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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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I noticed the AR-15 has the A1 style handguard as a mod. Are you also planning to include CAR-15 and A2 style upper receivers (the ones with the integrated carry handles)? And will the Mossberg have a pistol grip/full stock combo? Like the middle one in pic related



Edited by rangerrambo3
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No to both of those, I'm afraid. All the AR-15's sight/scope mods are made to work with the flat-top receiver, so adding something like an A2 upper receiver would mean I'd have to redo all those sight/scope omods. That's on top of the work required to make the A2 receiver in the first place, of course.


From that photo, both the top and bottom stocks are accounted for in WARS - but not the middle one. I'm not sure I've ever even seen one like that before, myself. In any case it's a bit too similar to the synthetic full (rifle grip) stock for me to be able to justify spending the time on it.



As an update; I'm working on the L123A2 UGL for the SA80. Since it's based on the AG36, I'm using this resource as a starting point. It's different enough to the AG36 though that I'm needing to alter the mesh a fair bit (also parts of it were unfinished) - and it will need a new high-poly plus textures, obviously. Then animations. I'll be working from Hitman's SA80 animations of course; just with a new grip and a new reload.

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No to both of those, I'm afraid. All the AR-15's sight/scope mods are made to work with the flat-top receiver, so adding something like an A2 upper receiver would mean I'd have to redo all those sight/scope omods. That's on top of the work required to make the A2 receiver in the first place, of course.

The carry handle/a2 sights do exist as an attachment for the flat top though (in this mod). Or, they're in the screenshots anyway.

Edited by jkruse05
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The Barrett M107 has animations now; thanks very much to Ha_ru for doing this beautiful animation set:


- Barrett M107 animations


I missed Ha_ru putting that video up a week ago, but to be fair, a week ago was Christmas and I was busy doing Christmas things. ;)



Also, to go back for a moment to the topic of how many people are still playing FO4, it looks like it is still quite a lot. Over 25000 simultaneous players is nothing to sniff at. Skyrim is still in there too, so I think we can expect FO4 to stick around for a while yet.

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Wow, that looks awesome; can't wait to use it as a battle rifle in power armor. Modded FO4 is actually a pretty good game, but I also play fallout for the atmosphere/world exploration and not the plot. Combining this, Sim Settlements' new expansion and Pack Attack I think would make for a very cool experience.
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Wow, that looks awesome; can't wait to use it as a battle rifle in power armor. Modded FO4 is actually a pretty good game, but I also play fallout for the atmosphere/world exploration and not the plot. Combining this, Sim Settlements' new expansion and Pack Attack I think would make for a very cool experience.

As you can see in that video, the M107 is a little slow to get in and out of the sights (because I had to try to balance it somehow and it is heavy), but you can certainly put a short barrel and reflex/holo-sight on it to speed that up a bit.


We really do need a proper battle rifle of some kind in there. Hopefully I'll have time to get an FN FAL in eventually.



Those weapon racks are really nice. If it isn't inappropriate to ask, what's gonna be the PEACE mod's goal?

Thanks. :)


WAR and PEACE (which will be the name of either the combination of WARS and PEACE or the compatibility patch for it, if that turns out to be necessary) is basically my overhaul of FO4 to be more the way I want it. WARS is for weapons and combat, while PEACE is for everything else.


PEACE will have an encumbrance overhaul to make it more important to wear apparel with storage space (e.g. pockets, pouches, backpacks, etc), along with some new items to flesh that out. E.g. regular backpacks, obviously - but I'm also planning power armour backpacks (or "cargo carriers", really); you'd need to choose between a jet-pack and a cargo carrier. The carrier lets you carry a lot but slows you down. To counter that, the power armour leg mods that increase your maximum carry weight in vanilla will instead increase your speed.


There are some changes to healing, too; stimpaks no longer heal crippled body parts. Instead you'd need to use Hydra (which works basically the same as in New Vegas, including the chance for addiction) or wear a medical brace on the crippled body part. (They're armour pieces.) The medical braces provide slow regeneration to their associated body part, but also involve certain penalties since they're pretty cumbersome. (E.g. leg braces slow you down.) Both those things are already implemented, actually. Oh, also; partially implemented are power armour mods for the various body parts that do the same thing, but without a penalty (beyond taking up that modification slot).


Beyond that there'll be a range of tweaks and additions across the game, but it's early days for PEACE yet.

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Awesome! Its very nice to hear about your plans for the future, anyway, theres something i would like to share with you, its a document for an early project i made, it contains my ideas to completely overhaul the way power armor works in the game, perhaps it will be better in your hands, i've sent you a PM with the google drive link, hope it helps :wink:

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