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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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So,purely game reasons. Still,pretty good ones. Also,holy pants,that isn't even a weapon anymore! And I honestly doubt that a power armoured combatant can wield them one-handed,as they do in-game! The damage on that thing had better be monstrous.


To those not in the know,ten pounds is considered heavy for a greatsword. 55 pounds for a sledgehammer is several times the weight of a proper polehammer,the closest equivalent we have to the sledgehammer family of weapons; Real warhammers were extremely small,meant as close quarters weapons for cavalrymen to use against other cavalrymen that got extremely close.

I think the Sledgehammer is going to be capable of pretty extreme damage, yeah. I'm just about to do its stats now, in fact.



I don't know how much work would such feature require (or if mod is too late in development to suggest it), but have you considered making some mod combinations that, realistically, won't make much sense at all? I mean, I looked at the sledgehammer stats, and it got me thinking, what if you could upgrade your sledgehammer so it does massive (one-shot tier) damage but the weight is so ridiculously high it makes no sense to use it, unless you plan it to be the only item you're going to wear in your inventory. And your strength is 10 without a power armor frame.

My point is, what if weapon modding in WARS wasn't like in vanilla FO4 where you're mostly just going for maximized damage - instead, having really low weapon accuracy, recoil, or as mentioned above weight, is truly something to consider and if you completely neglect one of these stats it will kick you in the ass in the long term. I'd love to see a system where planning forward is rewarding and bad decisions CAN be made.

This is kind of what I have in mind for the really heavy weapons - things like the Minigun, Broadsider and now the Sledgehammer (thanks to Bethsoft starting with a 16 lb head and then giving it another head three times that size). Some of these weapons may simply be too big and heavy to store in a backpack, so you might be able to head out with a Minigun in your hands (since in WARS they're essentially "weightless" in that case), but what if you wanted to switch to another weapon? It might be that you'd have to really commit to that heavy weapon... or bring along a robot/pack-brahmin/very strong companion to carry it for you when you're not using it.


All this kind of falls apart (or at least becomes a non-issue) for people not playing in Survival Mode and/or with a mod that imposes a more realistic carry weight limit, but my assumption is that people that do that don't care about this sort of thing anyway. Playing with a reduced carry weight limit is mentioned as recommended in the WARS readme, in any case.

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Surprise, new gun!


- Skorpion vz. 61 01

- Skorpion vz. 61 02

- Skorpion vz. 61 03

- Skorpion vz. 61 04



Changing the stats for all the weapons in the game gets tedious sometimes, so to give myself an occasional break from that I've been working on this Skorpion vz. 61 here and there. It'll be an early-game SMG using .32 ACP (and probably .380 ACP too).

This is using Krycek's Skorpion resource (which looks like it's currently set to "trashed" for whatever reason) with some minor edits by me as usual for everything here but the drum mag and wood stock. The drum mag base mesh is from 500slr's resource, which I edited a bit and then textured. The wood stock is mine from scratch.

I'm going to try it on Hitman's Kiparis animations since the Skorpion and Kiparis have similar shapes. We'll see how that goes.

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Damn, was not expecting another gun after all the major roles were filled, at least not until after the initial release. Good work. You might have some clipping problems using the kiparis anims with the drum mag since the left hand reaches up from underneath to rack the bolt handle.


On another note, how intensive do you expect it to be to convert other weapon mods over into WARS' system? I'm thinking of doing a lore-friendly pack for myself that adds in all the classic guns people have made like the R91, Chinese AR, DKS etc.

Edited by kuzi127
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awesome news with the skorpion i dont know if you knew this but they also made the skoprion in 9mm http://www.forgottenweapons.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/catvz83.jpg

well just a thought if its to much work to do then cool just wanted say that it also in different calibers.

