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unethical mod authors


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I am an entitled cocky unethical modder. Nexus has an old rule that seems to have been forgotten, Don't like it, keep your mouth shut and keep moving. Don't have anything nice to say? Don't say anything. In my limited time, I will help anyone within reason who is willing to put as much effort in as me, that goes towards helping other modders with their mods and helping users troubleshoot. But I am not a slave and I most certainly don't get anything from sharing my mods other than a thank you here and there.


The way I see it, This is Dark0ne's castle, follow his rules. He was decent enough to share his castle with mod authors, we all have our private quarters. You want to play in my part of the castle, be nice. I have no tolerance vultures or entitled, uninformed infants. I am a guest in Dark0ne's Castle, users are a guest in my comment section, act like a guest.

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The way I see it, This is Dark0ne's castle, follow his rules. He was decent enough to share his castle with mod authors, we all have our private quarters. You want to play in my part of the castle, be nice. I have no tolerance vultures or entitled, uninformed infants. I am a guest in Dark0ne's Castle, users are a guest in my comment section, act like a guest.


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"act like a guest"


You mean go to your house, eat all your food and drink all your wine while i rest my feet on the coffee table watching soccer and burping bad jokes, then leaving you with a pile of dishes and various odors ? :P



.. yes, I've seen people like that.

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A lot of these statements are proving my point, if nothing nice or constructive to say, then don't say. This is what you're saying and this is what I'm saying.


And I see once again people is failing to look at examples of ethics because everything is literal to them.

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You're sort of conveniently glossing over the fact that all those "guests" are generating advertising revenue for the owner of the house every time they enter a room, and are helping put food on his table and keep the roof over his head. I know that doesn't really help your analogy, but truth is truth.


I also want to point out that being cordial and civil towards mod users doesn't cost authors or this website one red cent, nor does it monopolize any of their precious time. Being a condescending jerk is a choice, not an inalienable right. While longtime mod users here are fully aware and have grown to accept that there is a double-standard, and that many of the website and forum guidelines do not apply to mod authors (especially the popular ones), we do sometimes get frustrated when we see authors go out of their way to be as horrible a human being as they possibly can towards users with legitimate questions and issues, all because they know they can get away with it. It happens a lot, and some of the higher-profile authors are among the worst.


Now again, the gate absolutely swings both ways, and there is no shortage of ungrateful, self-entitled, toxic mod users out there, and I don't like them any more than you do (and if you care to stalk my post history, you'll see just how little love I have for those individuals). But there is a thing called "the high road", and taking that road costs neither time nor money, with the added benefit of making the modding community a stronger, healthier place. Mod authors have the tools to instantly censor and block insufferable mod users. The problem is that many authors would rather sit and argue with them, shame them, and try to prove some sort of point that only they understand...and THEN complain about it in threads like these. And in the process of that abhorrent mindset, many authors lose the ability to discern between toxic mod users, and users who have genuine questions and issues.


I don't pretend to know what the best way to deal with people like the OP might be, but I can tell you this. The answer is NOT to jump in here and go out of your way to prove him 100% right.

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Users like the OP are exactly why I never upload any of the mods I make -- anywhere.


I don't really care about all the details of what was said before this thread was made. But this thread itself and the entitled view of the OP are extremely discouraging to potential mod authors. In that regard, Dark0ne was totally in the right to respond the way he did.


I like the idea of "mods as GIFTS." It puts things in perspective.


If someone knitted you a sweater and it didn't fit, would you drop off the sweater at their house with a note saying, "It didn't fit," and then start complaining if they didn't fix it in less than a day? Or accuse them -- publicly -- of being "unethical" because they didn't respond at all after that?


I know there are some people out there who would. But, please, for the sake of people who are considering making their mods public, let's not defend these folks.




Indeed, as someone else already pointed out, when you're unhappy with the "product" or the "service," you are ALWAYS entitled to a full refund -- guaranteed, no time limitations, no questions asked, no receipt or personal information required. That's a hell of a lot better deal than you'll get at any retail operation on the planet. :D

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I'm also an unethical mod author, a sociopath in someone's opinion, so here goes mine.


Regarding the ad revenue by mod users, i also made ad revenue before becoming a supporter of the site. Then we have the chicken and egg thing. The users make ad revenue for the castle's owner when they enter one of the private quarters but if the private quarter was empty nobody would be entering. And if there were no guests the hosts would go somewhere else.... So yes, guests are obiously an important part of the castle since there is no party without guests but no party without hosts either. So nobody is "conveniently glossing over" it since it's pointless.


Also note that there is also a "block author" functionality people can use to block this toxic mod authors and don't see their content ever again so that instant censorship works both ways.


Moriador, don't be discouraged to upload because of the existance of toxic people since those are an unavoidable part of the world, if they could fly we wouldn't see the sun, im sure. There is a lot of entitled people out there but there is also a lot good people and those make it worthy, plus it's fun and you can always forbid the entrance of people you don't like to your private quarters and stop sharing with them.


Btw, i totally agree with the owner of the castle here.


edit: read yourenotsupposedtobeinhere's post above for the analogy.

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I also want to point out that being cordial and civil towards mod users doesn't cost authors or this website one red cent, nor does it monopolize any of their precious time.


Actually it takes a LOT of time to go through all the comments and sort out peoples issues, hours of time. I spent literally three hours yesterday sorting out issues for people on two of my mods. I have people with issues on three other mods that I am trying to get to but I just haven't had the time. Meanwhile my other projects were put back and it was midnight when I finally got back to the project I am working on.


Considering that people are saying here that if a modder doesn't get to a users post super quick or doesn't reply then they are being rude, a little understanding of the fact that modders have lives outside of mods and that answering questions and sorting out issues takes a lot of time, would go a long way.


When paid modding returns there will be more obligation to deliver 'customer service', right now it isn't 'customer service' and modders have zero obligations and can choose to ignore/block rude, demanding users.

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Btw, proof of this? otherwise demagogy


While longtime mod users here are fully aware and have grown to accept that there is a double-standard, and that many of the website and forum guidelines do not apply to mod authors (especially the popular ones)


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