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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Hmm. Given what everyone has said above, it made me think about how cross-weapon attachments could work.


Would it be possible to craft the misc item of a sight/grip/other generic attachment at the chem station (because why not, everyone else uses it as their defualt place to stick new crafting stuff) using the normal scrap components, and then have the recipe at the weapon workbench use the misc item as mentioned? Personally I don't think adding in another workbench type to the weapon crafting loop is a good idea, but it seems like the only easy way to it at this point.



Now that I think more about it, maybe theres a way to do it with just the weapons bench. This is just me brainstorming with my limited scripting/workbench mechanics knowledge though.


First you'd have to differentiate between modifications (something you would change on the base weapon, e.g. receiver or barrel mods) and attachments (e.g. sights, grips, lasers, anything that attaches via rails). On activation of the weapons bench, a menu would come up where you choose between modding weapons and crafting attachments. The weapon modding part would just be the normal weapons bench, but the attachment crafting would bring up a separate menu (more akin to the chem station) where you craft misc items that go into your inventory. Here you could craft all the attachments' misc items with scrap, back out, and then go into the normal modding bench to apply them. It may involve making a custom workbench with no model/animation, but still forcing the game to use the weapon bench model/anim somehow.

Yeah, that was pretty much my thinking too; an activation perk that gives an alternate activation option to the weapon mod workbench, letting you craft these "universal" attachments.


It was late at night when I made that previous post though, and I knew I was forgetting something; you wouldn't get the universal attachment back when you detach an associated weapon mod. Isathar tells me that there's a script in AmmoTweaks for automatically swapping one of a list of bayonet loose mods with a single bayonet weapon, so I suppose something similar could be done with other attachments too, but...


It would mainly just make the whole process of modifying a weapon more convoluted and take a fair bit of work to implement, with only a minor benefit that I think most people won't care about.


If only BGS had let you use the same loose mod (or any other kind of item too, ideally) across multiple omods - this would be so simple!



So MF has separate crafting components that they've implemented to craft some of the attachments. What comes to mind is some lens glass and buffer springs. I know there's a bunch more but I can't think of them at the moment.


The implementation of the components is where I think their system excels. You can buy components from a custom vending machine or scrap another weapon which doesn't quite return the same number of materials that were put into the crafting. For the vending machine, since the components are Pre-War, it requires Pre-War Money.


In the end, I'll have a definitive answer this weekend on how they implemented the components across different platforms and get back to you either in this thread or via PM if you prefer.

Thanks; I'd be interested to hear about it. In the thread is fine.

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do you feel ever like you might miss the bus? Fallout 4 still has fans but the engine is just so old. you have put two years or more into this mod.. it just seems kinda odd to me. I love the modding community and I'd say Skyrim is safe to not be going anywhere. Fallout 4 though.. idk. Once Cyber Punk is out, and if it allows mods which I am sure it will, it might be the last time I looks at fallout 4 ever. I learned a lot from modding this game, idk... just weird your project is so old now and not really anything for us to see/test.


I guess Miami and Cascadia are still coming, but we do get sort of video updates etc to provide visual progress.


like, a few comments up, I just read about how you are interested to learn about Modern Firearms implementation of crafting components. That mod is pretty old and most people are familiar with it.


I do see yopu have made many great mods for other Bethesda games, there was a night vision one I msged you about from FO3.


I just don't know about this mod. it feels like a promise that might not happen. Sorry, but my upbringing, during especially my teenage years with peers taught me to doubt promises.

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Does this modification need the DLCs or not?

Also is there any idea on when this would be playable :tongue:

It's basically as Moldy said there. Further on the DLC requirements; WARS requires all the DLC that contains weapons and/or NPCs that needed their HP values rebalanced. So that's everything except for one or two of the Workshop DLC.


