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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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I'd imagine that installing new weapons would be an issue; WARS is going to be a complete overhaul,completely changing existing weapons,implementing new weapons,and reconstructing the weapon modding system from the ground up. Any new weapon you install will likely need a patch to make it either play nice with WARS,or make it consistent with WARS.

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I have a few questions:


- Is it possible to install other weapons to WARS without any problems?


- Is a new game required?


- what would you say how far is the mod atm in %?


1) It's basically as Moldy says there. I've posted about this just recently too, and it's also mentioned in the Commentary post (second post in the thread). I am planning to write an article on how people can alter an existing weapon mod to fit in with WARS.


2) A new game will be strongly recommended. You may be able to get away without doing that, but you can expect to see some weirdness.


3) Please see the FAQ in the second post.

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Hello! ive been following your work since new vegas! glad to see some love torwards fallout 4 (the black sheep of the fallout univerise!)


Ive allways had issiues with guns and there sound values: i.e the gun sounds and reload sounds are allways out of sync (i.e the gun sound is much lower then the reload which is way to loud)


Will this mod/overhall have its files easily userable for altering? such as sounds? or will they be locked behind a BA2 archive?


Keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing this on the nexus!




Forgot to ask as well, does this mod effect laser/plasma based weapons? as seing as the perks are being altered damage wise?

Edited by Chrissy123456
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Hello! ive been following your work since new vegas! glad to see some love torwards fallout 4 (the black sheep of the fallout univerise!)


Ive allways had issiues with guns and there sound values: i.e the gun sounds and reload sounds are allways out of sync (i.e the gun sound is much lower then the reload which is way to loud)


Will this mod/overhall have its files easily userable for altering? such as sounds? or will they be locked behind a BA2 archive?


Keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing this on the nexus!




Forgot to ask as well, does this mod effect laser/plasma based weapons? as seing as the perks are being altered damage wise?

Antistar has said numerous times that he's focusing on ye olde bullet throwers. Who knows; Maybe somebody with modding knowhow will make a companion mod or three to go with this,covering energy weapons,heavy hardware,and other things.


Also,Antistar; Is it to early to know if you'll be making unique guns,like Kellog's Pistol,or the Gainer,truly unique? Or will they just be another case of a Legendary item with a fancy name?

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As a general update:


Modelling the Mossberg 590 is coming along well. I ended up basically discarding the low-poly from the resource and using the high-poly as a starting point instead. The resource is relatively old now, so the low-poly was a bit too low-poly, and I've had to alter quite a bit of it anyway since the closer I looked at it, the more it turned out its proportions were out of whack.


Today I did the pistol-grip stock and most of a shell holder that goes on the side of the receiver. (That'll be a reload speed increase mod, I think.) Both were from Tigg's Mossberg 500 resource, though again I've edited them a fair bit. I've made the shell holder carry six rounds rather than four, for one thing, and I've also got it using the shell model/texture I did for the USAS-12.


I'll probably give the Mossberg a heat-shield as an attachment... might get to do that tomorrow. I'm not sure what effects to give it, though. Durability increase? Maybe a slight recoil reduction since it's a bit more weight near the front? If anyone has any suggestions, let me know.

Hello! ive been following your work since new vegas! glad to see some love torwards fallout 4 (the black sheep of the fallout univerise!)

Ive allways had issiues with guns and there sound values: i.e the gun sounds and reload sounds are allways out of sync (i.e the gun sound is much lower then the reload which is way to loud)

Will this mod/overhall have its files easily userable for altering? such as sounds? or will they be locked behind a BA2 archive?

Keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing this on the nexus!


Forgot to ask as well, does this mod effect laser/plasma based weapons? as seing as the perks are being altered damage wise?

Thanks. :)


I'll be packing things into ba2 files since (as I understand it) that's an important optimisation step that affects how the game reads the textures. They're not locked in there, though; you can extract the contents of ba2 files using the Archive2 tool that comes with the CK.


Also, sounds can have their volume reduced (but not boosted) in the plugin.


I'll be doing at least the bare minimum to have Energy weapons make sense alongside the firearms, in terms of stats and whatnot. Like Moldy says though, they're not the focus of WARS, so it's unlikely I'll do more than that for them.

Antistar has said numerous times that he's focusing on ye olde bullet throwers. Who knows; Maybe somebody with modding knowhow will make a companion mod or three to go with this,covering energy weapons,heavy hardware,and other things.

Also,Antistar; Is it to early to know if you'll be making unique guns,like Kellog's Pistol,or the Gainer,truly unique? Or will they just be another case of a Legendary item with a fancy name?

It's too early to say for now. It depends on if I get the time and the inspiration.

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Bringing up the minigun again; The Shredder mod. Assuming you keep it,the Shredder's built to accommodate a six-barrelled weapon. While two outta three ain't bad,anybody who uses a minigun for any length of time longer than "Kill Concord's Deathclaw" will be going for the tri-barrel configuration. Thing is,the Shredder's mounting sleeve doesn't fit the tri-barrels. The metal sleeve upon which all of the festoonery is mounted is hexagonal. For a tri-barrelled minigun,this simply won't work; It'd wobble around a LOT,even if you tied it down with steel cable,because of how loose it'd be.


