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The Future of Skyrim Modding?


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People are getting in to the whole 'I can have what I want maaaan don't be such a control freak' mode. Yes, I absolutely agree you don't have to download mods like these. I just am myself pine for some really good lore friendly mods. Though you as a modder or mod user are entitled to do what you want I just wish those people with obvious skill put it into to making intelligent and beautiful mods rather than porny ones. Also something which is difficult to change is the possibility that these kind of mods swamp others on the top lists and the in my opinion worthy and good mods don't receive the recognition they deserve and the modders who made them are less likely to put the work in again.
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'I can have what I want maaaan don't be such a control freak' mode


People are no machines and this is not a mode but an argument.


I just wish those people with obvious skill put it into to making intelligent and beautiful mods rather than porny ones


Look! while I do understand what you are trying to say here I cannot agree. There are appr. 7000000000 People on this Planet. All of them wish something and some or many wishes are different from each other or even include the destruction of others. If all of our wishes came true, we would cease to exist because there is at least one person who wishes you, me and everybody death!.


Beside, what is intelligent and especially beautiful? what you say? I strongly disagree....is it what I say then? for myself certainly but for everyone? I strongly disagree again (with myself....which is ...weird :) ). Anime mods for those who like them are beautiful and intelligent. HAH...whadda you say to that...your wish actually came true :)

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Ok I was slipping away from Anime mods which is not the major problem imo. I don't think that skimpy armour mods or naked women (obviously naked women are beautiful but there is better porn than Skyrims lackluster textures) are intelligent or beautiful they're just depressing and sad and help enforce the stereotype of RPG gamers as fat, depressed masturbating weirdos.
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Beside, what is intelligent and especially beautiful? what you say? I strongly disagree....is it what I say then? for myself certainly but for everyone? I strongly disagree again (with myself....which is ...weird :) ). Anime mods for those who like them are beautiful and intelligent. HAH...whadda you say to that...your wish actually came true :)


I strongly disagree with you both D: Obviously a human with 4 arms, green skin with pink heart shaped spots, red eyes and no hair is the sublime example of both intelligence and beauty and should have been the first type of body added as soon as people started working with body meshes! Bleh and all those anime and realistic mods, I don't even want to look at them :(

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Obviously a human with 4 arms


I even stronglier (is that even a word?) disagree. The perfect form is a Female Human with 4 Ti....Breasts and if we include in her Character Bios a Harvard degree than we have Beauty AND intelligence. Voila!


Scrap all mods and put 4 breasted Harvard chicks in now!




Ok I was slipping away from Anime mods which is not the major problem imo. I don't think that skimpy armour mods or naked women (obviously naked women are beautiful but there is better porn than Skyrims lackluster textures) are intelligent or beautiful they're just depressing and sad and help enforce the stereotype of RPG gamers as fat, depressed masturbating weirdos.


Come on Buddy, if it comes to that, then the whole of Internets (which some claim to be 90% pron) enforce that Stereotype. That is over though, this Stereotype is gone for good. Thanks to Steve Jobs, Big Bang Theory and electronical Gadget "love", Nerds are totally "IN". Just let them be.


Nexus puts "offensive" Material in the adult section which can be avoided completely. The other mods who "slip by" usually dont show anymore nakedness then your average TV-Ad. Sure would be nice if modders would concentrate on "serious" matters but if creating pron is what they enjoy who are we to deny them this pleasure?

Edited by Arcadiast
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really wish there could be a better balance in classic fantasy as oppose to porn fantasy


If I may ask, what Balance are we talking about? Dont get me wrong, you did make your point carefully and articulated in a civilized manner and I thank you for that but what Balance are we talking about here?


Is it the Balance on the Nexus? Do you think that Animebased mods outweigh Lorebased mods? to what extend? is it 60/40 or even steeper 90/10?


Lets assume, in a Year from Now there is (wildly speculating here) 100000 Mods (not considering Savegames :) ). In a worst case Scenario, "only" 10000 of them are Lore Friendly mods and the other 90000 are Dancing Anime Chicks. Two questions; 10000 mods are not enough for you? and do you really think the creators of the other 90000 "pron" Anime Dancing chicks would go on and create lore friendly mods if, lets say, they were not allowed to create "pron" Anime chickmods?


Look, I modded Oblivion and by now there are tons of mods with sometimes ridiculous content. There are many of them I dont like and I dont even wanna see but if I really stumble upon them I just go like "meh" and go on without needing to go into the Forum and rant about their existence. This is simple rational thinking. Mods are free, mods can be created by anyone and everyone who is capable, mods dont necessarily follow rules (dont misunderstand this, publishing sites have rules not mods), mods are not controlled by a central place otherwise they would be called DLCs.


There is a stupendous amount of things in the Internet I dont like but others do. As long as they are just "tasteless" (not criminal or harmful or another extreme) in my opinion and avoidable I can coexist with them.


Let me ask you a final Question! would you want to live in somebody elses "Paradise"?




Yeah, but you sure do have to sift through a lot of trash to get to the good ones. It makes for a long laborious search.


How is that the problem of the modder? There is actually a great sorting system on the Nexus. Are you seriously asking Anime mods to disappear so you can find the mods you like faster? how selfish would that be?

Well, What I mean to say is that if you leave texture and colour changing mods out of the equation here because there are lots of these and some are very good like the jewellery one. Now ignoring these, go to files, categories, click on say armour or clothing my seach seems to go something like this...

Dark Brotherhood



Dark Brotherhood




Dark Brotherhood

Porn, Porn, Porn, Porn,Porn,Porn,

Anime sheild

Assassin's Creed

Porn, Dark Brotherhood, Porn, Dark Brotherhood, Porn.