I guess adding a 9mm conversion mod to the gun that also renames it to vz.83 Skorpion wouldn't be too hard. Unless you're bothered by the shape of magazines, I don't think it's possible to change part of the model with keyword or something like that


also correct me if i'm wrong but if it'll get .320 acp rechamber the name should change to vz. 64

Edited by noafk9
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Hi antistar, I could get a beta for everyone with the available weapons to go and make a feedback, what do you think? it's just a suggestion, keep up the good work

Edited by ZOMKILL
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Hi antistar, I could get a beta for everyone with the available weapons to go and make a feedback, what do you think? it's just a suggestion, keep up the good work


also i like how it previously didn't even mention "for everyone"

Edited by noafk9
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Hi antistar, I could get a beta for everyone with the available weapons to go and make a feedback, what do you think? it's just a suggestion, keep up the good work


also i like how it previously didn't even mention "for everyone"

I was referring to a beta for everyone

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Hi antistar, I could get a beta for everyone with the available weapons to go and make a feedback, what do you think? it's just a suggestion, keep up the good work


I was referring to a beta for everyone


but of course you were

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Damn, was not expecting another gun after all the major roles were filled, at least not until after the initial release. Good work. You might have some clipping problems using the kiparis anims with the drum mag since the left hand reaches up from underneath to rack the bolt handle.


On another note, how intensive do you expect it to be to convert other weapon mods over into WARS' system? I'm thinking of doing a lore-friendly pack for myself that adds in all the classic guns people have made like the R91, Chinese AR, DKS etc.

Yeah, I'm expecting there to be some clipping here and there; hopefully it's not too bad. The reload animation is a mixture of fortunate - in that the reach under means you hopefully won't really see that the hand doesn't meet the bolt handle properly - and unfortunate in that the Skorpion has a bolt handle on each side, so the reach under is unnecessary.


I don't expect making a WARS support patch for other weapon mods to be too challenging - people should be able to just follow the tutorial I'll write on it - but there'll be a lot of small changes and additions to make, so it may be painstaking and laborious, depending on your tolerance for such things. There's a reason WARS is taking so much work to make. ;)


I may write that tutorial pretty soon, actually. Although I'd need to add more to it once I've done the AmmoTweaks integration and I know what the process is for that side of things, so... we'll see.



As kind of a basic summary of the main chunks of work (just on the plugin side) I've been doing for each weapon, though:


- Working out weight values for the weapon's various parts. Lots of research and maths. Or just making stuff up if it's a fantasy gun.

- Weapon record changes. Changing stats, plus Object Template changes if necessary to determine what omods it can spawn with.

- Object Mod record changes. This is a big chunk of work, usually. Changing stats, adding new omods, sometimes blocking existing ones from showing up because they're not needed in WARS.

- Loose Mod (Misc Item) record changes. Pretty quick usually. Changing display names, weights and the caps value (which is actually what determines the order weapon mods show up in in the crafting menu).

- Crafting recipes for the weapon mods. Bethsoft were fond of making you build wooden stocks out of aluminium, among other weird examples. Sanity changes were needed sometimes.

- Dynamic naming changes. Often required research into real-world variant naming schemes.

- Levelled list changes/additions. (I haven't done this yet; I'm waiting until after the AmmoTweaks integration.)



awesome news with the skorpion i dont know if you knew this but they also made the skoprion in 9mm http://www.forgottenweapons.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/catvz83.jpg

well just a thought if its to much work to do then cool just wanted say that it also in different calibers.

I guess adding a 9mm conversion mod to the gun that also renames it to vz.83 Skorpion wouldn't be too hard. Unless you're bothered by the shape of magazines, I don't think it's possible to change part of the model with keyword or something like that


also correct me if i'm wrong but if it'll get .320 acp rechamber the name should change to vz. 64

As far as variants and variant names go, I'll likely follow this. 9x19mm might be alright actually - spawning at higher levels and with higher Gun Nut requirements than the .32 ACP and .380 ACP variants. I think I'd use the vz. 61 (.32 ACP), vz. 64 (.380 ACP) and vz. 68 (9x19mm) names so that I can stick to using just the curved magazines in a somewhat more plausible way - since the vz. 82 and 83 only use straight mags, I believe. It mentions on that wikipedia page that the vz. 6x variants besides the vz. 61 didn't enter production, but whatever. Fallout has an alternate history/future; let's just go nuts.



Hi antistar, I could get a beta for everyone with the available weapons to go and make a feedback, what do you think? it's just a suggestion, keep up the good work

I'll certainly appreciate people's help once it's time for the closed beta - but it's not that time yet. ;) Trust me; it wouldn't be any fun right now. It's not in a fully playable state yet.

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