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Why Trump Won


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Hes the sort of man that given the right situation, if allowed would be chivalrous to women


This is easily one of the most completely ignorant things I've ever read on any internet forum.


Look up Trump's appearance on "The Tonight Show" shortly after his divorce from Ivana. NBC successfully dodged requests for this footage and has steadfastly refused to post it on their sites. It was the only instance in 30+ years of sitting around watching TV with my family that we all simply looked at each other in utter disgust, and the gasps of shock from the studio audience were audible. Whatever is beyond misogyny, Trump has found it.

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He hit Florida where it hurt, there new age greed. That's a true wheeler and dealer for you. The man knows his stuff.



Miami Florida is now longer a sanctuary city, thanks to Donald Trump. Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez, citing Trump’s executive order has signed a memo undoing county’s status as immigrant “sanctuary.” This is just the first of many sanctuary cities that will be losing the sanctuary part if they want to get tax payer funds from the federal government.



As to the above things are never as simple as the seem, your speaking of something that originated behind the closed doors of a marriage, we cant know the whole story only two people ever knew the entire truth of what really happened.


Marriages are complex, human relationships have many aspects. There is sometimes bitterness and hurt that comes out manifested in many ways. Long standing issues. In public you may see the blowup or the aftermath. Couples don't always bring out all there dirty laundry for public inspection, not all...and there are two sides to every story.


Sometimes not even close friends get all of it, but there is cause and effect and usually a reason, when a sane man acts in such a way, especially if its out of character with the past.

Edited by skyquest32
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Trump's comments weren't directed at Ivana in particular, they were directed to women. E.g. when asked about the problems in his marriage Trump's response was (this in either an exact quote or a very slight paraphrase), "Oh you know, you get tired of one woman after a while." If you think he was trying to be funny, look at the footage. No such luck. He was completely serious as he continued with similar comments, both the host (Carson or it may have been Leno) and the studio audience (not to mention my entire family, none of whom had a negative opinion of Trump at the time) couldn't believe what we were hearing. As mentioned the gasps in the studio were loud enough to be clearly audible on the broadcast.

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It was probably as the result of some anger or betrayal, done publicly, but again the truth is we cant know, an overdone retaliatory sort of jibe like we witness with celebrities, this was well before trump held political office.


I can only guess, as I have never witness this, but speaking to his character that seems likely.


Probably what he said was not what he really felt. Interview many men of Trumps personalty type, Especially the more colorful ones in there early days and you might get something similar.


It may have been irresponsible and if he where then holding such a position of trust he would not have said it. Bravado. Trash talk maybe?


I myself never witnessed the footage in question but I am sure it dose not have any real bearing on a nation in crisis and our current situation.


Trump is a passionate man, but also a logical man. I truly believe as to his character he is a trustworthy man if not a perfect one...but to be a perfect one you would need to be a god or something. He without sin, and all that. What do you think of Bill Clinton by the by? That has no bearing here but I am curious as to what you will say?

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Keep guessing. The man is whatever lies beneath pond scum imo.


But at least you've gotten from "Trump is a good man" to "Bill Clinton is an evil man too". Step 1 on the 12-step path to recovery. :smile: However you've posted the all-time hallmark of a closed mind: "I haven't seen the footage but I'm sure it has no bearing on our country".


Open your mind. Look at the footage FIRST, and THEN make a judgment about it. I'm telling you the truth: stupidity is infinite punishment.

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Keep guessing. The man is whatever lies beneath pond scum imo.


But at least you've gotten from "Trump is a good man" to "Bill Clinton is an evil man too". Step 1 on the 12-step path to recovery. :smile: However you've posted the all-time hallmark of a closed mind: "I haven't seen the footage but I'm sure it has no bearing on our country".


Open your mind. Look at the footage FIRST, and THEN make a judgment about it. I'm telling you the truth: stupidity is infinite punishment.

I never said bill was evil, I asked your opinion. Don't put text in my field. Nor did I imply trump was evil. Its clear you feel very strongly about this however. What interesting type of morality.


As to my statement its honest, it has no bearing. Dredging up every event in a mans past not relevant to a public position of trust, is not only irrelevant its hitting bellow the belt.


That's Hillary's way. Its also a desperation move. In my view Hillary is the perfect example of true evil personified. Or rather corruption, because evil is too relative a term to deal with in this context.


On the last point I agree, in fact the path of wisdom, is the path of divinity and all that is sacred. Corruption lies in ignorance and true corruption is always connected to a type of delusion or willful ignorance.

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There is absolutely nothing "below the belt" about exposing a man for who he is. It's as true for Donald Trump as Bill Clinton or anyone else. And as for it not being relevant to a public position of trust, I do not now and will never refer to this human garbage as my president. If the American people and our electoral system are this utterly dysfunctional, where a nation of 320 million people are either unable or unwilling to raise anyone of moral character to lead our country, NO COUNTRY REMAINS TO LEAD.

