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Anyone Actually Know What Causes Eternal Loading Screen?


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Hello all of you knowledgable game players!


I'm slowly being driven insane by a problem that is cropping up and seeming to get worse.


Sporacically, whenever I change cells in the Fallout 4 game, I get the eternal loading screen. It can happen if I fast travel, it happens when I open a door to enter a building, etc. It used to only happen rarely, but now it is happening almost every 3rd cell change. It's making the game almost unplayable.


I've done a search for answers on this on the net, but all I really get is answers on the enteral load screen when launching the game. That is not my problem. I've tried the only solution I've heard of by deleting a lot of older saved games. This did not help.


Any ideas??? As always your help is appreciated!

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In Skyrim it was caused by memory allocation failure. I can imagine the same applies for Fallout 4. Skyrim had the mod Safety Load to stop that issue, however, I am not aware of any mods that fix that for Fallout 4. It could also be a mod you're using that is causing this issue, maybe you're using very large textures that are slowing everything down or a script is destroying your game. Something like that maybe. I'm not really familiar with Fallout 4 mods to be honest though, so these are educated guesses.

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I really appreciate your response. I will look at the mods I have (very few and no texture mods), but it is the same list I've been using for awhile with no new ones added since this problem has reared its ugly head. I don't think that it is a memory allocation issue though, because I have tons of memory and a multi-core processor.


Anyone else?

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Unfortunately hardware issues are not my expertise. I know enough to know DaddyDirection is correct on this. I would take a look at what texture and weather mods you have installed. Try disabling them one at a time, play for awhile and see if the problem disappears. I had problems with this myself and I disabled my weather mod which significantly reduced the issue (as well as significantly reducing random CTDs). You might also try installing ENB (but without a preset) which modifies the way the game uses video memory.

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I don't know if this applies, but when my game continues to clock at the start of the program I click the mouse anywhere on the screen and it seems to bypass the one that's not starting and puts me into one that does. I hope that this helps.



The Rabbit

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