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Where did Aela go? PLEASE HELP!


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Aela is my wife of recent past, and I took her on a quest with me. She got in the way of my battle axe while swinging at a Forsworn Looter. I received a message that said, "Your companion has left your service." Now she isn't at home in "Breezehome," or in Jorrvaskr, or anywhere else, for that matter. Can someone please tell me where she went off to, or can someone at least provide me with the spawn code for her?


Thank you in advance!

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Aela is my wife of recent past, and I took her on a quest with me. She got in the way of my battle axe while swinging at a Forsworn Looter. I received a message that said, "Your companion has left your service." Now she isn't at home in "Breezehome," or in Jorrvaskr, or anywhere else, for that matter. Can someone please tell me where she went off to, or can someone at least provide me with the spawn code for her?


Thank you in advance!



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The only thing I can think of is that she's still walking back from where ever she was when she left your service, since I travel with Farkas and he will always manually walk back home after saying "I'm heading back home if you need me.". Try waiting a few extra hours and then checking the house Aela resides in when she's not with you, or even Jorrvaskr. I think your spouse heads back to the home you've moved them into if you've done so (for me, Farkas resides in Breezehome and can always be found there). I hope that helps. Also, Merry Christmas! :)
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