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[WIP] Call of Hircine: Bloodmoon Rising


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Still i think its good idea...if you want i can make changes but dont blame me if someone else starts trolling again like Werewolves or Werebears are weak...

think about it...

Here is the clue:

Only max 150 damage (UNARMED) for werebear and only 125 or 130 damage for werewolves...+ some crit chance,bleed effect (werewolf) and stun chance (paralyze) for werebear,what if you end up in battle with Aspect of Alduin in WW form or WB form? Because of low HP youll get raped -.-...i know what im talking about because people will always choose hardest difficulties for high lvl chars and i put those stats for max lvl of Ww and Wb....yesturday in WW form i barely killed 3 dragons...1 Aspect of Alduin and 2 Black Dragons -.-...with LFox WW improvement...Werewolves need to be strong and also Werebears but not as Dragons...



Can you tell me what you accually changed in this file?


gee maybe thats why its boss fight -_-...

so the toughest monsters in the game only need 15 whacks? while we have ridiculous regain when combined with a blessing stone and high hp and stamina? -_-


Are you tarded or what? I know its a f*** bossfight,this is a freakin idea only -.-

I posted that with a reason...if youre only one that doesnt like it then make your own god damn mod...



I know all of that,but you can tweak it,im now soon finished and ill see how it acts in the game,therefore i created the script for critical strikes etc and ill see how the werewolf handles itself on Master difficulty+deadly dragons hardcore+WiS Dark age,ill spawn toughest NPCs and ill come back to you,


To all:

I just pointed out (AGAIN) maxed lvl stats for werewolves and werebears its and idea (for 1000000 time...) its WIP so give me a slack -.-.


Oh btw i found the lunar transformation script from Curse Of Hircine Ressurected from LogicDragon so i will ask him if i can test it in Skyrim and if i can make few adjustments + some tweaks...

anyway see you all tomorrow.



1. Nope, but i definitely can spell retarded currectly and i am going to do my best to not comment any further on that specific topic

2. Cool it and watch what you say kid

3. What do you exactly on this team? I can leave if you want though


1. I wrote tard because i dont want to risk ban...but whatever...

2. Who are you talking to? You need to cool it with your nagging comments -.- you said your part...secondly i think you need to grow a f hair on your balls

3. Im a scripter (2 years i worked on Curse Of Hircine with LogicDragon) oh yes if we can talk about spelling and pronouncing,firstly your question: What do you exactly on this team? WTF that means...did you ment "What do you do in this team?"...get english classes please...

Leave? I dont care really because ive not come here to fight...



scriptname cohTransformTiming extends Quest
{Controls the Timing for transformation.}

;calling properties, spells, globals, and importing the maths.
   import Math
   float property cohGetMoonPhase auto
   float property cohPhaseDay auto
   bool property cohCanTransform auto
   bool property cohbmvar auto
   bool property NotFirstChange auto
   Spell property WerewolfChangeEffect auto
   GlobalVariable Property GameHour auto
   GlobalVariable Property GameDaysPassed auto
   GlobalVariable Property PlayerIsWerewolf auto
   GlobalVariable Property PlayerWerewolfShiftbacktime auto
   MagicEffect Property Werewolf auto
; The script should run once every in game minute in this state, otherwise the flavor texts could be desychronized.
Event OnUpdateGameTime()

; Determining Moon Phase Below...Not yet implimented.
   int timeOfDay = GameHour.GetValueint()
   int DaysPassed = GameDaysPassed.GetValueint()
   cohGetMoonPhase = 0
; Ignore PhaseDay, not functioning in this iteration of the script.

