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The Future of Skyrim Modding?


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I really hope this wil not turn out to be the future of modding for Skyrim, else I think this game might have a grey prospectus for me in terms of modifications that is. No offence to the kind folk that enjoy these kinds of modification but I myself simply cannot stand them. The lore and atmosphere is what drew me into Skyrim and it's lore and atmosphere I tend to keep.


Oh boy here we go agan listen I hawe a litle news for you: this is a mod a mod you can decide to youse or not it isn't forced down on your troath or anithing and btw what's your problem wiht anime and stuff?


Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even those opposed to something you hold dear and unfortunately, also those who seem to lack the will power to form a proper one. On a side note though, your spelling and grammar is autrocious.

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The future of skyrim modding depends only on what mods people will wish to make an effort to create.

If most will prefer to apply themselves to anime mods there will be a lots of such type. No way to change that except starting to make different ones yourself (or convince somebody else to do so), since you can't affect another person's tastes.

However I see much more mods labeled as "(more) realistic XYZ" rather then imports from anime or games like final fantasy so I confess I don't see why such panic about it.

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you know what people are called who like to manipulate things to go according to their own concepts, effectively denying even the existence of other things? well I dont know but "control freak" would be my guess!


At the moment, I carefully try to mod Skyrim with keeping as close to lore as possible. So no fancy Clothing or Armor, no Supermodel Face or Bodies, no fancy or futuristic Weapons...you name it and it works.


See, its really easy once you get the hang of it. Let me explain; you see that funny mod there, where some anime chicks kill a pink fluffy Dragon with singing? dont download or install it!.....see how easy that is?


But thats not the Problem is it? People are perfectly capable of ignoring those mods, leaving the people who like them and have a right to mod the game just as much as anybody, in peace, you could do that right? but some wont! No, some rather prefer to deny them existence, claiming the game for themselves, putting themselves as the only authority on "taste".


As I mentioned already, I do keep myself as close to lore as possible...for now! If by chance I decide I have enough of so called Lore, and like to see some Anime Girls dancing and singing around in Skyrim, I surely would be happy to know there is the possibility to do so.


Of course, everyone is entitled to an opinion and by god everyone is absolutely entitled to keep some of them for themselves.

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Ok, I might open myself up for flames here, but meh..

While I can understand that everyone has their own personal taste and mods are great for those to create the game of there choosing and of there own imagination. Seeing these just makes me feel... a little sad. I don't know why because its not like I have to use them but it just seems like an abomination against some of the most beautiful game graphics ever done. If I was a Bethesda game artist I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry!


I am new to this modding community, I played Oblivion mostly on the xbox at first and then bought the PC version and used a few mods on it, which were so great it made me determined to play Skyrim completely on the PC. I have to admit though that I am a bit disapointed, as most of the mods so far are just not what I had hoped for. They seem to be really tacky like making all the characters look like porn stars, with anime hair, big pounty rubber lips and huge balloon boobs, I don't want my character to look like Katie Price! Most outfits are either very black for the shady types or something I would put on my character if I was RPing a hooker. I dont' know how difficult it is to make mods, I really want to try it eventually but I imagine it is quite difficult and you have to be quite hardcore computer literate? Which I am not :( So I have to take my pick from the ones on Nexus and at the moment apart from some clever UI and texture ones they are a bit trashy looking.


I am really really sorry to dis modders hard work here but really wish there could be a better balance in classic fantasy as oppose to porn fantasy. But then I guess these mods might not be so popular...

Edited by Astaril
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What is this puddle of chunky stuff on the floor next to my chair? Oh my goodness.... it's PUKE. Because that is what I did when I saw that video. In the beginning anime may have been cool but I have been sick of it for over 10 years now.


@Dambuster: I am in full agreement with you on your post. But that is what happens when the 12 year olds take over.


And here I thought this game was supposed to be about immersion and a sense of fantasy realism. Gee just shows you how wrong I am.


Well.. to each his own I guess. Thank goodness I can control what I download and install from here.

Edited by elleonblanco
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But thats not the Problem is it? People are perfectly capable of ignoring those mods


Yeah, but you sure do have to sift through a lot of trash to get to the good ones. It makes for a long laborious search.

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really wish there could be a better balance in classic fantasy as oppose to porn fantasy


If I may ask, what Balance are we talking about? Dont get me wrong, you did make your point carefully and articulated in a civilized manner and I thank you for that but what Balance are we talking about here?


Is it the Balance on the Nexus? Do you think that Animebased mods outweigh Lorebased mods? to what extend? is it 60/40 or even steeper 90/10?


Lets assume, in a Year from Now there is (wildly speculating here) 100000 Mods (not considering Savegames :) ). In a worst case Scenario, "only" 10000 of them are Lore Friendly mods and the other 90000 are Dancing Anime Chicks. Two questions; 10000 mods are not enough for you? and do you really think the creators of the other 90000 "pron" Anime Dancing chicks would go on and create lore friendly mods if, lets say, they were not allowed to create "pron" Anime chickmods?


Look, I modded Oblivion and by now there are tons of mods with sometimes ridiculous content. There are many of them I dont like and I dont even wanna see but if I really stumble upon them I just go like "meh" and go on without needing to go into the Forum and rant about their existence. This is simple rational thinking. Mods are free, mods can be created by anyone and everyone who is capable, mods dont necessarily follow rules (dont misunderstand this, publishing sites have rules not mods), mods are not controlled by a central place otherwise they would be called DLCs.


There is a stupendous amount of things in the Internet I dont like but others do. As long as they are just "tasteless" (not criminal or harmful or another extreme) in my opinion and avoidable I can coexist with them.


Let me ask you a final Question! would you want to live in somebody elses "Paradise"?




Yeah, but you sure do have to sift through a lot of trash to get to the good ones. It makes for a long laborious search.


How is that the problem of the modder? There is actually a great sorting system on the Nexus. Are you seriously asking Anime mods to disappear so you can find the mods you like faster? how selfish would that be?

Edited by Arcadiast
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