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unethical mod authors


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Good customer service and being civil to mod users should not be contingent upon the number of endorsements they give. They're not obligated to do so any more than authors are obligated to create mods in the first place.

The very idea of "customer service" is the problem here. Mod authors create and publish the mods so others can download and use them.


There is no "customer" and at no point did those mod authors promise ongoing support "service" for the mods. Mods are not products, they are gifts.


(And if you were referring to Dark0ne's response instead of the way mod authors react, you should know that the NexusMods site itself is also a gift not a product. You can buy supporter or premium memberships, but those are just a way to show support for the site not a requirement. )

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The very idea of "customer service" is the problem here. Mod authors create and publish the mods so others can download and use them.


There is no "customer" and at no point did those mod authors promise ongoing support "service" for the mods. Mods are not products, they are gifts.


(And if you were referring to Dark0ne's response instead of the way mod authors react, you should know that the NexusMods site itself is also a gift not a product. You can buy supporter or premium memberships, but those are just a way to show support for the site not a requirement. )



Thank you for this post. I wanted to say this exact thing but I couldn't find the right way to say it and you summed it up perfectly. Mod authors owe us, the users nothing. They give their time and energy into this site and the mods on it, we can either choose to use or not use and I for one am very grateful for them.

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If we are going to put the ethical obligation of answering to posts within a day on the mod author, may i suggest putting the ethical obligation of reading the description and sticky posts before posting on the user? may i suggest the absence of quotes like "Good customer service" when refering to the user-author relationship?


And yes, users are not obligated to endorse but if they are not endorsing the mods they like, only posting entitled comments and not uploading mods then they are only taking from the community giving zero.

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There are still a lot of of cocky modders around, who do act "entitled", so while this guy might be out of line I would not disagree that this doesn't happen.


Some examples I have seen, I would compare with a boss and a trainee. If the boss is a condescending prick, nothing constructive can become of the trainee (considering they are a regular joe, this is a basic example). I would agree that some authors have become sick of answering questions but I would compare that to a celebrity and paparazzo. It comes with the position. This is just metaphorical, do not take literally, I will not argue the inconsistencies.


My opinion is based on my position as a manager of a mobile repair company, I am not perfect but my position relates. I am leveled with mundane questions all day long from customers and trainees alike. I might not like to answer them at the best of times, but that does not provide me an excuse to vent my frustrations on anyone. KISS rule can apply here, an an honorable mention to one author I see apply this daily; EnaiSaion.


There might be no customer here, but the ethics, I believe, still apply. If they don't want to answer, then they shouldn't, they don't have to be insulting.

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Anytime someone mentions a real life job there's one argument and only one needed - this is not a job for any of us. We don't get paid, it's not a product, nothing is guaranteed....




.... which makes me dread the day paid modding comes back.

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Anytime someone mentions a real life job there's one argument and only one needed - this is not a job for any of us. We don't get paid, it's not a product, nothing is guaranteed....




.... which makes me dread the day paid modding comes back.

I too dread that day... I made a small edit below my comment after reading comment above.


I must call it out seems you posted, my most recent memory of seeing this was in a post by yourself and ccmads on the Homemaker page I think. I am not looking for a flame war here, only to point out that the situation was uncalled for for what was posted, this is the things that I have a problem with. The enquirer was insulted/attacked, when his enquiry contained no negatives against anything or anyone (unless he edited what I saw, then I would concede), and yet he received a very negative response, as so much to be called an idiot. Sure his question didn't make much sense at first, and Sharlikran gave as best an answer as could be interpreted I would suppose, but I did not see any reason for what came next.

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Good customer service and being civil to mod users should not be contingent upon the number of endorsements they give. They're not obligated to do so any more than authors are obligated to create mods in the first place.


Nor are mod authors obligated to provide support or even respond to comments.

Edited by steve40
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There might be no customer here, but the ethics, I believe, still apply. If they don't want to answer, then they shouldn't, they don't have to be insulting.


And yet no insults were dealt. The modder simply deleted the OP's rude passive-aggressive sarcastic comment.


Yet just to be further passive-aggressive, the OP started a new topic here titled "unethical mod authors", and their subsequent behavior led to them being banned. If the modders' expectations of a little respect and courtesy from users who post in their comments section constitutes "acting entitled", then count me in as an "entitled cocky unethical modder". I still remember the user that repeatedly stalked me and sent me death threats because I didn't respond to them within 2 hours of a post that they made in a random forum thread that I wasn't even following... Now, whenever I sense asshatted entitled behavior in my mod comments, being the cocky unethical entitled modder that I am, I simply block that user from all my mod pages, PMs and delete the comment. End of story :armscrossed:


Btw, I am going in for surgery on Thursday and won't be able to respond to any death threats for a couple of weeks or so. I hope you understand, precious petals.

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