;/List of moon phases returned by cohGetMoonPhase.
0 = full moon
1 = 3/4 waning
2 = half waning
3 = 1/4 waning
4 = new moon
5 = 1/4 waxing
6 = half waxing
7 = 3/4 waxing/;

;Not sure what cohPhaseDay should return, though one is an adequete placeholder.
   If TimeOfDay >= 20 || TimeOfDay < 6
   cohCanTransform == true

   elseif TimeOfDay < 20 || TimeOfDay >= 6
   cohCanTransform == false

; Hell, it's morphing time!
   if ( PlayerIsWerewolf.GetValue() == 1 && cohCanTransform == true ) && NotFirstChange == true && game.getplayer().HasMagicEffect(Werewolf) == 0
   WerewolfChangeEffect.Cast(Game.GetPlayer(), Game.GetPlayer())
   Utility.WaitGameTime ( 0.05 )
   Debug.Notification ("Generic Flavor Text")
   elseif PlayerIsWerewolf.GetValue() == 1 && cohCanTransform == true && NotFirstChange == false && game.getplayer().HasMagicEffect(Werewolf) == 0
   WerewolfChangeEffect.Cast(Game.GetPlayer(), Game.GetPlayer())
   Utility.WaitGameTime ( 0.05 )
   Debug.MessageBox ("First Post Transform Flavor Text")

   elseif PlayerIsWerewolf.GetValue() == 1 && game.getplayer().HasMagicEffect(Werewolf) == 1 && cohCanTransform == false




Hm Elder did you put references in global scripts maybe? If you want i can check out with LogicDragon and ask him what he thinks if you want?

Currently i finished combat part of the scripts ill check them out in game if they work and ill pop them here tomorrow...



Strike for name calling and insulting language. -myrmaad

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Xahstur, please mind your attitude...If you can't work with others, then you can leave now.


And I doubt logic dragon will be able to help us, he's just as new at papyrus as we are, probably more so unless he's had a good amount of time with it.

Edited by TheElderInfinity
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If anyone's interested in trying to get my script to work, the .esp file is attached to this post.


under quests, search coh to find cohwwtimingmode (or something like that); that's the quest everything's attached to.


edit: and it turns out you can't attach .esp files to posts.


Brilliant. Wait, how did Argan do it?




He used the button labelled "insert code snippet" [<>] -mm

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Argan, I can try to implement some of the visual changes, but please keep in mind the constraints of the model:

1. The proportions MUST stay basically the same. I can't extend the arms, shorten legs, or anything like that. It has to work off an existing skeleton, so all major joints have to line up with those of the werewolf skeleton.

2. The werebear has to have a different "initial read" than that of the werewolf. That means that I have to find some way of making the werebear look significantly different from the werewolf at a distance, while still maintaining the proportions almost exactly the same. So, slimming the belly, making its claws back to fingers, and sharpening the ears will give us just (visually) another werewolf.

3. Also, any preview images of the model will show it in its most neutral position. That means that it's posture, hands, arms, and mouth will be at the places where its skeleton lays. All the gesture and emotion and stuff will come with the animations.


I'll work at beefing up the werebear's musculature and working the face to look much more savage. Anyway, thanks for all the feedback. The rest of the week is pretty busy for me, so I should be able to post some different iterations of the face and body by sometime next week.

Yeah, you are right, i thought about that some time later after i posted.

Well, if you want to make it more different from the werewolf it can be done easily (imo):

First of all, Larger shoulders (just pumping them up without modifying the skeleton) that will give the impression of a lot of strenght;

Second, the dimensions, the bear is bigger than the wolf and it can be modified in the coding, so this problem is solved by the coders themselves.


If those 2 things can be done without major problems then the feeling of "bigger and badder" should be satisfied.

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oh excuse me for missing "do" while on an android phone, I'll be sure to take extra English classes in my university just for you my friend, considering that CG architects usually don't need more then 8 of them but whatever floats your boat.

i need to cool it with my nagging? oh please, quote me on that, you can't seem to be able to take any proper criticism considering you lost any sort of composure the second i brought logic to your OP buffs that would in most cases ruin the game. Also, i do not need your odd comments of private organs; you need to simply grow up and perhaps act a bit more professional?

Lastly, I do not see it any different if I have to leave the team or not, I find it fun working in this team even IF atm i am stumped with a lot of work and trying to get 3 other projects out of the way before i can finally complete or advance my work on this mod. Good for you that your not coming here to fight, I'd be afraid if you were here to fight.

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