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[WIP] Call of Hircine: Bloodmoon Rising


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You will need a program called Fallout Archive Utility (make sure you have Java installed). After that you open the file inside the Data folder of Skyrim called Skyrim - Meshes.bsa and there will open a list with all the meshes from the game. There you select the werewolf one wich is inside the actors or characters folder and extract it to your desktop, then open it and start modifying it. Same goes to the textures, instead its called Skyrim - Textures.bsa. After that you will get a folder "meshes" and inside it will be the mesh itself.
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Well i got a link directly to downpoad the wolf mesh from the other teammember doing 3D modeling


Luckily for texturing reasons they made all of the body parts into different objs so last night i started making the face into quadrilaterals and once im down with that ill organize it some more since it is truly a mess, the inside of the mouth itself isnt connected to the mesh so im think of giving that area some more resolution for flexibility and connecting it properly, once this is done, considering no animations use the mouth of the werewolf we should resize and shape as much as we like without causing any unwanted effects

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Yep. How's it going on your end?


I've finally gotten started on my work, sort of. Apparently the list of scripting commands and a partial list of opcodes were datamined, meaning I have a fair idea of where to start, and what I'll be able to do.


GetCurrentTime is going to be useful...


(note that the below script is me writing out of memory of how oblivion scripts worked, and assumes that Bethesda has fixed the bugs with the logical statements. Just a little rough draft of how I'm hoping things will work.)


scriptname cohTimingScriptOne

float fQuestDelay 1

;; Which is to say, the script checks the transformation conditions once every seconds.


begin gamemode

;; Runs when the game is unpaused.

short cohGetMoonPhase

set cohGetMoonPhase to (( GameDaysPassed + ( GetCurrentTime / 24 ) - 0.5 ) % 24 )

set wwPhaseDay to cohGetMoonPhase / 3

set wwPhaseDay to floor wwPhaseDay

;; Together, these two calculations return the moon phase as a number between 0 and 7, listed below.

;; 0 = full moon

;; 1 = 3/4 waning

;; 2 = half waning

;; 3 = 1/4 waning

;; 4 = new moon

;; 5 = 1/4 waxing

;; 6 = half waxing

;; 7 = 3/4 waxing

If GetCurrentTime >= 20 || GetCurrentTime <= 6

set cohnightvar to 1


set cohnightvar to 0



if cohnightvar == 1 && cohbmvar != 0

SetQuestStage cohtimingmode to 3

;; Not sure what commands change quest stages in Skyrim, so I just made this part up...

elseif wwPhaseDay <= 1 || wwPhaseDay == 7 && cohnightvar == 1 && cohbmvar == 0

SetQuestStage cohtimingmode to 2

;; Stage 1 is daytime, or nights where a transformation cannot occur, stage 2 is nights were werewolves transform, stage 3 is SPOILER.

else return


;; this script is attached to stage one of the cohtimingmode quest, and terminates in stage two and three in favor of separate scripts for efficiencies sake, since the scripts that run while werewolves are transformed doesn't need to take the moon

;; phase into account, since it changes at noon in the context of the script. In fact, they only cross script variable from this script that it needs to track is cohnightvar, since that's what tracks if its night or not in the context of the mod.


Edited by TheElderInfinity
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