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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Just a question for clarity:


When you refer to 'aim speed' in your planned features page, (for example, vertical foregrips increasing aim speed and other legendary effects affecting aim speed) are you referring to the time it takes to go in and out of iron sights/scopes or the actual mouse aim sensitivity for each weapon?

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Ik that we have to wait for the full mod, but i really like the m4/m16 with a functional m203.. is there any chance to have a early relase of that weapon only?

No, sorry; please see the FAQ in the second post re: alternate versions.



Just a question for clarity:


When you refer to 'aim speed' in your planned features page, (for example, vertical foregrips increasing aim speed and other legendary effects affecting aim speed) are you referring to the time it takes to go in and out of iron sights/scopes or the actual mouse aim sensitivity for each weapon?

Aim speed is a measure of how quickly the weapon is brought into iron sights/scopes. I honestly doubt that the game has a way to hook into mouse sensitivity outside of the options menu.

Yeah, it's the speed at which you get in and out of sights/scopes. I believe there is a way to change mouselook speed in a plugin via the various Movement Type records - hence mods like Raw Input being able to fix various bugs related to mouse sensitivity that Bethsoft never managed to catch in one of their patches even after I told them about them no I'm not bitter - but I don't think it's something you can change via omods, no.


If we could change mouse sensitivity via omods... I don't know that I'd want to. STALKER for example has lower sensitivity for certain larger weapons and it does make sense, but the mouse sensitivity changing when you switch weapons feels awful.

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Yeah, thank God for that Raw Input mod. Mouse acceleration? Different sensitivity settings for X and Y axis? What were you thinking Bethesda? (Probably "because consoles")


I only asked because I played resi 4 recently on PC and that game has different aim sensitivity for different guns which was jarring for mouse controls... Different scope speeds sounds nice to make the game feel less arcade-y though.

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A quick ergonomics talk. The bayonet for the vanilla Missile Launcher (Now the VMLS) is mounted to the underside of the muzzle. How do you get the leverage you need to deliver a powerful enough thrust or cut to do damage to an enemy like that? Why not attach the blade to the top of the tube,at the back,so you can swing the weapon like a headsman's axe,affording maximum leverage from that shoulder-braced position,so you can deliver an utterly hellacious chop. Or,if that "bayonet" were,instead of a blade,a spike. Warpicks are historically proven,after all.

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Well the reasons I probably won't do it at least are that the blade would look a bit weird there, wouldn't be visible in first-person, and would require new animations. I'll admit that it would be cool in the moment of the CHOP though.



After posting my notes on the melee weapon weights earlier I realised that I'd missed the extra Sledgehammer weapon mods added by Nuka-World, so:




Handle			2.18

Standard		16
Puncturing		19.2
Heavy			48
Heavy Spiked		51.2 (Heavy head + 6x0.5 for railroad spikes + 0.2 est for mounting brackets)
Heavy Sharp		49.38 (Heavy head + 8x0.01 for nails, 0.26 for 1m barbed wire, 2x0.52 for 2 circular saw blades)
Heavy Rocket		52.2 (Heavy head + 4.2 est for single rocket plus mount)
Heavy Sharp Rocket	53.58 (48 + 1.38 + 4.2)
Heavy Spiked Rocket	55.4 (48 + 3.2 + 4.2)
Heavy Searing Sharp Rocket	54.88 (48 + 1.3 for heated coil + 1.38 + 4.2)
Heavy Shock Sharp Rocket	55.08 (48 + 1.5 for electrical coil + 1.38 + 4.2)



(It gets really heavy.)


I am still hoping to have STR requirements - for melee weapons too - via AmmoTweaks. That - plus weapons in WARS boosting your max carry weight when equipped since they're not taking up space in your pack - is important when it comes to super heavy weapons like the Sledgehammer.

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Ik that we have to wait for the full mod, but i really like the m4/m16 with a functional m203.. is there any chance to have a early relase of that weapon only?

