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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Excellent, I love the China Lake weapon mod. :cool:

Good news on the grenade launcher front; both Sean_s and Shoeburglar kindly gave me permission to use the M79 and China Lake assets (respectively) in WARS. It makes a lot of sense to have both those weapons in alongside the M203 under-barrel launcher on the AR-15, so that's very fortunate.


Since I don't have to port (let alone make) things myself for them, it should also be relatively quick to implement them, meaning they can probably be in the first release of WARS.



I've been following this project on tenterhooks, but I haven't seen much about pipe weapons.


with that in mind, something like these would be great.

This has come up before, and from memory I said something along the lines of the Defence Gun being pretty cool, but unfortunately saddled with having to be misshapen to conform to the vanilla animations, since it was made fairly early on. My loose plan is to potentially replace the semi-auto pipe-guns with a Sten (like it says in the OP).

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Are bullpup weapons generally not done because of the extra work required for animations? They seem to be a lot more of the rarer weapons like Tavor assault rifle and Kel-Tec shotgun. I know WARS is an overhaul, but it should be fine to use additional weapon mods and just tweak their damage and calibers to conform with WARS?


I think any past or present weapon replacement would be better than the default pipe weapons. They are just so awful looking.


Also, somewhat off subject, but the current available mac 10 on the nexus has its inventory/workbench model with the muzzle facing right. I tried googling and asked in nexus before, but didn't get any replies. How would I rotate the inventory model/workbench model, so that the muzzle faces left like all the other guns in the game?

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there isn't a lot of difference between those and a Sten.

I was told that the mechanism of a Sten is basically 2 pipes and a spring, so it fits the in game description pretty well.


The Defence Gun is obviously based on Sten guns (and other early 1900s SMGs), but notably the magazine feeds into the grip/furniture rather than the actual chamber, and the charging handle (plus ejection port) is on the wrong side - again thanks to Bethsoft's unfortunate animations. Not really the author's fault.



Are bullpup weapons generally not done because of the extra work required for animations? They seem to be a lot more of the rarer weapons like Tavor assault rifle and Kel-Tec shotgun. I know WARS is an overhaul, but it should be fine to use additional weapon mods and just tweak their damage and calibers to conform with WARS?


I think any past or present weapon replacement would be better than the default pipe weapons. They are just so awful looking.


Also, somewhat off subject, but the current available mac 10 on the nexus has its inventory/workbench model with the muzzle facing right. I tried googling and asked in nexus before, but didn't get any replies. How would I rotate the inventory model/workbench model, so that the muzzle faces left like all the other guns in the game?


Well there was a pretty nice Steyr AUG released recently, and an L85/SA80 is in-progress for WARS (though most likely due after the first release).


I plan to write an article on how to alter other weapon mods to fit in more smoothly with WARS. It's too early to say for sure, but I expect it will be more involved than what you say there.


Re: the MAC-10; I don't know, in short. I know there are ways to change the default orientation for viewing items in your inventory (dating back to Skyrim), but it's not something I've messed around with much. Could be something on the weapon record? Or I guess possibly in one of its nif files, but that seems much less likely.

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Are bullpup weapons generally not done because of the extra work required for animations? They seem to be a lot more of the rarer weapons like Tavor assault rifle and Kel-Tec shotgun. I know WARS is an overhaul, but it should be fine to use additional weapon mods and just tweak their damage and calibers to conform with WARS?


I think any past or present weapon replacement would be better than the default pipe weapons. They are just so awful looking.


Also, somewhat off subject, but the current available mac 10 on the nexus has its inventory/workbench model with the muzzle facing right. I tried googling and asked in nexus before, but didn't get any replies. How would I rotate the inventory model/workbench model, so that the muzzle faces left like all the other guns in the game?




Re: the MAC-10; I don't know, in short. I know there are ways to change the default orientation for viewing items in your inventory (dating back to Skyrim), but it's not something I've messed around with much. Could be something on the weapon record? Or I guess possibly in one of its nif files, but that seems much less likely.



I'm pretty sure it's the Preview Transform that determines how the item displays.

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The Defence Gun is obviously based on Sten guns (and other early 1900s SMGs), but notably the magazine feeds into the grip/furniture rather than the actual chamber, and the charging handle (plus ejection port) is on the wrong side - again thanks to Bethsoft's unfortunate animations. Not really the author's fault.


not just the anims, the models with parts in the wrong place required the amins to be incorrect.

