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Why Trump Won


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nah nah


hilary lead the polls and states that only ever vote democratic came up republican?


nah fam, the polls were rigged, the signs are everywhere.


Trump is nothing more than a glorified entertainer, he's gonna screw this country over in some fashion, just you watch it.

Right up there with Ronnie Reagan?

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Nixon was the originating traitor. What has occurred since is human greed, regardless of party, and a signing on to this treason. We all love $50 computer monitors, a few of us have problems with the idea when it's at the expense of our children's economic future. Any elected U.S. official who claims closing the infernal gate Nixon opened is impossible, for whatever reason, is a traitor. There is and can be no gray area on this issue, because any reason is "enough" to keep the bloodletting of our treasury going. We know cutting them off is possible, because WE DID IT FOR A HALF CENTURY, and many Americans to this day do not consider the PRC to be China's legitimate goverment. Nobody ever elected them to their assumed positions, and in much of the country their presence is limited to countless soldiers standing around with automatic rifles.


In the meantime, "China" has become a passcode in our corporate culture doublespeak for "bypass all Western standards, from manufacturing standards to environmental requirements to child labor laws, and get your products made for 1/3 or 1/4 of what you'd pay anywhere else". It's abject treason to our country, middle class (or former middle class) and labor force, yet human nature dictates that for every one American who goes to the trouble to find and buy products made in our country, 1000 others are trampling over him trying to get to Amazon or Walmart to buy the cheapest made in China crap possible. Simply look at the trade charts and then claim our situation is sustainable long-term, e.g.:




Free market capitalism can't work when half of the market is enslaved, and operates according to an entirely different set of assumptions about standards of living, civil rights and other government and business standards than the rest of the market. The "PRC" amounts to a massive graft operation, funded by Western and their own domestic corporations. If you plonk enough cash down, whatever you want is yours. And just forget about those nasty child labor laws. And environmental standards. They really are polluting the entire world you know. Please enjoy those $50 computer monitors.

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Somehow I get the impression that you were not around in the height of the Cold War or if so, drew some very unusual conclusions. We did not have deals with our major global opponents consequently any minor war had the ability to spin out of control and engage their patron states. China had already fought us to a stand still in Korea and at the time Nixon was still embroiled in the Vietnam War, so normalizing relations with the de facto government of mainland China qualifies as a rational global strategy.


Traitor, Oligarchs, Treason....

To paraphrase the words of Inigo Montoya: "You keep using these words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean."

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Hes right to take after the liberal media not just for his own sake, but for the future of the nation. He is systematically going after priority targets...while working on issues relevant to the people that elected him...and saying all the right things in the classic pattern.


Hes got the people who matter in the military on his side, and hes making the right political moves to virtually assure his success.


People don't understand it because they cant see things as a whole. It is after all what I would do, but less overtly. Hes saying things to please the majority and send his detractors unto a frenzy, effectively setting it up to discredit them by there reactionary responses.


That hes underestimated is classic, the responses probably encourage him to be a bit more colorful, on the borderline.


To his supporters its charming, to his detractors its disarming, but the man can shift and move at near the speed of light.


Yeah, he will never do it, its all a joke while your looking at whats happening and not seeing. Classic. In reality he is working like a machine and organizing well micro managing like no other would be capable.


Thankfully, these corrupt people as a consequence of there own beliefs and assumptions, are psychologically ill equipped to fight back in anyway that would not work against them.


Hes really getting things done, and if you don't agree with it, and underestimate him based on surfaces. You probably deserve what you get. Its all for the best in any case. :smile:


The parties over kids, get it? The party is over, hahaha. I crack me up.


The republican party is now what the democratic party used to be, and provides what was intended all along in my view. Before all this lunatic corruption got a foothold.


We cant help it if some people see corruption as excellence, and make a virtue of idiocy, and call the destruction and degeneration of a society in the name of goodness the path to enlightenment. Its a joke, but not a really funny one.


I and others never expected the radical liberals to just fold there tents and go quietly into the night. It was known they would go down hard.


They have sunk there insidious tentacles to far in to release there grip so easily, injecting there vile poison into the heart of a country, corrupting every aspect of life, and media and art.


Robbing people of there ability to discern elements of reality. Destroying there perceptions, brainwashing, devolving. establishing a cult of ignorance, setting up an aversion, to beauty, order true progress.


That is what this media has helped to do, to protect there own delusions, to shove them down are throats, and to make us say they are right or pay the price...passive aggressive fascist is what they are...thought police...trying to usurp control of a society from the majority of its people so they can live in there little bubble, there perverted version of a looking glass world. There lol new world.


It took a bit but people are instinctively, waking up and fighting back.


Like you were a knight and discovered while you were sleeping some little prancing twerp in a jester outfit was trying to pull away your sword, steal your armor and poison your horse, so you could no longer protect your own.

Edited by skyquest32
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Somehow I get the impression that you were not around in the height of the Cold War or if so, drew some very unusual conclusions. We did not have deals with our major global opponents consequently any minor war had the ability to spin out of control and engage their patron states. China had already fought us to a stand still in Korea and at the time Nixon was still embroiled in the Vietnam War, so normalizing relations with the de facto government of mainland China qualifies as a rational global strategy.


