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unethical mod authors


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So I recently asked a mod author for help regarding his mod. I then came to realize he deleted my comment instead of helping me. His mod is quite a well known one. Currious..Am I to take this as a representation of the modding community? Rhetorical. Of course I do. And so do many others. I wonder why this is acceptable. Not rhetorical. Why is such behaviour allowed? So...You make a mod, leave it broken..and delete comments talking about it? Says alot about the community..It really does. You know who you are.

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I've taken a look at the comments that were removed.


You posted that something in the mod wasn't working on the 10th, and when you didn't get a response by the 11th, a day later, you posted a crappy sarky comment saying you're "lovin this slow response time" and ended it by saying "guess I'll uninstall it since it does nothing to my game".


I can completely understand why the mod author in question didn't want to provide you any help after that and removed your crappy comment. A day, for a mod author to answer and fix your issues? You don't get that from AAA games, so why the hell would you get it from mods made by individuals in their spare time for fun?


And you think that's unethical? Reality check time for you. You need to drop your entitlement level down considerably.

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funny considering there are many posts where he answered in a day or less. But thanks for insulting me. and re affirming my belief about the modding community. Toxic.


And if you read his thread more closely, youd realize, like i have that with him, aswell as many others. He ignores quite a lot. as does most of the modders. Im seeing quite a few that have up to a week with no answers. and yet others that have less then two days. So why dont you follow your own advice and have a lovely day mister admin.


I fully expect to be banned from the forums as that seems to be the only logical immature action that most internet based admins do, rather than support. Easier i suppose.

Edited by sakifox
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So, the mod author picks and chooses the help he provides based on the time he has available and the way in which issues are raised with him.


What's toxic is your horrific sense of entitlement on display here, and the way in which you were sarcastic and rude when you didn't get a response within 22 hours of your first message. THAT is what is toxic in this community -- over entitled people who add nothing to this community -- not the mod authors who not only spend the time necessary to make and release their mod, but also provide technical support thereafter in a manner of their choosing.


Once again; reality check time. You need to seriously reconsider your ridiculous expectations.

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