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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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It's kind of the same problem as with perks not being able to affect recoil handling. Armour-piercing effects appear to work via hidden perk; there's a specific "entry point" for Ballistic damage armour-piercing, and no equivalent for Energy damage.


It's always possible that I'm missing something and there's another way to do it, but if there is, it's not immediately apparent.

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So,if I recall,we have sniper rifles,combat rifles,marksman rifles,AMRs,assault rifles,sidearms,machine pistols... But no true machine guns or LSWs. We just skip from assault rifle to rotary gun. Do you have any plans for that rather jarring gap?

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Oh Antistar I also was curious on how you plan on handling resource scarcity. I really like when things are really expensive and bullets and healing items are very scarce. I already know of mods that can do that but I don't think they would reduce the droprate of your new ammo's that are being added with the mod.

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So,if I recall,we have sniper rifles,combat rifles,marksman rifles,AMRs,assault rifles,sidearms,machine pistols... But no true machine guns or LSWs. We just skip from assault rifle to rotary gun. Do you have any plans for that rather jarring gap?


You'll notice there's an M60 in the "possible weapons" list. :wink:


This has come up a few times in the thread though. The main problem is that belt-fed machine guns take a huge amount of work to do the models/textures for. Same with the animations, if they're even technically possible (to do at all decently) considering FO4's animation limitations. Hitman seemed to have some ideas on how to make it work (the sticking point is the ammo belt), but I don't know the details.


In any case, after the initial release of WARS I am planning to do an L86 barrel for the SA80, so there should be an L86A1 LSW available at some point.


And right now of course you can put a 100-round C-Mag on an automatic AR-15 or Mini-14 and have it fill in for an LMG. :wink:



Hey Antistar I remember you going over the reasons you weren't planning on using see-though-scopes for your guns. Do you think it is possible that you will allow someone to create a see-through-scopes patch for those who want it?


Yes. The permissions on WARS will probably be similar to those on Clockwork - i.e. the assets are a modder's resource and making add-on patches without asking my permission first is fine. (No straight-up replacements or merges of the main plugin though.)



Oh Antistar I also was curious on how you plan on handling resource scarcity. I really like when things are really expensive and bullets and healing items are very scarce. I already know of mods that can do that but I don't think they would reduce the droprate of your new ammo's that are being added with the mod.


Ammo scarcity in WARS is going to be an interesting thing. I'm actually going to be increasing the amount of ammo NPCs spawn with, but that's because I'll also be removing their infinite-ammo super-powers. Even the biggest finite number you can imagine is very small next to infinity. :wink:


That means you may recover more ammo from your enemies... but only if they go down before they've used it themselves. How much ammo I give to NPCs is something I'll have to experiment with, but my current plan is for (say) low-level raiders to only have enough to reload their weapon once (or twice if they're lucky), while high-ranking BoS or Gunners may even have something approaching a modern day standard combat load (in the context of ammo).


Even if it ends up that players are getting more ammo from enemies overall, WARS is designed around realistic weight values for weapons/ammo and a reduced encumbrance limit (e.g. as in Survival Mode), so ammo scarcity may become more of a logistical issue to some extent - based on how much you can carry.

Edited by antistar
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So,if I recall,we have sniper rifles,combat rifles,marksman rifles,AMRs,assault rifles,sidearms,machine pistols... But no true machine guns or LSWs. We just skip from assault rifle to rotary gun. Do you have any plans for that rather jarring gap?


You'll notice there's an M60 in the "possible weapons" list. :wink:


This has come up a few times in the thread though. The main problem is that belt-fed machine guns take a huge amount of work to do the models/textures for. Same with the animations, if they're even technically possible (to do at all decently) considering FO4's animation limitations. Hitman seemed to have some ideas on how to make it work (the sticking point is the ammo belt), but I don't know the details.


In any case, after the initial release of WARS I am planning to do an L86 barrel for the SA80, so there should be an L86A1 LSW available at some point.


And right now of course you can put a 100-round C-Mag on an automatic AR-15 or Mini-14 and have it fill in for an LMG. :wink:

The existing "Assault Rifle" would lend itself well to an old Johnson for animations, or an M249 loaded with box magazines as such.

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So about when will this get released? Sounds like it will be a great mod!

Thanks - but please see the FAQ in the second post. ;)



The existing "Assault Rifle" would lend itself well to an old Johnson for animations, or an M249 loaded with box magazines as such.

Haha - I'm pretty sure mag-fed LMGs came up in previous conversations on LMGs in the thread too. I think I said something along the lines of there being no point in spending all that time implementing an LMG if it wasn't going to have the intricate ammo-belt-centric reload animation. ;)

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Ah I see so the there will still be limited resources at your disposal as far as ammunition goes simply based on carry weight limitations. So in that sense you will have more ammo overall should you stock up but will have to choose how much of each ammo type for your guns you would like to take with you on a run. Assuming I do not use fast travel as I usually do not. I can see ammo collecting runs being a thing. I really think this could be a lot of fun. I can see some lower end guns being used as a secondary still during later game content due to their weight efficiency. This could turn out great for the relevancy of some lighter caliber weapons. This is pretty awesome for someone like me who loves a good handgun. Seems you have thought this out better than I have Antistar. Or perhaps these are just the natural effects of a more natural and true to life system. I am excited to be carrying my big ole AMR with me but having to decide if my target is worth the use of its limited ammo I have for it on me. Super cool dynamics I didn't think about. One question I have is if you have any plans to remove certain tedious things from the survival experience. For example I like the disease system but I really hate diseases and sicknesses that make you have to drink sleep or eat more. I don't understand why you would take something you have to do constantly and have a disease that makes it even more tedious to handle. Also the adrenaline thing is ridiculous. I killed some stuff with my guns therefore guns now do more damage? lol Anyway thank you so much for easing my concerns. The mod I use for resource scarcity is modular so I will be able to have it only affect health items and trade percentages as to not interfere with your ammo systems. So excited to do my WARS playthrough once I build my new gaming pc. Gonna build it in about 6 months so heres hoping it is playable by then. If not I will tide myself over with my skyrim mod setup I have been building up. Definitely gonna wait until you are definitively done with WARS as I want the full WARS experience. I am patient enough and have other games I wanna play so should be fine.

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