Traitor, Oligarchs, Treason....

To paraphrase the words of Inigo Montoya: "You keep using these words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean."

You sound like Kissinger, and it makes me want to puke. If Nixon had put the question to the American people, of whether we wished to expose our labor force to forced competition with totalitarian Communism, what do you think the vote tally would have been?




The simple fact, Nixon was forced to send Kissinger to Beijing IN SECRET in 1970 and 71, because the trips were a VIOLATION OF OUR EXISTING TRADE BAN with the PRC, that had been in place for well over 20 years. Our federal government didn't even normalize relations with the PRC until eight years AFTER these "ties" were created with these godless thugs.


And you accuse me of misusing words? Please stop pretending treason is something other than what it is. No possibility of competition exists between free market capitalism and totalitarian Communism, for reasons I just explained, or if you simply look at the trade numbers. Or read what our own past presidents (regardless of party and prior to Nixon) have written about it. Yet you claim it was a "rational global strategy". It could only be and has been an unqualified economic catastrophe for our country. $21 trillion in debt, our middle class is largely history, 75% of American families are now subsisting from paycheck to paycheck, and after 45 years of bloodletting nothing remains in our treasury except piles of future toilet paper. A nation of 320 million people is now unable to produce a single set of stainless steel measuring cups. And this abomination can and will only get worse and worse and worse until it collapses altogether.


To answer your question, I suffered through virtually all of the "Cold War", and your post indicates you haven't done much recent reading on the subject. Mikhail Gorbachev and others have claimed the "Cold War" was a colluded effort between two ingrained military establishments. In a half century I've found tons of evidence to support this claim and zero evidence to refute it. The clincher for me was researching the USSR's own civil protection programs. You should try doing the same thing, it was a major eye opener. Clearly both programs were designed by the same people. The scheme successfully funneled over $100 trillion of public money since the end of the war to these two establishments, the funneling continues in our country to this day.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Such a target rich environment..what to pick first... :dry:


Treason. The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offense is punished with death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. -West Law


Rational Global Strategy As in recognizing the facts on the ground and trying to separate the PRC and the USSR from continuing to be a common front? As for the Cold War I spent most of my reading time studying Soviet air defense capabilities and limitations, hoping that I would not have to put the knowledge into practice. It seems that you simply cannot comprehend that we were very close more than once to a major war. Detente was the way out of that game of geopolitical Russian roulette.


Duck and Cover The fact that the current Russian government is as delusional about post apocalyptic survival as they were in the 60's is hardy news or a secret.


Conspiracy Theories Well if you have a 'ton of evidence' that should surely convince me to abandon my misguided perceptions of reality. Conspiracy seems to be one of your pet themes. I quite honestly do not take most conspiracy theories seriously, I prefer the logic of Occam's Razor.

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According to a half century of reading I've reached the conclusion it was either all or extremely close to all a charade, on behalf on the military-industrial complex in our country and the USSR that had been assembled for WWII. Instead of properly being disassembled after the war, this machine was (and still is, in the U.S.) provided with perpetual paychecks for doing absolutely nothing essential. This machine has been one of the main drivers of international conflicts and domestic chaos in the world since the war, and the USSR was the first of our Pentagon's artificially created boogeymen.


If anyone would like to review the last 60 years of U.S. foreign policy and perpetual military adventurism, imo it would make a good separate thread. But I wonder if anyone even remembers all the horseshit about the "Domino Theory", "Red Menace" etc etc. Meanwhile the USSR spent almost a decade in Afghanistan, trying to combat the rise of Islamic extremism (Taliban et al), a country on their immediate border no less, and they STILL couldn't advance the 'ol ideology. The White Hand in El Salvador, Somalian War Lords, Nicaraguan Sandanistas etc, as mentioned these boogeymen appear magically just when our Pentagon has nothing really going on, which has been CONTINUOUSLY since WWII, and they disappear equally magically and completely the instant their budget money runs out. We just spent $3 trillion in Iraq and their country is in worse chaos now than it ever was under Hussein. We've spent $75 trillion on our military and defense, and what we've gotten for our money is 150,000 American kids who died directly due to human greed. The PRC had just finished providing most of the munitions to put 57,000 of our kids to death in Vietnam, Nixon's response was to send Kissinger to "open the gate" to them.


On the trade front:


"Reuters reported China’s delegates at the conference said they “would take the lead on trade if the United States turned towards protectionism.”




The PRC is currently airing nationwide propaganda, on their own state channel, telling Chinese manufacturers to not worry about Trump and deriding America for trying to get our manufacturing sector and other jobs back. This is when they're not busy deriding our country about our national debt.


I'm known for euphemism and overstatement, but imo oligarchy isn't far from the truth to describe our federal government. I'm convinced the DNC ran HRC due to it and for no other reason. They knew how weak of a candidate she was, and ran her anyway. Also can we get a show of hands of people who knew that Barack Obama is Dick Cheney's cousin? :smile:

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