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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Well,I have an idea about that; A Gatling Laser's emitters spin. Rather quickly,too. As demonstrated by the Laser Musket,you can use this spinning to generate enough of a charge to feed a laser burst. Maybe,at least for the Aeternus,something involving a kinetic dynamo provides some sort of energy recycling effect? Not true infinite ammo,but something approximating it?

I did think about a recycler effect there (though I didn't think of any lore basis to go along with it), but that might require scripting, and might be even more complicated by the different way fusion cores are handled, compared to normal ammo. Considering WARS isn't really focussed on Energy weapons, it's probably not something I'll have time for, I'm afraid.

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Here are some more shots of the USAS-12, because hey, why not:


- USAS-12 16

- USAS-12 17

- USAS-12 18

- USAS-12 19

- USAS-12 20


The black plane I previously had inside the handguard just wasn't doing it for me, so I recently changed it so that you can see through to the other side. I think it looks much better now. I should have just done it this way to begin with. (Shot 20 shows the new look. The other shots were taken before I changed it.)


As you can see, you can attach a huge AN/PVS-4 Starlight scope to the weapon... but I dunno, maybe you might not want to!


Oh, and ignore the stats in that one shot; they'll be changing before release.



Hey do you know what kind of progress has been made to fix movement sounds while wearing PA and using a gun with custom animations?


I've heard that custom weapon animations don't work in 3rd-person when wearing power armour, but apart from that I'm not really familiar with any issues. Do you have any more information on that?

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Basically the footsteps sounds made by the PA are out of sync they sound like double time instead of normal running sounds and this only happens with PA not anywhere else. I read somewhere that the rig for PA was not figured out yet but that doesn't make any sense considering all the custom PA mods we have now on nexus. I have read some other things saying that things are not set as paired whatever that means. I thought you might know more about it since you are doing custom animations or know someone who does.

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Nobody said it was wise; it's just fun as hell to go shotty sniping :D


But goddamn just looking at it makes me want to stomp around Boston with this thing. Only problem is ammo types aren't available without mods...and the mods that aim to bring back such functionality unfortunately have to do it in a way where you can't see yourself reloading the same gun :\


Otherwise I'd load up the frag rounds and control day and night hehe


Seeing the optics mounted on top of the carrying handle was a bit weird cause I'm too used to the USAS 12 in BF3, where using an optic removes the carry handle, which come to think of it is a bit of an oversight since the carrying handle is part of the upper receiver. Although maybe it was done that way to stop the weapon from taking up half the screen space lol.

Edited by Bottletopman
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Basically the footsteps sounds made by the PA are out of sync they sound like double time instead of normal running sounds and this only happens with PA not anywhere else. I read somewhere that the rig for PA was not figured out yet but that doesn't make any sense considering all the custom PA mods we have now on nexus. I have read some other things saying that things are not set as paired whatever that means. I thought you might know more about it since you are doing custom animations or know someone who does.


Well Hitman's doing the animations for WARS. He might know more about this.



I question the wisdom of sticking a long range scope on a shotgun,even if you load it with slugs... Still,lookin' bangin'!


One of the main reasons the USAS-12 is getting scopes is because it (as in the Combat Shotgun) has the same scopes in vanilla. Also I already have all the assets in place for these scopes. (Which could also be why the Combat Shotgun gets scopes in vanilla in the first place. ;))



Nobody said it was wise; it's just fun as hell to go shotty sniping :D


But goddamn just looking at it makes me want to stomp around Boston with this thing. Only problem is ammo types aren't available without mods...and the mods that aim to bring back such functionality unfortunately have to do it in a way where you can't see yourself reloading the same gun :\


Otherwise I'd load up the frag rounds and control day and night hehe


Seeing the optics mounted on top of the carrying handle was a bit weird cause I'm too used to the USAS 12 in BF3, where using an optic removes the carry handle, which come to think of it is a bit of an oversight since the carrying handle is part of the upper receiver. Although maybe it was done that way to stop the weapon from taking up half the screen space lol.


I do wish we could play the reload animation when switching ammo types. Maybe someone will work it out one day.


And yeah, that probably is why they did that. The carry handle is part of the upper receiver though, as you say; all one solid chunk of metal.

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Just a word on shotguns, I found a video on them when I was looking them up for my own mod

(I have fired a lot of pistols and assault rifles but have very little shotgun experience) and looks like they are pretty damn lethal even at range. Buckshot holds about 8-9 pellets, each are about as dangerous as a 9mm, maybe a .38 special. ( Id say the pellet is a bit smaller but its going 1500 FPS) Anyway, watch the video. You can get shotgun sniped by the right shotgun with the right ammo. So yes, I would see having a scope on them to pepper targets 100 yards away.
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Just a word on shotguns, I found a video on them when I was looking them up for my own mod

(I have fired a lot of pistols and assault rifles but have very little shotgun experience) and looks like they are pretty damn lethal even at range. Buckshot holds about 8-9 pellets, each are about as dangerous as a 9mm, maybe a .38 special. ( Id say the pellet is a bit smaller but its going 1500 FPS) Anyway, watch the video. You can get shotgun sniped by the right shotgun with the right ammo. So yes, I would see having a scope on them to pepper targets 100 yards away.


A scope for a target at a hundred yards? I know an ex-PPCLI sniper, and he says that they're expected to reliably hit targets at 500 metres without a scope. Admittedly, that's for purpose-built sniper rifles, but we both know that a scope doesn't make a gun more accurate, it makes the operator more accurate. And a shotgun, while far more accurate at range than fiction would like you to believe, is still very much a medium to short range weapon, due to the unreliable ballistics of spheres. Fun fact; A twelve gauge slug is .728. That is a VERY big mass of lead.

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