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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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And thanks again, yeah; the last two surgeries my dad had were much less invasive than what he had around Christmas-time, so recovery was pretty quick.

Yo, that's awesome dude! A family member just also got well through surgery but... Our public health system in Brazil has gotten really worse thanks to the pandemic... Just hoping for the best, i guess.




Yes, isathar just told me about that. It's also available on GitHub: AmmoTweaks v1.1


Speaking of which, I was wrong about plans re: AmmoTweaks v2 (a.k.a. TweaksFramework) being released on the Nexus. I think the plan now is for it to be released on GitHub and ModDB. I'm not isathar though of course, so don't quote me on that.

But, is that what was necessary to finish WARS? Just TweaksFramework?

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Making use of the framework in AmmoTweaks v2/TweaksFramework is the main thing that still needs to be done, yeah. To be clear though, it's not as simple as "TweaksFramework drops, WARS releases the next day". ;) It'll take time to implement - and then there's proper internal testing to do (including me just playing the game normally for a while, if not a full playthrough), the closed beta, documentation, etc.


Right now I'm also hard at work doing all the ammo crafting (with factory machines) stuff. That's been a lot of work. It's mostly done now, though. All the ballistic and Energy ammo is done, and now I'm working on Heavy ammo. Of those, Flamer Fuel and 40x46mm grenades are done. After the Heavy ammo there's only mines and hand grenades to do.


Weapon crafting with factory machines is all done, as well.

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I'm kind of surprised Isathar released AmmoTweaks on Github and ModDB, wasn't the reason it was pulled from Nexus was for Isathar to replace it with Version 2 once it's finished?


Off topic but in NifSkope when you change a meshes rotation or translation you're supposed to be able to visually see the change in NifSkope right?

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Ive never been so excited seeing ammo boxes. Dead mint!! hyped asf

Haha - thanks. :smile:


I just did some models for missile sub-types, too. Nothing really special or from-scratch for these; just mash-ups of the vanilla missile model and various grenades, mainly. At the moment I'm thinking that the missile sub-types will be:


- HE (The default.)

- HEAT (High Explosive Anti Tank)

- Incendiary

- HV (High Velocity)

- Cryo

- Plasma

- Pulse

- Hive



I've also been thinking about what the cannonball sub-types will be. This is very tentative, but I'm considering (and hey, why not just paste in my notes directly, like some kind of maverick):


- Solid - Default. More impact damage since it's a big solid ball?

- Canister Shot or Grapeshot

- Explosive ("Shell") - The vanilla default. Explode after delay, rather than on impact?

- Shrapnel - Like Explosive, but with shrapnel.

- Carcass? - Incendiary and radioactive area-of-effect? Or INC and Poison? Maybe the former if it creates a burning hazard area, and the latter if it's a one-off explosion.


If you're curious about any of those, I was using this for reference.


On a related note, did I mention that I added a non-unique version of Broadsider, in the form of the "Swivel Gun"? I figured that if the Harpoon Gun is non-unique, why not have the Swivel Gun in there too? It's still quite rare - basically only found in specialty weapon stores and on NPCs that might otherwise have a Harpoon Gun - and Broadsider is still a unique version of it. (Edit: Oh, you can also build the Swivel Gun with a factory setup if you've found the appropriate issue of "Big Bore" magazine.)



I'm kind of surprised Isathar released AmmoTweaks on Github and ModDB, wasn't the reason it was pulled from Nexus was for Isathar to replace it with Version 2 once it's finished?


Off topic but in NifSkope when you change a meshes rotation or translation you're supposed to be able to visually see the change in NifSkope right?

Isathar mentioned wanting to move to hosting their mods on GitHub and ModDB rather than the Nexus.


Yes, in Nifskope you should see objects changing in real-time as you edit their translation/rotation/scale. Unless they're set to render in a special way, maybe? E.g. always facing the camera. I don't have as much experience with that side of things.



