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Is there anything similar to "don't call me settler"?


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Sad =\
I've been looking towards Sim Settlements, if it keeps going right i fell that this will be one of the core mods for me in the future.
Just as DCMS was =\

Stopped playing when DCMS were removed, keept waiting for news but.. Welp that's sad.

What kills most of the hope is the radio silence from the M.A ç_ç
Not a single word D=
Could be useful, if the M.A allowed the M.A of S.S to incorporate de DCMS into S.S...

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I didn't start to have problems until I tried to add new settlers to my existing settlements; that's when things finally borked for me. So, I can keep playing on my old build without growing out settlements. I've got a lot of playtime on this character too... sigh. At least I can save the settlements now and transfer them to an earlier save/different character.


Has anyone managed to turn off/uninstall DCMS without it destroying a save or causing any further damage? I've experimented on one backup, and every time I try to save after adding a new settler, it just crashes. Looks like it may come time to start backing things up...

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Nope, from what I hear, uninstalling DCMS mid-game is pretty much guaranteed to destroy your save. So I guess choosing to use it on a new playthrough is always a calculated risk.


Personally, I always spawn new settlers directly into my settlements. In a place like Sanctuary, which I build up all at once, I might spawn 50+ settlers one after the other. I then instantly give them jobs. I never willingly use the recruitment beacon. If the mission requires me to build one, I turn it on for a second and then switch it back off. I also only use two DCMS commands: Burn Baby Burn and Track Damaged Resources. I avoid using Call of the General (or whatever it's called) because I've noticed that it tends to screw everything up. I also tend to avoid using the hot key commands. There are basically a bunch of other things I tend to do (or not do)... In other words, you really need to treat DCMS with care. Having followed this procedure I have never had any major issues with it... Fingers crossed ;-)


If it's the naming of settlers aspect that you are keen on, maybe try this new mod:



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Ah, thanks for the input and the tip on spawning; I'd already been doing that with the DCMS version of Orphans of the Commonwealth, so that's not an entirely foreign concept to me. Sadly, the problem is that I finally found one of the level 4 merchants I'd been missing at a random event. I guess that one's going to be a write-off. Otherwise, yeah, I've pretty much done the other stuff you have listed to keep it from going nuts and it's been fine. I haven't used the recruitment beacon in ages because I was focusing on a few settlements and was happy with the existing populations.


The names are cool, but the other features (job tracking, attack warnings, Burn Baby Burn) were what really sold me on it. I'll keep that new mod in mind, along with others that replace the other aspects when I start a new save.


Ah well, I needed to try out Transfer Settlements and get it working correctly anyway... but that's an issue for another thread. :happy:

Edited by DorynaSira
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I can't believe this, how could he just quit like a loser on account of a few complainers... people get so angsty with their saves, don't they know losing it all is a part of modding a game? I'm planning to use version 1-7-3 of DCMS. Perhaps it will work, perhaps it won't. It became such a core part of my game it bothers a lot not using it. When you get accustomed with how it manages the settlements and streamline the settlers, gives them some measure of life, some much needed improvements the rest is just superfluous details... it's hard to go back to vanilla. Really.


Ah, maybe I should keep a open mind... but no mod can be compared with it. Yet.


Anyone with a good list of the mods that can replace it and they can be merged together without nuking Fo4?

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I suspect what happened was that he removed it with the genuine intention of fixing it, but then - for whatever reason - found out that he couldn't. Or maybe real life caught up with him. Either way, taking it down is always the mod author's prerogative, no matter how frustrating that might be for the user.


I agree, once you get used to DCMS, it's very hard to replace it with anything else. I've looked at a few other mods, but nothing really compares in terms of functionality. Like you, I still use DCMS. I've had no major problems - and if I did, I'd just abandon the playthrough and start a new one. I mean, I've deleted bugged three-month old playthroughs in the past without a moment's hesitation. Like you say, losing it all is just part of modding a game. If users can't handle that, they probably shouldn't be modding their games in the first place.

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