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5'th anniversary and still i can't play without ctd and it is fresh install


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Fresh install and it is the last papyrus log. I don't know how to look papyrus log.


I can provide any information you need.




and here it is my modlist




Or i will be happy if someone can teach me how to read this log and try to understand

Edited by VulcanTR
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Ensure you are actually fresh installing it.



If you have used mods from the Workshop, make sure you unsubscribe to them before you delete them, as they will just redownload to your game. This can cause unknown problems if you start modding without them in mind.


Also, keep to a general load/install order. This is what I use:

SKSE Scripts (make sure these are properly installed and if you don't have it, you better get it)
[Any mods that are utilities] (Bug fixes, safety load, better messagebox controls,...)
[Custom Body Meshes]
[Custom Body Textures]
[All other ESPs]
[Custom Skeleton](Xp32mse,...)
Alternate Start
Bashed Patch (If using Wrye Bash)
Dual Sheath Patch (if Using it)
RSPatch (Last almost always)


If you are using MO, ensure that the left pane matches the right pane. Generally I'll sort my mods like above on the left and right panes, then run LOOT and letting it take priority where it wants on the right pane, then sort the left pane to match.

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RNAD...Frostfall...no surprise at all.


Uhm. You mean i can play without problem if i will uninstall them?



Why are Script writer debugging your code? it useless otherwise, paid no heed, better still disable it.


It not a crash log it a papyrus log.


Uhm you mean disable papyrus log? I don't understand well



Ensure you are actually fresh installing it.



If you have used mods from the Workshop, make sure you unsubscribe to them before you delete them, as they will just redownload to your game. This can cause unknown problems if you start modding without them in mind.


Also, keep to a general load/install order. This is what I use:







SKSE Scripts (make sure these are properly installed and if you don't have it, you better get it)

[Any mods that are utilities] (Bug fixes, safety load, better messagebox controls,...)

[Custom Body Meshes]

[Custom Body Textures]

[All other ESPs]


[Custom Skeleton](Xp32mse,...)

Alternate Start

Bashed Patch (If using Wrye Bash)

Dual Sheath Patch (if Using it)

RSPatch (Last almost always)


If you are using MO, ensure that the left pane matches the right pane. Generally I'll sort my mods like above on the left and right panes, then run LOOT and letting it take priority where it wants on the right pane, then sort the left pane to match.


I am using loot

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RNAD...Frostfall...no surprise at all.


Uhm. You mean i can play without problem if i will uninstall them?



Well I cannot guarantee that but everytime users are complaining about having an unstable game these mods are almost always in their load order.


I wouldn't recommend to use these mods if YOU don't know exactly what they do to your game. And sorry to say you don't seem to be an experienced mod user.

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Generally RNAD, Frostfall, and the Camping mod that goes with them generally do not have issues. It is when other mods that alter the effects that those three do that there can be issues. Crafting mods, price change mods, and anything like that could potentially conflict. It is good to use Wrye Bash if there is such conflicts. I can't be sure what would be conflicting, but general advise would be to have 1 mod that affects texture, one that affects player body, 1 that affects NPCs and so on and so forth. You can occasionally avoid conflicts by only having one of each type of mod. If you read the instructions carefully, you can always experiment from there.

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Yes i don't have a knowledge and i don't know what is bashed patch. Maybe i need to uninstall realistic needs and dieases AND Frostfall with Campfire. Because i don't know how to solve this problem. If the frostfall and rnrd makes problems, i will uninstall them and i will look for the alternative for rnrd because sleeping eating is essential for me.

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I and many, many others have used RNAD and FF w/Campfire without problems. That is not likely your true problem. Why don't you post your modlist so we can see what is going on?


And while I'm sure you do use LOOT, LOOT isn't a fix-all tool. Sometimes you need to have an understanding beyond the tool. For instance Real Shelter doesn't organize properly even with LOOT sorted.

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