All of that said; If you're keeping the Shredder,will you be altering the tri-barrel version to fit,if it's possible?

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The lasers thing...


I don't see how a laser could ever be inaccurate I mean it travels at the speed of light because it is light so it would be instant on target in game. I like pew pew stuff just like anyone else but I have always felt like they got lasers all wrong in fallout 4 and older games. Should be a very fast repeating weapon so whatever the laser touches burns pretty fast and has the least chance to go completely through and hit something behind the target. The sound would be like a light bulb burning out sound or some fffffffffffffffptttt!!!!!!!!!!! sound hard to describe it but the laser would not be set to just emit continuously. The idea other than not hitting something behind the target is to use the least amount of energy possible so ammo lasts the longest time possible. I wouldn't bring a more realistic energy weapon like that anywhere near a giant blimp though. Other than this the thing shouldn't be called a laser it would be more like some fancy sci-fi particle thrower so that fantasy "slug of energy" we all expect to see from guns like this would actually be a mass of energized particles like star wars ion cannon or whatever.


Look at those videos on youtube of the navy testing directed energy weapons and there is even a video of that commercial plane with the lasers in the nose that can shoot down missiles from far away it takes about 5 to 10 seconds to burn through a moving test target. I can't remember where exactly these videos are on youtube I have just seen them over the years but they should still be there just have to search.


Energy weapons in fallout 4 just kind of suck and that whomp whomp sound from lasers really sucks I hate it. I was so glad when I found that terminator weapons sounds mod on nexus omg so much better then I found a good sound for the laser rifle sounds from some old game mod I had on my hard drive.

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The lasers thing...


I don't see how a laser could ever be inaccurate I mean it travels at the speed of light because it is light so it would be instant on target in game. I like pew pew stuff just like anyone else but I have always felt like they got lasers all wrong in fallout 4 and older games. Should be a very fast repeating weapon so whatever the laser touches burns pretty fast and has the least chance to go completely through and hit something behind the target. The sound would be like a light bulb burning out sound or some fffffffffffffffptttt!!!!!!!!!!! sound hard to describe it but the laser would not be set to just emit continuously. The idea other than not hitting something behind the target is to use the least amount of energy possible so ammo lasts the longest time possible. I wouldn't bring a more realistic energy weapon like that anywhere near a giant blimp though. Other than this the thing shouldn't be called a laser it would be more like some fancy sci-fi particle thrower so that fantasy "slug of energy" we all expect to see from guns like this would actually be a mass of energized particles like star wars ion cannon or whatever.


Look at those videos on youtube of the navy testing directed energy weapons and there is even a video of that commercial plane with the lasers in the nose that can shoot down missiles from far away it takes about 5 to 10 seconds to burn through a moving test target. I can't remember where exactly these videos are on youtube I have just seen them over the years but they should still be there just have to search.


Energy weapons in fallout 4 just kind of suck and that whomp whomp sound from lasers really sucks I hate it. I was so glad when I found that terminator weapons sounds mod on nexus omg so much better then I found a good sound for the laser rifle sounds from some old game mod I had on my hard drive.


It appears you are very appreciative of energy weapons. However,as Antistar has said numerous times in the thread; They are not the focus of WARS. Antistar has said,a mere handful of posts ago,that the most he's likely gonna do to them is a numeric rebalance in order to put them in line with the ballistic weapons he'll be overhauling.

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I don't see how a laser could ever be inaccurate I mean it travels at the speed of light because it is light so it would be instant on target in game.

Sure... unless the character wielding it doesn't line up the shot properly (and/or there's maybe something wrong with the weapon), in which case the laser would travel in a perfectly straight and accurate line off to one side of the intended target. ;)



Bringing up the minigun again; The Shredder mod. Assuming you keep it,the Shredder's built to accommodate a six-barrelled weapon. While two outta three ain't bad,anybody who uses a minigun for any length of time longer than "Kill Concord's Deathclaw" will be going for the tri-barrel configuration. Thing is,the Shredder's mounting sleeve doesn't fit the tri-barrels. The metal sleeve upon which all of the festoonery is mounted is hexagonal. For a tri-barrelled minigun,this simply won't work; It'd wobble around a LOT,even if you tied it down with steel cable,because of how loose it'd be.


All of that said; If you're keeping the Shredder,will you be altering the tri-barrel version to fit,if it's possible?

I can probably at least have a look at doing a quick and dirty reshape of the Shredder muzzle, and have it switch between the two appearances depending on which barrel is attached - whenever I get to the Minigun. I've also been vaguely considering giving it the option of reflex sights.

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Thanks for the update guys, Im looking forward to plundering the wasteland again when this overhall realeases


Glad to hear it will not require to much work on my part to alter sound if i need to, but judging by the standards of your other releases i dont think it will be a problem!


good luck!

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