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Triss armor: Allowed or not?


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Actually it is how GPL and general copyleft licenses work, common sense and abiding to the rules is all that is asked (for example, you can't make proprietary a previously open source piece or take exclusive credit of it)


So, yes, I love it "already" :)

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Yeah, I don't particularly want to annoy those in authority here, but Nexus policy does get bent on occasion.


I know of at least one case where a new mod including illicitly copied copyright material was (naturally) disallowed, but the exact same material in an older (very popular) mod did not result in that older mod being taken down.

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Yeah, I don't particularly want to annoy those in authority here, but Nexus policy does get bent on occasion.


I know of at least one case where a new mod including illicitly copied copyright material was (naturally) disallowed, but the exact same material in an older (very popular) mod did not result in that older mod being taken down.

No. you don't get to make such accusations. What proof do you have that the "older (very popular) mod" was ever even reported?


If you don't have proof I don't want to hear it. You can PM me with the details but I know of several rumors like this that were completely unfounded and debunked.


Furthermore our policy is that you may not upload copyrighted assets without permission.


CD Projekt has given permission and the converter also termed it a "Resource".


We have a similar longstanding policy for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. assets.


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No. you don't get to make such accusations. What proof do you have that the "older (very popular) mod" was ever even reported?


I personally reported it. I know that the PMs were received, because I got replies.




It's a long time ago, so I don't have those PMs now. The 'older (popular)' mod was, IIRC, the sexlivion / sexdarkness mods that use audio taken from a commercial adult game. The new mod was one I initially included in my list of Japanese Oblivion mods, but took down the link after seeking clarification on Nexus policy.

Edited by ptbptb
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No. you don't get to make such accusations. What proof do you have that the "older (very popular) mod" was ever even reported?


I personally reported it. I know that the PMs were received, because I got replies.




It's a long time ago, so I don't have those PMs now. The 'older (popular)' mod was, IIRC, the sexlivion / sexdarkness mods that use audio taken from a commercial adult game. The new mod was one I initially included in my list of Japanese Oblivion mods, but took down the link after seeking clarification on Nexus policy.


I don't know what IIRC is but I'm looking into it. I'm familiar with the copyright issue and know that we have disallowed all the mods that included those contentious files, as far as I know at this moment.

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No. you don't get to make such accusations. What proof do you have that the "older (very popular) mod" was ever even reported?


I personally reported it. I know that the PMs were received, because I got replies.




It's a long time ago, so I don't have those PMs now. The 'older (popular)' mod was, IIRC, the sexlivion / sexdarkness mods that use audio taken from a commercial adult game. The new mod was one I initially included in my list of Japanese Oblivion mods, but took down the link after seeking clarification on Nexus policy.


I don't know what IIRC is but I'm looking into it. I'm familiar with the copyright issue and know that we have disallowed all the mods that included those contentious files, as far as I know at this moment.

IIRC is "if I remember correctly". :thumbsup:

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