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Creative Character Builds


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lol @ the jedi stuff in this thread since I'm currently playing one


I wear cloth armor, use conjured sword in mainhand, and primarily lightning//illusion spells in offhand. I'll summon an atrinoch or raise the dead when necessary, and have several perks in speech. I also do enchanting and a bit of alchemy. No smithing though.

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My only successful self-made character:


Race: Argonian

Skills: Light Armor, two-handed, smithing, alchemy, and block.


Its a RP character that never ever uses magic and sees it as evil. I might remove two-handed and opt for a shield later but...Ive never gotten this far with any other character...

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I've made two that I really ended up liking. Not sure if they are original or not:


Class: Spellbreaker

Race: Breton

Primary Equipment:

- Enchanted Sword

- Highest armor shield available

- All enchanted cloth with no +armor, including booths and gloves

Primary Skilltrees:

- Alteration (+resistance, +mage armor (yes this works with a shield))

- One-Handed

- Block

Secondary Skilltrees:

- Restoration

- Conjuration (mostly elemental conjuration and bindings)

- Enchanting


Built him to have maximum natural resistances (+55% without enchantments, plus shield magic block perk). I've also enchanted his cloaks and stuff enough to let him constantly use mage armor, conjuration and paralyze (which is kind of game-breaking).




Class: Dark Lord from Hell

Race: Argonian

Primary Equipment:

- Big, bad@$$ 2-handed weapon

- Heavy armor (preferably with horns)

Primary Skilltrees:

- Two-Handed

- Conjuration (all necromancy)

- Illusion

Secondary Skilltrees:

- Restoration

- Smithing

- Enchanting


Was a toss-up between Argonian and Orc for most mean-looking dark mage. I picked Argonian just because I've never played an Argonian before, and they look pretty cool in Skyrim. Was going for an evil death-lord or whatever that pwns your friends and raises their bodies. The necromancy + fear/fury spells really help cause chaos in large battles. When the chaos is set-in, I pull out my favorite battleaxe or greatsword, or conjure one up, and the party starts.

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My character is a militant pacifist. He refuses to do harm to any living thing and actively works to protect any living thing from coming to harm. Unfortunately his companions do not share his views and he frequently finds himself multitasking to heal the poor beings his companions assault, his companions and himself (despite his good intentions, he is often misunderstood and assaulted despite the aid he provides). When he eventual expends his powers of restoration and someone or something expires he performs the rights for the dead, weeps over the deceased being and the needless loss of life and writes a poem about it.
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My current character is a nord assassin with almost all the stealth skills at 100. Sneak and Lockpicking are 100 but the rest are 90-98

He uses the blade of woe with Nightingale outfit (soon gonna use thieves guild leader armor).


His not a very good fighter though even on Novice difficulty! Thats because i don't train his fighting skills, he just uses stealth such as sniping with a bow and slitting throats. See four bandits, either snipe them or run your ass off! He can't take on too many enemies so thats like his weakness... Got to improve on that.

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I am currently making a Breton Magish/Spellsword.... Catch is I am a Dest/Rest (Maybe Alt at higher levels only lvl 30 right now) who wears heavy armer and uses a Two handed sword when my magicka runs low and then switch to restro if I cant kill in one cycle then go back in with the 2H Sword.... its fun to play, not easy, but fun, I pound the crap out of people with magic, but since I am not a pure mage I can just use magic alone.


My 1st Char was a the Nord 1H War Axe and Shield w/ light armer combo, that is as vanilla as it gets, but still a lot of fun. Second was a true spellsword (both were onca PS3, switched to PC and thus the 3rd char)

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Khajiit Boxer...Heavy armour to abuse Fists of steel, for high damage, fast no cost attacks and using spells from Midas Magic to root enemys in place, burn them, what have you....he has somthing for everyone...makes a great un armed war mage chracter :D

P.S anyone know if there is a un armed finishing move for dragons? have not seen one yet D:

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