Don't get me wrong, its not about being a lore nazi, I like a laugh, I think the spiderman, and superman costume are funny... but these are rare one offs. I probably wouldn't like them if there were hundreds of them though, but what I am disapointed about is that there are SO few classic fantasy items, by that I mean things that fit in with the realistic Elder Scrolls world. I am really having trouble finding anything good!


There is a stupendous amount of things in the Internet I dont like but others do. As long as they are just "tasteless" (not criminal or harmful or another extreme) in my opinion and avoidable I can coexist with them.


I hear what you are saying but how would you feel if you couldn't find anything YOU liked along side all the tastless stuff? Would you stop looking at the internet, and be disapointed? I guess that is what I am trying to say, there is a lack of mods to suit those who like a more realistic feel. This is Selfish yes! but even knowing this I can't help feeling dispointed and so I had a little rant about it.


I think I am a premature ranter though as I think in time the good ones (imo) will come out later on (hope), so will keep checking back.

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Well, What I mean to say is that if you leave texture and colour changing mods out of the equation here because there are lots of these and some are very good like the jewellery one. Now ignoring these, go to files, categories, click on say armour or clothing my seach seems to go something like this...

Dark Brotherhood



Dark Brotherhood




Dark Brotherhood

Porn, Porn, Porn, Porn,Porn,Porn,

Anime sheild

Assassin's Creed

Porn, Dark Brotherhood, Porn, Dark Brotherhood, Porn.


I just did that (Armors) and I am somewhat disappointed :(


Ranger Thief armor (nonnude)

1st person view fix

skimpy armor (not pron just a little more skin)

archmage fix

add all dragon armors

armor replacer (non nude)

circlet improvement


I must have done something wrong...where is all that juicy...äh despicable pron you were talking about? (just kidding with you a little on the side...dont take this to seriously)


Maybe you define the word "Porn" a little different than I do. For me it means "explicit sexual content". Therefore, I would never consider a skimpy Armor as Porn. In fact, right now there is a alarming lack of real "pron mods" for Skyrim :).


I hear what you are saying but how would you feel if you couldn't find anything YOU liked along side all the tastless stuff? Would you stop looking at the internet, and be disapointed?


Nah, i would feel there is a strong need for better sorting websites. This is not the case with the Nexus though. I was always very happy with their sorting mechanisms. The Top 100 mostly contain the "must have" mods and the Categories allow me to Browse by Downloads, Upload Date, Endorsements etc. I really cant help you here because I never felt this to be a big enough Problem.


I think I am a premature ranter though as I think in time the good ones (imo) will come out later on (hope), so will keep checking back.


Dont worry, they will! there will be enough mods to satisfy (nearly) all of us! For now, just relax and enjoy what you have got so far ;)

Edited by Arcadiast
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I just did that (Armors) and I am somewhat disappointed :(


Ranger Thief armor (nonnude)

1st person view fix

skimpy armor (not pron just a little more skin)

archmage fix

add all dragon armors

armor replacer (non nude)

circlet improvement


I must have done something wrong...where is all that juicy...äh despicable pron you were talking about? (just kidding with you a little on the side...dont take this to seriously)


Maybe you define the word "Porn" a little different than I do. For me it means "explicit sexual content". Therefore, I would never consider a skimpy Armor as Porn. In fact, right now there is a alarming lack of real "pron mods" for Skyrim :).


LOL! YOU know what I meant!!! :) and I did say take out the textures and recolours! Skimpy would have been better word than porn granted though :tongue:


Nah, i would feel there is a strong need for better sorting websites. This is not the case with the Nexus though. I was always very happy with their sorting mechanisms. The Top 100 mostly contain the "must have" mods and the Categories allow me to Browse by Downloads, Upload Date, Endorsements etc. I really cant help you here because I never felt this to be a big enough Problem.


I use these but still don't find anything I want, maybe because the ones I don't want are so popular! :wallbash:


I think I am just going to have to learn to do my own, don't suppose you know of any good starter guides applicable to Skyrim do you? I read some for Oblvion but will it be a different method for Skyrim? Should I wait for the creation kit to come out?

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I use these but still don't find anything I want, maybe because the ones I don't want are so popular!


Try this! consider the Nexus a big fat shopping centre where you have infinite amounts of Money to spent. Unfortunately, as is with big shopping centres, you have to go around quite a lot to find what you are looking for. Either you can try your luck by asking a clerk (search function) or you can take a gradual stroll and look around. The good thing about the latter is, you might actually find something along the way which you did not know you were looking for. If you take time and calm down (which is essential for any hobby by the way), you will even enjoy this part of modding. Needless to say, so far it worked for me.


I think I am just going to have to learn to do my own, don't suppose you know of any good starter guides applicable to Skyrim do you? I read some for Oblvion but will it be a different method for Skyrim? Should I wait for the creation kit to come out?


Do you mean modding or "Websiting" :)? nah..i take a wild guess and think you mean modding (correct me if i am wrong though).


Unfortunately I do not know good starting points yet but i would guess the Nexus to be one. Try google first and if (which would surprise me) that brings no results try searching the Nexus forums.

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LOL! YOU know what I meant!!! :) and I did say take out the textures and recolours! Skimpy would have been better word than porn granted though :tongue:



Well, retexturing, recoloring and removing pieces of armor calls for less effort then even just importing new armor (let alone make new from scratch) - this according to my personal experience only so I might be mistaken of course - and that would explain the large ammount of those compared to rest.


I think I am just going to have to learn to do my own, don't suppose you know of any good starter guides applicable to Skyrim do you? I read some for Oblvion but will it be a different method for Skyrim? Should I wait for the creation kit to come out?


That would actually depends on what you plan to do.

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