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The Future of Skyrim Modding?


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Well, retexturing, recoloring and removing pieces of armor calls for less effort then even just importing new armor (let alone make new from scratch) - this according to my personal experience only so I might be mistaken of course - and that would explain the large ammount of those compared to rest.


I do like some of these retextures, but being specific the things I would like to see more of are new mages robes, RP outfits (not always skimpy), some cool original looking armour sets (not always badass), some hair mods that don't look like I have just opened playboy or been imported to Japan, faces that are nice looking but not always perfect, so keeping some character, this especially on elves! Although this last one is difficult as beauty is in the eye of the beholder etc... new player houses in nice areas of Skyrim. Is this kjind of thing hard to do in mods? I honestly don't know, so I could be being really unfair to expect it.


That would actually depends on what you plan to do.

I would like to have a go at creating some of the things I have mentioned above, I literally have no idea of how hard this is though. So would need to start at the most basic level, I wondered if maybe I should start by doing something in Oblivion to get the hang of it first as there are a few guides specific to Oblivion? I don't know how different it is to modding in Skyrim though, do you find modding Skyrim easier?

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Just be patient untill a few weeks after the CK release. Yes there will be true Porn mods, yes there will be a lot of anime style mods. But i personally think the whole feel of Skyrim will produce a lot of "lore" friendly armor, cloths & other mods.


Yesterday I played Oblivion again after 250 hours of Skyrim and looked at it and my "porny black skimpy armored anime chick". She's absolutely fabulous & hot in Oblivion but I would never ever want to see her in Skyim. It simply does not fit in Skyrim the way it somehow does do in Oblivion. I will probably at some point have at least one character like it with all the anime style mods just for the fun of it. But right now i am to looking forward to more lore friendly armors, weapons & clothes.


The stuff from the Witcher 2 (if more will be released), good looking bodies staying within fantasy style ( ;-) so yes, big boobs and pretty women), no anime but Boris Vallejo, Vicente Segrelles, Luis Royo. That's the stuff that imho fits with Skyrim, and we will hopefully be seeing a lot more of that for Skyrim than the "anime stuff" from oblivion.


I'd like to think the modders from Oblivion have aged too and put all they learned from modding in Oblivion to use in Skyrim and produce more mature, not nessecarely adult, mods. But there is also a whole new generation of modders we should not ignore and just enjoy what they come up with no matter how ridiculous and over the top it looks to some of us.


We will just have to be patience and see what goodies the future of Skyrim modding will bring.

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Well, retexturing, recoloring and removing pieces of armor calls for less effort then even just importing new armor (let alone make new from scratch) - this according to my personal experience only so I might be mistaken of course - and that would explain the large ammount of those compared to rest.


I do like some of these retextures, but being specific the things I would like to see more of are new mages robes, RP outfits (not always skimpy), some cool original looking armour sets (not always badass), some hair mods that don't look like I have just opened playboy or been imported to Japan, faces that are nice looking but not always perfect, so keeping some character, this especially on elves! Although this last one is difficult as beauty is in the eye of the beholder etc... new player houses in nice areas of Skyrim. Is this kjind of thing hard to do in mods? I honestly don't know, so I could be being really unfair to expect it.


That would actually depends on what you plan to do.

I would like to have a go at creating some of the things I have mentioned above, I literally have no idea of how hard this is though. So would need to start at the most basic level, I wondered if maybe I should start by doing something in Oblivion to get the hang of it first as there are a few guides specific to Oblivion? I don't know how different it is to modding in Skyrim though, do you find modding Skyrim easier?


Things you described belong to different "zones" of modding (I know "zones" is not the right word for it, but can't rememebr the right english one currently, sorry ><). If you want to retexture or edit/create new meshes you could start already (photoshop or gimp for textures, nifskope, 3ds max or blender for meshes are the usual choices I believe). You can find on download here on nexus tutorials to import weapons and armors from oblivion if you'd like to do that. You can also follow a similar process to import hairstyles as well (if you find something you fancy in oblivion mods, I'm not sure what you are looking for). Maybe somebody could help you import from other games as well (not sure it's allowed here on nexus though, due to copyrights?). If you are willing to learn and work on 3d modelling you could try to create your own meshes and then convert them to skyrim nifs to use ingame. For new player houses and similar better wait for CK in my opinion, since it should be released quite soon. It's doable without using workaround programs like tessnip, skyedit, etc. but those aren't fully adapt for skyrim and require much more effort. You can practice with oblivion's one for now since likely they will be very similar.

