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Why Trump Won


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"Despite the nature of the man, in my view Christ himself the religious leader would use him. I think would have voted trump, despite his teachings to the masses."


Religious debate is a no-no here (thank God imo) and it's stupid to dispute the religious beliefs of others because human brain cells are non-transferable. Ditto that last part on political beliefs. But my parting shot is what my grandma always said, "Jesus may not have been a Democrat, but he certainly wasn't a Republican."


As I mentioned elsewhere, if this isn't the final rise of evil in the world it's sure doing one hell of an impression of it imo.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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"Despite the nature of the man, in my view Christ himself the religious leader would use him. I think would have voted trump, despite his teachings to the masses."


Religious debate is a no-no here (thank God imo) and it's stupid to dispute the religious beliefs of others because human brain cells are not transferable. Ditto political beliefs. But my parting shot is what my grandma always said, "Jesus may not have been a Democrat, but he certainly wasn't a Republican."


As I mentioned elsewhere, if this isn't the final rise of evil in the world it's sure doing one hell of an impression of it imo.

OK religion aside, I don't really want to go there ether, I respect you, because I think you mean well...but wish some would think about, the moral implications concerning traditional values and society...try to open your mind to see past the man and what will happen or at least how others could see it that way. This man wont bring evil as I see it but will instead truly make America great again, just as he says. Everything hes pointed to or suggested is mostly good and will lead to goodness. Despite his personal life every relevant word hes said is closer to what needs to be said than any other in recent time. People are proud of him. Hes certainly brought a smile to my face as no politician has done in a long time. I'm amazed at him and his actions. Hes on a roll.


Edit: Goodbye and thank you, I have learned much speaking with you.

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"I never judge a man knowing so little. Really I wanted to understand people that go to such degree of hate."


Wait don't tell us. A nation of 320 million people were given no option but to vote for Hillary Clinton or Satan, Satan won our electoral college and entered our White House on a technicality, has installed Big Oil as our official representatives, is in the process of destroying a program supported in full or in part by 82% of the people, but the actual problem is my apparent hatred. I don't hate Donald Trump personally, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, I hate the fact that such a man was or still is even considered acceptable presidential material in my beloved but former country. I was also born and raised a Catholic and according to what I've believed for the last half century, Trump is the personification of everything Jesus claimed as evil. Arrogance, wealth, power etc. Not that it's much less true for the Clintons, Bushes, Cheneys and the rest of our current oligarchy, but imo it IS truer for Trump than any of his predecessors, even Nixon and Reagan. He's in a different league on all fronts, and his absolute lack of prior experience in public office means certain eventual global holocaust imo. I feel morally obligated to at least warn people about the basic truth of history, that unlimited arrogance and wealth plus unlimited political power equals unlimited disaster. We just learned this lesson (again) after flushing $3 trillion down the toilet in Iraq.

Really? By process of elimination one has to presume the only good presidents in recent history were Obama, Ford and Carter...chuckles.

Equating Trump with Satan is simply hyperbole which dilutes the remainder of your thesis to a polemic.

Former country?....so we are to presume you are an ex pat? Please tell me that you were one of the progressives that actually kept their promise to emigrate.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is not at all uncommon currently with progressives but this is the first case of Long Distance TDS that I've encountered.


As a side note....discussions of religion in any form: stated, referred, alluded, implied is not permitted....it's the fast track to shutting down a thread.

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"As a side note....discussions of religion in any form: stated, referred, alluded, implied is not permitted....it's the fast track to shutting down a thread."


If a mod could verify that claim it would be appreciated. If stating of one's religious beliefs equates to challenging or debating others about theirs, sorry. Didn't know. But I'd appreciate an official answer for future reference, as I was serious about wishing to exit this discussion. Let's see what and how Trump does, based on his cabinet picks and actions so far, not to mention 3000 years of human history, I stand by every claim I made in this thread.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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As a side note....discussions of religion in any form: stated, referred, alluded, implied is not permitted....it's the fast track to shutting down a thread.



Got it, I will respect that...but what about trump and his vice president, his inauguration and the implications?

The support he got to win. I am confused here. Though I will gladly avoid that aspect of it.

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"As a side note....discussions of religion in any form: stated, referred, alluded, implied is not permitted....it's the fast track to shutting down a thread."


If a mod could verify that claim it would be appreciated. If stating of one's religious beliefs equates to challenging or debating others about theirs, sorry. Didn't know. But I'd appreciate an official answer for future reference, as I was serious about wishing to exit this discussion. Let's see what and how Trump does, based on his cabinet picks and actions so far, not to mention 3000 years of human history, I stand by every claim I made in this thread.




Read the Dark One's rules for yourself.

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Thank you. I had previously read the "no religious debates allowed" part, but not the other restriction (on basing one's own argument on religious beliefs). Good policy imo and it's probably saved thousands of flamefests over the years.

Religion and politics are volatile subjects yet considering the branches of philosophy...oh never mind, no point in explaining this...You know I have pretty much covered the waterfront, the theme I'm harping on, the reason behind the reason.


Debate in this fashion has always been pointless except to stimulate the minds of all involved but ultimately, for some its just about being right as an absolute.


The most you can do is hope to expose another to a concept or perception through opinion and yourself be exposed to there perception. Its fun and healthy but dose little in accomplishing anything contextually, like these protesters, for those with no real power or influence.


Unless you view it like that, and not about winning. One of the main things here, with this election, is people often see what they wish to see even if they don't believe it deep down...but maybe they need to, maybe even as a self justification, maybe this go's both ways.


The need to persuade others is sometimes a need for collective acceptance or legitimization. One will rarely convince another however of something they see as anti-them no mater if they believe it or simply want/need to believe.


People can even read the same thing you have written and even if you have spoken well, may be in there perception reading something else.


Most people want to hear what they wish to hear, to try to be convened of what they already believe...the reason many thought Trumps acceptance speech dark or troubling is because given the nature of there thinking they need pretty lies, they want and have come to expect hollow platitudes and empty promises.


Otherwise the bubble bursts, the dream ends and the house of cards falls down, and all there left with is a stark mirror.

Edited by skyquest32
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nah nah


hilary lead the polls and states that only ever vote democratic came up republican?


nah fam, the polls were rigged, the signs are everywhere.


Trump is nothing more than a glorified entertainer, he's gonna screw this country over in some fashion, just you watch it.

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