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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Ah I see, I didn't get around to watching the full thing yet but that's awesome!! Can you also hand load those magazines? Maybe not animation wise but like in general?
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Wow just took a look at the tutorial, exellent work! Damn, the quality is almost the same as the documentation we had on Oracle, great job man!

Thanks; that's good to hear. :) I find writing tutorials to be difficult and time-consuming.



Ah I see, I didn't get around to watching the full thing yet but that's awesome!! Can you also hand load those magazines? Maybe not animation wise but like in general?

I mentioned this somewhere in the past several pages when I was describing how the Physical Mags System works, but no; for better or for worse, there's no specific tracking of ammo types/counts per magazine (except for the dropped mags), and you don't have to load them yourself.


Something like that would require the development of a bunch of complicated new systems across the inventory, UI, etc in order for it to not be an unwieldy mess for both me and the player. E.g. a way for the player to select which specific magazine to use when reloading, with different mags potentially having different ammo sub-types in them.


It's not impossible exactly, but it would take coding knowledge that I don't have.


So failing that, I think the system I've got is about as good as it's going to get for FO4. It still means you need to take the selection, supply and weight of magazines into account re: what you're carrying... it's just that you don't have to manually load them yourself. ;)

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Hey I'm not sure I asked before, but does the ammo changing works by changing the weapons itself? I ask because, from what I saw im the demos, there's a brief equip delay when you change ammo types as if you're equipping a new weapon through the quick menu.

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Hey, looks great, read through the tutorial briefly here. I think that this alone will make this a permanent staple in my modlist. Especially since your telling others how to make compatibility packs from release. Can't wait,

Yeah, I do hope that the tutorial will encourage people to make patches for weapons, and not... discourage them because it looks complicated.



Hey I'm not sure I asked before, but does the ammo changing works by changing the weapons itself? I ask because, from what I saw im the demos, there's a brief equip delay when you change ammo types as if you're equipping a new weapon through the quick menu.

No, it doesn't swap the equipped weapon for another one. I had to do that way back in WMK, but it's not necessary here. ;)


Basically all the extended features in AmmoTweaks/WARS - ammo sub-types, weapon condition, fire mode, recoil handling, etc - rely on Object Mods (OMODs) to add those effects to the weapons. When an OMOD is attached/detached from an equipped weapon (e.g. to swap ammo sub-types), the game forces the weapon to be re-equipped. (So that everything is initialised properly, I'm guessing.) It seems to be hard-coded, unfortunately.

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I'd also imagine even with said coding knowledge you'd wonder how many bugs are there going to be with such complicated and new systems to weed out too.


Nonetheless having to really think about how you're going to outfit your equipment (specifically munitions) is going to be a nice new dynamic.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As an update:


... You know what I realised recently? There isn't actually that much left until WARS is feature-complete. (PEACE is already feature-complete.)


I just finished doing the Missile Launcher, and now there are only ten weapons left to set up ammo swapping, condition, etc for:


Gauss Rifle
Railway Rifle
Fat Man
Harpoon Gun
Gatling Laser
Plasma Gun
Tesla Rifle
Gamma Gun


Some of those will take more work than others. The Gatling Laser will be easy since it won't have ammo swapping. Others like the Fat Man and Harpoon Gun (and Railway Rifle maybe) will take a little more work since I need to do some art stuff for their ammo. Just some mash-ups of existing assets though, so that shouldn't be too bad.


After that I need to tweak some HP, DR and ER values for some creatures, I think - but I've got a couple of xEdit scripts that let me do that pretty quickly.



That's basically it, off the top of my head!


Of course, that doesn't mean that it'll instantly be time for release at that point. I still need to finish the 3rd-party weapon support tutorial, make a patch for an existing weapon mod or two - most likely the FN FAL and this S&W M1905 Revolver to begin with - and test WARS and PEACE properly via a full playthrough. (And to do that, I'll need to install/update/configure a whole bunch of mods to get ready to play - and possibly make some compatibility patches along the way, if they conflict with WARS/PEACE.)


What I'm hoping though is that I'll get partway through that playthrough and be satisfied that I'm not going to find any more bugs or balance issues or whatever myself - and then kick off the closed beta.


I'll be appreciative of the help when that time comes. :) Testers will most likely get access to the beta versions of both WARS and PEACE regardless - to make my life easier - but can choose to use either or both as they prefer, obviously.

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Huzzah. Looking into getting a new computer, my current one is almost a potato. Thinking a new run through of fallout 4 all tweaked out with awsome mods would be great... One hang up for me is the whole amd/intel and nvidia/intel debate... *sighs* Hoping when those bits and pieces get released third parties will do some benchmarks. (Doubt any of them will run fallout 4 though.) Anyhow, I digress.

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Yes, the plan is to release them at the same time. That's going to be kind of wild - and take a lot of set-up on my end - since it'll probably be like four or five mod pages popping up at once:


- WARS - Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite

- PEACE - Project Extend And Change Everything

- War and Peace - WARS-PEACE Compatibility

- The War Room - WARS Support Patches

- Peace In Our Time - PEACE Support Patches


I can't remember if I've mentioned it, but I've already got patches (for WARS, PEACE, and both together) made for Better Manufacturing and Manufacturing Extended. They'll go on the latter two pages there, probably.



Both WARS and PEACE are designed with Survival Mode in mind, and with the assumption that the player is using it. I'll be recommending that people use something to re-enable the console and regular saving though, since "sleep-to-save" is death for immersion and role-playing in this Immersive Role-Playing Game.


Both mods also make some changes to Survival Mode. E.g. WARS normalises difficulty damage multipliers across the player and NPCs so that everyone is doing 1x damage. It also changes the Adrenaline perk to give increasingly more bonus kill XP, rather than bonus damage.


Both mods assume limited carry weight (as in Survival) and that items like ammo and meds have weight, but PEACE goes a lot deeper into that area - e.g. with its encumbrance overhaul. Check out the first post in the PEACE WIP thread for a summary of those features though - and the second post for an exhaustive list. A lot of what PEACE does - like food spoilage and crafting/building/etc taking in-game time - is meant to complement Survival Mode.

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