It doesn't require any of the Creation Club DLC; I'm not planning to cover any of that.



do you feel ever like you might miss the bus? Fallout 4 still has fans but the engine is just so old. you have put two years or more into this mod.. it just seems kinda odd to me. I love the modding community and I'd say Skyrim is safe to not be going anywhere. Fallout 4 though.. idk. Once Cyber Punk is out, and if it allows mods which I am sure it will, it might be the last time I looks at fallout 4 ever. I learned a lot from modding this game, idk... just weird your project is so old now and not really anything for us to see/test.


I guess Miami and Cascadia are still coming, but we do get sort of video updates etc to provide visual progress.


like, a few comments up, I just read about how you are interested to learn about Modern Firearms implementation of crafting components. That mod is pretty old and most people are familiar with it.


I do see yopu have made many great mods for other Bethesda games, there was a night vision one I msged you about from FO3.


I just don't know about this mod. it feels like a promise that might not happen. Sorry, but my upbringing, during especially my teenage years with peers taught me to doubt promises.

"Is the modding scene for [game x] dead/dying?" is a perennial comment you'll see concerning any moddable game, and the answer is rarely yes. Player numbers do tend to go down over time of course, though as far as I know, they stay remarkably high for a remarkably long time in the case of BGS' games.


From my own unscientific observations, the more significant drops in player numbers occur when the next game in the series (i.e. Elder Scrolls or Fallout respectively) comes out. I was kind of wondering if we might see that (to some extent) from FO76, but since it's currently in a pretty sorry state by all accounts - and seems to offer something pretty different to FO4 anyway - maybe not. I guess we'll see.


Anyway, on WARS and progress updates; you must have forgotten all the images, videos and progress updates I've posted detailing where development is up to. ;)


Not sure why you bring up Modern Firearms there - and I wasn't wondering about its crafting components so much as I was curious about the mention of it apparently having a "universal weapon mod" system, given the technical obstacles to doing that.


In terms of WARS reaching release; well, I've never posted a WIP for a project and then not released it, and I've been doing this for a fair while now. I don't think you need to worry about that. ;)




Speaking of general updates though; I've had frustratingly little time to work on this lately. It's just that time of year of course, but also there have been more medical appointments sucking up my time. No emergencies, just stuff like needing to get an MRI on my shoulder; turns out there's a small tear in there, in addition to the subacromial bursitis.


I've also been having computer problems. It took a while to narrow down what was causing the problem, but it turned out to be a failing hard drive. It was dying, not dead - and I keep backups anyway - so I didn't lose any work, fortunately. Getting a new hard drive, formatting it, migrating everything across, testing, etc all took a lot of time - during which I couldn't really do any work, for probably obvious reasons. Bleh. Better than losing everything though. I've been there before.


But - I should be able to show some shots soon of what I've been working on lately; once I finally get a free moment to finish it off.

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I've also been having computer problems. It took a while to narrow down what was causing the problem, but it turned out to be a failing hard drive. It was dying, not dead - and I keep backups anyway - so I didn't lose any work, fortunately. Getting a new hard drive, formatting it, migrating everything across, testing, etc all took a lot of time - during which I couldn't really do any work, for probably obvious reasons. Bleh. Better than losing everything though. I've been there before.

Ugh, I had that happen a couple months ago too. Somehow my SATA driver was corrupted and f*#@ed over two HDDs. Or, at least that's the only explanation I could come up with based on what worked to fix it. Glad to hear you didn't lose anything.

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do you feel ever like you might miss the bus? Fallout 4 still has fans but the engine is just so old. you have put two years or more into this mod.. it just seems kinda odd to me. I love the modding community and I'd say Skyrim is safe to not be going anywhere. Fallout 4 though.. idk. Once Cyber Punk is out, and if it allows mods which I am sure it will, it might be the last time I looks at fallout 4 ever. I learned a lot from modding this game, idk... just weird your project is so old now and not really anything for us to see/test.


I just don't know about this mod. it feels like a promise that might not happen. Sorry, but my upbringing, during especially my teenage years with peers taught me to doubt promises.