No, sorry; please see the FAQ in the second post re: alternate versions.



Just a question for clarity:


When you refer to 'aim speed' in your planned features page, (for example, vertical foregrips increasing aim speed and other legendary effects affecting aim speed) are you referring to the time it takes to go in and out of iron sights/scopes or the actual mouse aim sensitivity for each weapon?

Aim speed is a measure of how quickly the weapon is brought into iron sights/scopes. I honestly doubt that the game has a way to hook into mouse sensitivity outside of the options menu.

Yeah, it's the speed at which you get in and out of sights/scopes. I believe there is a way to change mouselook speed in a plugin via the various Movement Type records - hence mods like Raw Input being able to fix various bugs related to mouse sensitivity that Bethsoft never managed to catch in one of their patches even after I told them about them no I'm not bitter - but I don't think it's something you can change via omods, no.


If we could change mouse sensitivity via omods... I don't know that I'd want to. STALKER for example has lower sensitivity for certain larger weapons and it does make sense, but the mouse sensitivity changing when you switch weapons feels awful.


I see, well i'll have to wait to endorse this awesome mod ^^

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Well the reasons I probably won't do it at least are that the blade would look a bit weird there, wouldn't be visible in first-person, and would require new animations. I'll admit that it would be cool in the moment of the CHOP though.



After posting my notes on the melee weapon weights earlier I realised that I'd missed the extra Sledgehammer weapon mods added by Nuka-World, so:





Handle			2.18

Standard		16
Puncturing		19.2
Heavy			48
Heavy Spiked		51.2 (Heavy head + 6x0.5 for railroad spikes + 0.2 est for mounting brackets)
Heavy Sharp		49.38 (Heavy head + 8x0.01 for nails, 0.26 for 1m barbed wire, 2x0.52 for 2 circular saw blades)
Heavy Rocket		52.2 (Heavy head + 4.2 est for single rocket plus mount)
Heavy Sharp Rocket	53.58 (48 + 1.38 + 4.2)
Heavy Spiked Rocket	55.4 (48 + 3.2 + 4.2)
Heavy Searing Sharp Rocket	54.88 (48 + 1.3 for heated coil + 1.38 + 4.2)
Heavy Shock Sharp Rocket	55.08 (48 + 1.5 for electrical coil + 1.38 + 4.2)



(It gets really heavy.)


I am still hoping to have STR requirements - for melee weapons too - via AmmoTweaks. That - plus weapons in WARS boosting your max carry weight when equipped since they're not taking up space in your pack - is important when it comes to super heavy weapons like the Sledgehammer.


So,purely game reasons. Still,pretty good ones. Also,holy pants,that isn't even a weapon anymore! And I honestly doubt that a power armoured combatant can wield them one-handed,as they do in-game! The damage on that thing had better be monstrous.


To those not in the know,ten pounds is considered heavy for a greatsword. 55 pounds for a sledgehammer is several times the weight of a proper polehammer,the closest equivalent we have to the sledgehammer family of weapons; Real warhammers were extremely small,meant as close quarters weapons for cavalrymen to use against other cavalrymen that got extremely close.

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I don't know how much work would such feature require (or if mod is too late in development to suggest it), but have you considered making some mod combinations that, realistically, won't make much sense at all? I mean, I looked at the sledgehammer stats, and it got me thinking, what if you could upgrade your sledgehammer so it does massive (one-shot tier) damage but the weight is so ridiculously high it makes no sense to use it, unless you plan it to be the only item you're going to wear in your inventory. And your strength is 10 without a power armor frame.
My point is, what if weapon modding in WARS wasn't like in vanilla FO4 where you're mostly just going for maximized damage - instead, having really low weapon accuracy, recoil, or as mentioned above weight, is truly something to consider and if you completely neglect one of these stats it will kick you in the ass in the long term. I'd love to see a system where planning forward is rewarding and bad decisions CAN be made.

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