I find it difficult to fathom why they let that slide.

surely they have pictures of real weapons they could look at while making the models.


getting off that soapbox and changing topic a bit, I was watching some videos about the good old Lee Enfield and why it is so fast, and the guy who made the video has converted his SMLE into what he calls "Frankenrifle".

a .303 with an AK magazine. it's like a mashup of the handmade rifle and the hunting rifle.

this isn't a request or anything, I just thought you might like to take a look at it.

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Are bullpup weapons generally not done because of the extra work required for animations? They seem to be a lot more of the rarer weapons like Tavor assault rifle and Kel-Tec shotgun. I know WARS is an overhaul, but it should be fine to use additional weapon mods and just tweak their damage and calibers to conform with WARS?


I think any past or present weapon replacement would be better than the default pipe weapons. They are just so awful looking.


Also, somewhat off subject, but the current available mac 10 on the nexus has its inventory/workbench model with the muzzle facing right. I tried googling and asked in nexus before, but didn't get any replies. How would I rotate the inventory model/workbench model, so that the muzzle faces left like all the other guns in the game?




Re: the MAC-10; I don't know, in short. I know there are ways to change the default orientation for viewing items in your inventory (dating back to Skyrim), but it's not something I've messed around with much. Could be something on the weapon record? Or I guess possibly in one of its nif files, but that seems much less likely.



I'm pretty sure it's the Preview Transform that determines how the item displays.


Yup, it was the preview transform. Thanks so much for the tip.


NPC's using ammo may not be such a good idea. In the pure vanilla game, it may be ok. If any spawn addition mods are used, the npcs will run out of ammo quickly. For example, zombie walkers mod has a spawn point for zombies on the Prydwen flight deck (yes, that is most likely a bug, but using it as an example), the npc knight lancer guard in power armor ran out of ammo after the first spawn or so of zombies and died while trying to melee. I can imagine the same thing happening to npc's like the forged raiders or other raider outposts, where they can kill off the some wandering zombies, but will run out of ammo and die trying to melee the rest (npcs aren't smart enough to resupply ammo during their downtime).

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I'm pretty sure it's the Preview Transform that determines how the item displays.

Ah, right - thanks. I thought there was something, but couldn't remember the term; I was searching for things like "3D preview orientation".


Also hey Imp. I hope More Complex Wasteland is going well. :)



not just the anims, the models with parts in the wrong place required the amins to be incorrect.

I find it difficult to fathom why they let that slide.

surely they have pictures of real weapons they could look at while making the models.

I think it's pretty safe to assume that it wasn't a case of the Bethsoft artists not knowing any better, it's just that they valued form over function, in a sense. They (I'm assuming) considered it easier to make more "interesting" looking animations by arranging details so that they could be seen all the time in the standard first-person camera, right-handed grip setup. I don't think they had to do it that way for the animations to be interesting - just that they considered it to be easier.


It's... not an approach I agree with, I'll put it that way. I think it's lazy, to be less polite about it.



NPC's using ammo may not be such a good idea. In the pure vanilla game, it may be ok. If any spawn addition mods are used, the npcs will run out of ammo quickly. For example, zombie walkers mod has a spawn point for zombies on the Prydwen flight deck (yes, that is most likely a bug, but using it as an example), the npc knight lancer guard in power armor ran out of ammo after the first spawn or so of zombies and died while trying to melee. I can imagine the same thing happening to npc's like the forged raiders or other raider outposts, where they can kill off the some wandering zombies, but will run out of ammo and die trying to melee the rest (npcs aren't smart enough to resupply ammo during their downtime).

I will be giving NPCs more ammo to compensate, along with backup melee weapons so that they won't be stuck with just their fists. But it is a feature that I'll have to evaluate via just playing the game for a while with it active.


A possibility off the top of my head is that NPCs could be given an AI package that once a day prompts them to restock on ammo if they're below a certain amount. That may be too complicated or just not work though, who knows.

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I'm working on Powered Power Armor




Also hey Imp. I hope More Complex Wasteland is going well. :smile:


I'm working on Powered Power Armor right now. With the power armor changes in Fallout 4, there isn't much left for me to do, so it's mostly going to be the Thermal Regulation Override mod (power armor becomes faster and more powerful at the risk of overheating) and a jetpack overhaul.

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