Well for a start, making a mod of this scope takes time. Especially when the team behind it is...one person. The test of of a true modder IMHO is their ability to stick to their plan, even in the advent of a new upcoming shiny toy (Cyber Punk). And not doing that more often than not leads to broken promises that you so fear.


Also about Fallout engine being old. Yeah well Skyrim is running the same engine - and I don't see an end to modding for it. That engine Is tried and true and for all its failings its guts and innards are now well understood.


Nowadays people have a sense of entitlement that if I don't get it right now it will never happen. Lower your expectation, have a little patience and above all faith in mod creators.

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Yeah, I have a lot of respect for modders. a lot of them can do amazing things with what they are given. I guss its oly that I see this thread popping up in Mod Talk forum all the time and each time I look at it, I don't see anything as far as demo vids, screenshots of progress etc. I usually try go through a few pages, but this thread is just too big. I'm sure the content is here somewhere, I just always seem to miss it.


Man, if my HDD dies I will be upset haha, yeah that sux.

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Speaking of screenshots, here's what I've been working on recently. It's actually from PEACE, though it obviously concerns weapons, so:


- M12 Weapon Rack 01
- M12 Weapon Rack 02

- M12 Weapon Rack 03

- M12 Weapon Rack 04

- M12 Weapon Rack 05


I wanted a bit of a break from all the animation work I've done for WARS lately, so I decided to try implementing something approaching real-world gun racks in FO4, since it's been on my mind. The peg-boards in the Contraptions DLC are okay I guess, but proper gun racks feel more... immersive, I suppose. More practical in terms of believably storing/displaying a larger number of weapons in a more space-efficient way.

So this is the M12 Weapon Rack, based on the venerable US Army "M12 Rack, Storage, Small Arms". It's a modular setup; you place the frame and then snap multiple mounts (which use the weapon rack script from the Contraptions DLC) into it. (Yes, it was difficult to get this working. It was my first time making something for the FO4 Workshop system.)

Just like the real-world M12 weapon rack, it's made to fit AR-15 size and shape weapons. Similarly sized and shaped weapons will look better in it, but you can stick in anything but Heavy and Unarmed weapons. Just expect some floating or clipping, obviously.


Note that the top of the frame is a separate piece, so you can leave it off if you'd like to avoid having bigger weapons (or weapons with suppressors or bayonets on them, maybe) poking through the top.



I'm also planning to do some wooden rifle racks and pistol racks respectively, though I think I'll go back to WARS for a bit first.

Ugh, I had that happen a couple months ago too. Somehow my SATA driver was corrupted and f***ed over two HDDs. Or, at least that's the only explanation I could come up with based on what worked to fix it. Glad to hear you didn't lose anything.

Well I hope I never have something like that happen; ouch. In my case the faulty hard drive (along with most of the rest of the computer) is nearly six years old, so it's maybe unsurprising.

Yeah, I have a lot of respect for modders. a lot of them can do amazing things with what they are given. I guss its oly that I see this thread popping up in Mod Talk forum all the time and each time I look at it, I don't see anything as far as demo vids, screenshots of progress etc. I usually try go through a few pages, but this thread is just too big. I'm sure the content is here somewhere, I just always seem to miss it.

Man, if my HDD dies I will be upset haha, yeah that sux.

I collect the screenshots and videos I post into the first post of the thread.

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Also about Fallout engine being old. Yeah well Skyrim is running the same engine - and I don't see an end to modding for it. That engine Is tried and true and for all its failings its guts and innards are now well understood.



This, completely. Also, to add on:


Morrowind runs an ancient version of the same engine, and I'm pretty sure people are still modding that game. Hell, people are still modding Doom, and that's on an older engine than the Creation/Gamebryo engine, and not made by Bethesda, or even remotely as easy to mod properly. And at this point, Minecraft's relatively pretty old (older than Skyrim, if I'm remembering right) and still has a thriving modding community. Fallout 3's modding community is still alive and well (though really starting to die out ever since being able to use NV mods in it through TTW). And don't forget New Vegas, still going strong and picking up speed again thanks to both the releases of New California and TTW 3.2.

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