Yo! Antistar! ETA On the mods WARS and PEACE? :D

Please see the FAQ in the second post. :wink:

Edited by antistar
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You would know more than I of Isathars plans of action Antistar, good to see it's available though, might check it out myself..although that's a cubic buttload of mod weapons I'd be trying to integrate..and I might not have that kind of know-how yet.


Usually in NifSkope I would anticipate seeing objects changing in real-time while editing one of those three..or any combination of. I've been trying to fix up the patch for Private Military Company Extended's loadout for the men, as the patch currently tends to bury itself into the vest a bit (which is ruining the visual appeal of my unit patch) but the changes aren't being rendered in Nifskope for some reason. Reluctant to use Outfit Studio as from my understanding it has a tendency to drop weights..and strange things happen to magazines and pouches and whatnot when they lose their weighing.


You mentioned swivel guns and the first thing that came to mind was seeing how far I could make someone fly off the deck of the USS Constitution LMAO.

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Oh, right; skinned objects (i.e. clothes, armour, creatures, etc) can't be edited that way in Nifskope. Or at least the edits don't show up in Nifskope. Pretty sure you just can't, though, since for skinned objects it's the bones that determine their position/rotation/etc.


That slipped my mind. I guess I haven't been working on that side of things lately.


I'm afraid you probably will need something like Outfit studio or 3ds max to make changes like that.

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Ive never been so excited seeing ammo boxes. Dead mint!! hyped asf

Haha - thanks. :smile:


I just did some models for missile sub-types, too. Nothing really special or from-scratch for these; just mash-ups of the vanilla missile model and various grenades, mainly. At the moment I'm thinking that the missile sub-types will be:


- HE (The default.)

- HEAT (High Explosive Anti Tank)

- Incendiary

- HV (High Velocity)

- Cryo

- Plasma

- Pulse

- Hive



I've also been thinking about what the cannonball sub-types will be. This is very tentative, but I'm considering (and hey, why not just paste in my notes directly, like some kind of maverick):


- Solid - Default. More impact damage since it's a big solid ball?

- Canister Shot or Grapeshot

- Explosive ("Shell") - The vanilla default. Explode after delay, rather than on impact?

- Shrapnel - Like Explosive, but with shrapnel.

- Carcass? - Incendiary and radioactive area-of-effect? Or INC and Poison? Maybe the former if it creates a burning hazard area, and the latter if it's a one-off explosion.


If you're curious about any of those, I was using this for reference.


On a related note, did I mention that I added a non-unique version of Broadsider, in the form of the "Swivel Gun"? I figured that if the Harpoon Gun is non-unique, why not have the Swivel Gun in there too? It's still quite rare - basically only found in specialty weapon stores and on NPCs that might otherwise have a Harpoon Gun - and Broadsider is still a unique version of it. (Edit: Oh, you can also build the Swivel Gun with a factory setup if you've found the appropriate issue of "Big Bore" magazine.)



I'm kind of surprised Isathar released AmmoTweaks on Github and ModDB, wasn't the reason it was pulled from Nexus was for Isathar to replace it with Version 2 once it's finished?


Off topic but in NifSkope when you change a meshes rotation or translation you're supposed to be able to visually see the change in NifSkope right?

Isathar mentioned wanting to move to hosting their mods on GitHub and ModDB rather than the Nexus.


Yes, in Nifskope you should see objects changing in real-time as you edit their translation/rotation/scale. Unless they're set to render in a special way, maybe? E.g. always facing the camera. I don't have as much experience with that side of things.



Yo! Antistar! ETA On the mods WARS and PEACE? :D

Please see the FAQ in the second post. :wink:


I have, but that was back in 2016; 5 or so years ago. I was kind of hoping for a more up to date answer. :confused:

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I wonder if there's a way to unflag the patches model as a skinned object for the editing, using 3DS Max isn't tangible for me since I can't afford it.


ryanmaidenfan simply put there won't be an ETA on WARS and PEACE release until AmmoTweaks V2 is released, this is something out of Antistars control.

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