the quality of single-payer systems depends almost entirely on per capita GDP of the countries in which they operate. If we did implement a national health care tax to fund a single-payer system, we actually could afford the best health care system in the world, by quite a margin.

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Yeah, but, when you talk about a "New Tax", a fairly significant percentage of the population will automatically say "NO!!!". Of course, its not like we aren't well aware the many ways our government squanders the tax dollars they are getting already. They are about as fiscally responsible as a two-year-old. Maybe not even that good.


I will grant you, a single-payer system would be a good solution, provide the payer could actually manage the funds...... But, it would also tend to wipe out a significant revenue stream for the insurance industry.... and for-profit health care providers would be whining about how their payments for services got dramatically cut. They would no longer be able to charge folks 600 bucks for a friggin' towel.......

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I hope Trump makes a good job of it, for all our sakes, because if he doesn't it will be bad for everyone.

I may not necessarily agree with all the policies (or at least the surface of them) but I do think the whole thing had become too toxic to actually discuss anything. I am afraid I think Trump, or rather the republican/democrat (i.e. establishment) actually deliberately toxified the narrative because they saw the chance to take/maintain control and gain more power.

Now 'they' have it, they will be able to what they do with it (some more). I only hope that all these new 'politically incorrect', sharpshooting 'conservatives' can remain stoic enough to not to let themselves (and everyone else) be be taken for another ride the way Neoliberalism™ and Globalism™ has taken the world into the sticky situation we are now trying to get out of.

Party politics is as dangerous as anarchy, moderation and the inclusion of minorities is what separates a democracy from tyranny. Maintain reason and the freedom to think for yourself otherwise we may skip the waterboarding and go full-on capsized!

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Look here, its not just about that, the direct policy, through I must say I am pleased by the mans integrity, that hes actually doing what he said he would do to the best of his abilities. Most just sort back off once elected. Trump is a smart man.


He has demonstrated this in his dealings through much of his long life. I am not just pulling this out of the air. He understands how to get things done, he understands management.


He is not stereotypical of what is expected for such a position, but if you cant pragmatically see the potential of the man, and are impressed so easily by surface things that don't matter, then your perception is lacking....and that his is a outsider, is all the better. He could not do the job we elected him for otherwise.


Most all men that do great things historically are not what you would expect, not taken seriously but then...bam...greatness, and people stop laughing....they make waves that change the course of things.


It takes such a person, such a entrepreneurial spirit, a stubbornness and an ability to understand the hearts and minds, of his opposition and his supports, and grab them where they live...like it was one of his projects.



Many of the people that elected him want to kill the mainstream overload of fanatical politically correct lunacy that was trying to force itself on mainstream society. Trying to make it seem normal and excepted.


Think of what Judge (wish she had run in Hillary's place hahaha) on fox news said directly after he one the election...we want our way of life back.


I know Christians, a few satanist, atheists, even more conventional radical humanists..people from all walks of life, poor men, wealthy men, that want this. Some just on general principle, even if it effects them badly in some small way.


That's how bad its got.


I could name enough people to populate a university, I talked to, just off the top of my head in the last few months.


I want you to understand its about more than it seems to be about.


This man has resonance with his supporters. There is a strong undercurrent of emotion, an advertiser could even use to sell products in the wake of his election. The tension has been so thick you could cut it with a knife.


Even the pc people know its about more than it seems to be about. That is why the unheard of reaction. That's why they take it personal because, guess what? Bellow the surface it really is. On both sides.


Trump will be able to unite some but not all once there ridiculous fears don't come to pass..like the bs propaganda would suggest..but some people will take it so personally that they will never be reached because they are too fighting for there way of life as they see it.


They want the carnival to continue until it spins out of control. we want to cancel the show call or at least not make attendance mandatory or an expected thing with social and professorial ramification. Freedom of thought and opinion, of lifestyle, the same as they want to maintain.


People are feed up with the fanatical liberal tyranny. We don't want it shoved down our throats anymore because its making us sick. We here them say these things and we want gag. Its nauseating us every time we here the catch phrases and buzz words parroted. Gone so far we no longer sympathize as we once did. Truly cringe worthy, we just want it over.


There are more of us than them, this is a democracy, and so...the result is inevitable...given time. It dose not take a seer to know it. I knew he would win for a fact despite silly words...I knew. People would have elected Satan himself if he ran on the right platform, said the right things.


The reason people were surprised is they don't see this. This social phenomenon. That it was about the issues he raised and so much more.

Edited by skyquest32
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I hope Trump makes a good job of it, for all our sakes, because if he doesn't it will be bad for everyone.

Ego the size of Texas, absolutely corrupted by absolute wealth, and with zero experience in public politics, if I had to sit down and custom design a human being to start WWIII, I couldn't do any better.


I believe this president will be our last, and will take the entire civilized world along with him on his way out.

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