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There is absolutely nothing "below the belt" about exposing a man for who he is. It's as true for Donald Trump as Bill Clinton or anyone else. And as for it not being relevant to a public position of trust, I do not now and will never refer to this human garbage as my president. If the American people and our electoral system are this utterly dysfunctional, where a nation of 320 million people are either unable or unwilling to raise anyone of moral character to lead our country, NO COUNTRY REMAINS TO LEAD.

Calm down, my intention was not to inflame you. I am not so petty. I just wanted to understand you. I don't really hate people who don't believe as I do, that's too simple.


I never judge a man knowing so little. Really I wanted to understand people that go to such degree of hate concerning this issue. I am intellectually curious.


Are you thinking past your own personal interests being objective? Or can you not be because you feel this man threatens you and yours in some way, your interests? If so why do you think this?


Is it a moral code? If so in what way dose he really violate it? In what way dose this hit you where you live, if at all?


I try not to judge anyone too harshly unless I have walked in there shoes after some fashion. Is this just what you were told? Sociological conditioning? Are you perhaps a victim of the liberal media like so many others? I don't know.


I really would like to think such strong opinions have a logical basis.


I have no concrete assumptions. I have no faith, as it defies reason. I know what I see.

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"I never judge a man knowing so little. Really I wanted to understand people that go to such degree of hate."


Wait don't tell us. A nation of 320 million people were given no option but to vote for Hillary Clinton or Satan, Satan won our electoral college and entered our White House on a technicality, has installed Big Oil as our official representatives, is in the process of destroying a program supported in full or in part by 82% of the people, but the actual problem is my apparent hatred. I don't hate Donald Trump personally, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, I hate the fact that such a man was or still is even considered acceptable presidential material in my beloved but former country. I was also born and raised a Catholic and according to what I've believed for the last half century, Trump is the personification of everything Jesus claimed as evil. Arrogance, wealth, power etc. Not that it's much less true for the Clintons, Bushes, Cheneys and the rest of our current oligarchy, but imo it IS truer for Trump than any of his predecessors, even Nixon and Reagan. He's in a different league on all fronts, and his absolute lack of prior experience in public office means certain eventual global holocaust imo. I feel morally obligated to at least warn people about the basic truth of history, that unlimited arrogance and wealth plus unlimited political power equals unlimited disaster. We just learned this lesson (again) after flushing $3 trillion down the toilet in Iraq.

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"I never judge a man knowing so little. Really I wanted to understand people that go to such degree of hate."


Wait don't tell us. A nation of 320 million people were given no option but to vote for Hillary Clinton or Satan, Satan won our electoral college and entered our White House on a technicality, has installed Big Oil as our official representatives, is in the process of destroying a program supported in full or in part by 82% of the people, but the actual problem is my apparent hatred. I don't hate Donald Trump, I hate the fact that such a man was or still is even considered acceptable presidential material in my beloved but former country. I was also born and raised a Catholic and according to what I've believed for the last half century, Trump is the personification of everything Jesus claimed as evil. Arrogance, wealth, power etc. Not that it's much less true for the Clintons, Bushes, Cheneys and the rest of our current oligarchy, but imo it IS truer for Trump than any of his predecessors, even Nixon and Reagan.

If you are truly a catholic, you should support our president as the church has done. If you believe in any organized religion, or if even your are an occultist hes your man.


Do you want the catholic church to become more of a joke on the news at 11? This politically correct revolution would kill your faith. I have none, but I respect the catholic church greatly and all it has done.


It has helped the cause of what I believe in more than any organization on earth with its views and stances, for centuries, truly beautiful, even though I am not a catholic. I stand in awe of the church.


It served and dose serve a grand and noble purpose, I truly believe its needed. Its done great works. Its been criticized, persecuted for isolated faults, but I judge it not for I see the big picture. All the good that was done outweighs any wrongdoing.


We are or should be all on the same side here. Think of not the man but the movement. Think of the implication and what the church as stood for traditionally? How do you think your average little new age pc person views your religion?


They would wipe it out as what they would call harmful ignorance and extend there middle finger to your god.

No god would support these radical pc views. Nor any true agent of any god, or man that thought about the implications. It would be against any decent, thinking mans self interests to do so.


If Christ was truly a son of god, would he not have foresaw everything, that happened in his name? Religion, gods, are both loving and cruel, like nature, like the human heart.


Sometimes what one may view as bad brings goodness and what is called goodness brings evil. Would you say Christ was evil? If what you believe is true, he knew everything his religion would bring about. He knew.


I am not conventionally religious so this is hard for me but bare with me please.


What would you rather?


As a catholic how can you in good conscious support those views? Or don't you get it? Maybe you just don't know what its all about here.


Don't you understand the moral depravity being done in the name of goodness? Ignorance in the name of enlightenment? Culture society, love of beauty? Dose this not matter? traditional values? Decency? Hello?


Despite the nature of the man, in my view Christ himself the religious leader would use him. I think would have voted trump, despite his teachings to the masses.


Why do you think evangelist support him? Said raining was a sign of divine favor at his inauguration?


Why do you think, huh? Even given his past? Why would they think the divine could use such a man?


Christ knew context, and how one thing can effect another, he tried to teach contextual common sense to people..again in context to his audiences, to half civilize people and temper them.

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