Edited by STSG
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The Future of Skyrim Modding? Porn mods, of course.


Dont get me wrong, i woud like a porn mod that fits somehow into Skyrim (Dont ask me how exactly), but those that Oblivion got were ... wired? Ok, they all came from Japan ...


On the other Hand, i like overhauls a lot if they really change ... everything. Its like playing a addon or new part of TES. Got one for Oblivion were the player coud face ... Freddy Krueger ... not lore friendly, but scary and somehow funny, particulary if you didnt know, something like that was implementet :D.

Edited by Cyrotek
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really wish there could be a better balance in classic fantasy as oppose to porn fantasy


If I may ask, what Balance are we talking about? Dont get me wrong, you did make your point carefully and articulated in a civilized manner and I thank you for that but what Balance are we talking about here?


Is it the Balance on the Nexus? Do you think that Animebased mods outweigh Lorebased mods? to what extend? is it 60/40 or even steeper 90/10?


Lets assume, in a Year from Now there is (wildly speculating here) 100000 Mods (not considering Savegames :) ). In a worst case Scenario, "only" 10000 of them are Lore Friendly mods and the other 90000 are Dancing Anime Chicks. Two questions; 10000 mods are not enough for you? and do you really think the creators of the other 90000 "pron" Anime Dancing chicks would go on and create lore friendly mods if, lets say, they were not allowed to create "pron" Anime chickmods?


Look, I modded Oblivion and by now there are tons of mods with sometimes ridiculous content. There are many of them I dont like and I dont even wanna see but if I really stumble upon them I just go like "meh" and go on without needing to go into the Forum and rant about their existence. This is simple rational thinking. Mods are free, mods can be created by anyone and everyone who is capable, mods dont necessarily follow rules (dont misunderstand this, publishing sites have rules not mods), mods are not controlled by a central place otherwise they would be called DLCs.


There is a stupendous amount of things in the Internet I dont like but others do. As long as they are just "tasteless" (not criminal or harmful or another extreme) in my opinion and avoidable I can coexist with them.


Let me ask you a final Question! would you want to live in somebody elses "Paradise"?




Yeah, but you sure do have to sift through a lot of trash to get to the good ones. It makes for a long laborious search.


How is that the problem of the modder? There is actually a great sorting system on the Nexus. Are you seriously asking Anime mods to disappear so you can find the mods you like faster? how selfish would that be?


regarding your question, "would you want to live in somebody elses "Paradise?" i might. it would be interesting to see what "paradise" may mean for other people here on the nexus, especially for those who downloads anime fantasy porn mods ;)

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regarding your question, "would you want to live in somebody elses "Paradise?" i might. it would be interesting to see what "paradise" may mean for other people here on the nexus, especially for those who downloads anime fantasy porn mods ;)


my Paradise is pretty much basic. I sit on a Throne in my Harem while my Slaves wave their fans to provide me with fresh air. Everybody else basically clean my shoes. Still wanna live in it? I always need another Slave! ;)


Dont get me wrong, i woud like a porn mod that fits somehow into Skyrim (Dont ask me how exactly)


Yes! dont ask him! ask me :)!


Lets see, what better way for a tired, bloodied and weary Hero to relax, than in a warm and cozy Bed in an Inn. Paying just a little bit more, we could get the "Special Room" in an Inn where we get help from a "professional sleep assistant".


Besides, these Housecarls swear to protect our "Body" right? Well, when her Body is wrapped around mine...thats protection right?


Furthermore, sometimes when speech and intimidation dont help and we are just to poor to pay or to nice to be mean, we could use speech to turn intimidation to intimate.


Killing Banditleaders as so is asked sometimes of us is indeed a nasty and dangerous business. Some of these guys and gals are outright dangerous and direct fight not always the best option. How about we use our "honeyed Tongue" to deliver a "ice pickel" into his/her Heart?


Just one more and I think this is the most obvious, we could have sex with our spouses....äh no forget that, that is too far off. :)

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can u provide a link?


I couldn't find it in my history but I did find this thread **Site Not Allowed**


thanks. ill take a look at it =)



There are a few other unusual things on that board as well, worth having a look around.

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