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Attach NiAlphaProperty - Crash In Game


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Hi guys,


I've recently started trying to work on a mod that makes 'cuts holes' in a helmet so that the character's eyes are visible, similar to the Dragon Bone Helmet, in that respect. However, as editing the mesh proves near impossible I am resorting to changing the texture so that it doesn't show - making it look like I've edited the mesh and so the 'eye hole bits' are invisible.


Basically, by editing the alpha channel, I should be able to hide a piece of the mesh, making it look like it's gone. For this, I had to - in Nifskope - attach NiAlphaProperty to each mesh, and I have done so. now, however, in game when I equip said piece the game crashes and in the inventory where you can preview any item, there is just a blank space - no preview is there.


I was wondering if anyone could proffer any suggestions for what I'm doing wrong/not doing.


Many thanks,



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You must have done this part wrong "in Nifskope - attach NiAlphaProperty to each mesh, and I have done so."


Compare it in nifskope to a vanilla asset that has a similar setup and what is wrong should be fairly apparent. Really there isn't much more to it.

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You must have done this part wrong "in Nifskope - attach NiAlphaProperty to each mesh, and I have done so."


Compare it in nifskope to a vanilla asset that has a similar setup and what is wrong should be fairly apparent. Really there isn't much more to it.


I just compared it; it doesn't look like I have... I haven't yet placed an alternative texture, though - could it be that it's looking for the texture?

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Could what be looking for a texture? if there are no textures assigned in the BSLightshaderProperty then it's not looking for anything.


I don't know, that was just a wild guess really.. I just can't think why it's not working, and then - even more bafflingly - I just checked again and originally I was editing the ultra dragon mask; which has a unique mesh and textures - but then Krosis, a normal mask - not corresponding to any of the same files did the same! Went invisible in the menu and, on trying to equip, the game crashed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could what be looking for a texture? if there are no textures assigned in the BSLightshaderProperty then it's not looking for anything.


I don't know, that was just a wild guess really.. I just can't think why it's not working, and then - even more bafflingly - I just checked again and originally I was editing the ultra dragon mask; which has a unique mesh and textures - but then Krosis, a normal mask - not corresponding to any of the same files did the same! Went invisible in the menu and, on trying to equip, the game crashed.


This is a wild guess but I had this issue with my new body mesh. My problem was that when Blender exported the mesh it added an extra NiNode labeled 'SceneRoot'. Selected the proceeding NiNode then 'Block -> Crop To Branch'


Again just a shot in the dark but it could be that simple.

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