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Pressing 7 on the Numpad Kills My Framerate


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So when I press the 7 (home) key on the numpad my framerate plummets from 60 to around 15 frames a second. I can't figure out what is causing this to my knowledge no mods should I have installed should just butcher my framerate at the press of a button. I am using Realvision ENB so maybe it has something to do with that? I have no clue someone please help.

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  • 2 months later...

Any chance you're running recording software and that button is the "start recording" hotkey?


If it were a hotkey for screenshots, it would probably tell you on screen (at least through Steam) and you'd hear a camera shutter noise, so you can probably rule that out.


If you somehow remapped your quicksave key from F5 to numpad7, that could also cause a freeze and drop in framerate when you press it, but again, you would probably notice "Quicksaving..." in the upper left corner of the screen.


Otherwise, the only other thing besides an ENB toggle it could be is another program performing some action that's throttling resources when you press that key.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That particular hotkey toggles the ENB/ENBoost FPS limiter on/off, allowing your framerate to exceed 60fps if your computer is capable of doing so.


You will notice no difference if you're in an area that you cannot exceed 60fps (too many textures to load, etc.), so the problem may appear to be intermittent.


In case you were not already aware, exceeding 60fps in Skyrim is not a good idea as the physics/havoc system is dependent on FPS. All sort of weird things will start to happen when you let the game exceed 60fps, from flying mammoth to dancing sweetrolls.


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