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Spyware from Adverts


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Well rob, I suggest you warm up to the idea now that your in the game. When my site reaches the point that i can no longer afford the bandwidth and storage fees I too will have to employ advertising to stay afloat. If it's any consolation though, as an administrator of my site you will not have to see the ads that pay for our continued existence.
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Rob; don't feel the need to agree with everything I say just because I'm an admin. My time on these forums would be really boring if everyone agreed with what I said. However, I know you're wrong on this issue :P
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Wait, are you saying you don't want us to agree with everything you say?! :huh:


Yes!!!!! :P



However, just get a good spyware remover and you won't have the problems.


This brings a question to my mind. Do you get payed to just have the ads? Or do you get payed for each click on the ads?

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Most advertising schemes involve payment per view, though not all do.


As for spyware... I havent seen any, but then again I dont click on any of the ads, and I use Linux so those that try and do anything automatically can't. I do make a point, however, of not visiting the main site while I'm using Windows... just in case. :)

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Rob, you can believe whatever you want. Just because Dark0ne is as he says, the admin, doesn't mean you have to always agree with him. Although, I don't know what the ads are for. So, what I really explain them as is spam.


Same here. As admin of USF studios, nobody has to agree with me all the time on there. I might sometimes be wrong. You don't need to be scared of agreeing with the administrators or not. I'm sure he doesn't mind about your answer saying 'ads are stupid and pointless, and shouldn't be hosted at all.', but he knows you're wrong.

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Ads are what keep the site running - bandwidth doesn't come cheap, y'know :rolleyes: Thing is, as much as I despise advertising, I have to get used to the idea, as worm pointed out.


BTW, because there were some booby ads mentioned, I think this thread should've been called "Spyware from Perverts" :P

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*snip* I think this thread should've been called "Spyware from Perverts" :P



Best laugh I have had today, and in a long time.


Thank You



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