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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Good to know you're safe, but keep an eye out, wildfires are unpredictable

The status of the nearby fire just dropped from "out of control" to "being controlled" this morning, which is a relief. There's also still a fair bit of rain forecast for the next few days, which is promising. There's only been a couple of millimetres so far, but this morning I actually got to walk in the rain for the first time in... I don't know how long.



Доброго времени суток уважаемые форумчане!

Не первый год играю в FALLOUT 4. Добился полной корректности и стабильности в работе игры. Хочу поделиться с Вами.

Вот ссылка на мою статью. Там указано как, чем и почему... Поймут даже чайники. Всё - от установки игры до настройки модов. Доступно и просто. Ссылки на софт в статье.




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Кирилл Гераскевич.

I don't speak Russian, but via Google Translate this looks like a link to some general Fallout 4 install/mod setup information. Did you mean to post this elsewhere?

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Hi Antistar, would you make a .50 option for the AR-15? and after WAR and PEACE release, do you have plan to make alternate versions that completely remove those random-generate Legendary equipments? Honestly I hate Fallout 4's Legendary things because they make most unique equipments almost worthless ( like why would you need to buy that Spray n' Pray when you can farm a more powerful gun with the exactly same effect)

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From everywhere being on fire directly into everywhere being underwater - geez louise what a summer.


The amount of rain many parts of Eastern Australia have been getting is just staggering; but so far Canberra has been mostly left out again! There was ~50mm overnight several days ago (and I was out in it that morning - got pretty wet even with wet weather gear on), which is huge compared to the extreme drought conditions we've been in... but I've seen far more here before.


I mean, I'm very glad we didn't get flooding here, but it wasn't enough to put out the huge fire nearby, which is kind of concerning. The rain was thundering down. Everything was covered in water - tracks turned into streams. I didn't think it would be able to stand up to that. Having said that, the fire is still classed as "being controlled" and they did say that the rain helped a lot with getting it contained.


Anyway, I think people are generally assuming that the danger this bushfire season is most likely over now - and I hope they're right. It was terrifying for a few days there. That nearby fire burnt over a third of the ACT, going by surface area - a lot of that in just a day or two. If the wind had simply been blowing the other direction on those days, well... I'd probably be looking for a new place to live right now.

Hi Antistar, would you make a .50 option for the AR-15? and after WAR and PEACE release, do you have plan to make alternate versions that completely remove those random-generate Legendary equipments? Honestly I hate Fallout 4's Legendary things because they make most unique equipments almost worthless ( like why would you need to buy that Spray n' Pray when you can farm a more powerful gun with the exactly same effect)

You mean like .50 Beowulf? No plans for that, sorry. I don't want to add a ton of random calibres purely because someone put them through an AR-15 at some point. ;) I only want to add new calibres if it would be extremely weird for them to not be there - like 9x19mm.


No alternate versions! Hell is alternate versions! (More info on that in the FAQ, in the second post. ;))


I wouldn't want to remove randomly spawning Legendary weapons anyway; I like that they can be found that way. The less things that are exactly the same every time you play the game, the better, in my opinion.

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I wouldn't want to remove randomly spawning Legendary weapons anyway; I like that they can be found that way. The less things that are exactly the same every time you play the game, the better, in my opinion.

Good to hear that things around you are going well


I don't dislike the randomness, I just hate that Bethesda is too lazy to give most unique weapons a truly unique feature, since you said no alternative version, guessed I can only hope someone would make a Unique unique mod for WARS......

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Unique Uniques made the vanilla game's unique weapons truly unique,but that hasn't seen any updates since before the DLC dropped. And it broke precombined meshes,for some reason. Who knows. Maybe a future update for WARS and PEACE will make unique weapons properly unique,or someone will make a partner mod to do the same thing.

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Glad to hear that the fires in in your area do not pose an immediate threat to you or your area anymore.


I assume its too early to let a sigh of relief but, as a famous British PM once said '' Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.''


I hope this quote applies to the red summer Australia had to suffer thru, and that you and your countrymen will have a much better 2020.

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I think that's enough praying from everyone because now we're dealing with floods lol


50 beowulf would've been a nice little nod to the survivalist's rifle but there's always other mods for that

Edited by Bottletopman
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Hey Antistar what weapon sound overhaul did you say you use again?

Commonwealth Warfare - and the Explosions set too.





Glad to hear that the fires in in your area do not pose an immediate threat to you or your area anymore.


I assume its too early to let a sigh of relief but, as a famous British PM once said '' Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.''


I hope this quote applies to the red summer Australia had to suffer thru, and that you and your countrymen will have a much better 2020.

I think that's enough praying from everyone because now we're dealing with floods lol

Yeah we, uh... had a bit of rain last night.


That stretch of the river had actually dried up to the point that it stopped flowing earlier this summer. Seems like it may have recovered! I've never seen it as low as it was, and I've never seen it as high as it is right now.


For anyone interested, here's an article on the aftermath of the huge fire that was (is?) nearby, too.



Back on the mods though, I've been doing some stuff for PEACE recently and just posted some screenshots.

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