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The Future of Skyrim Modding?


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I liked the porn\ nude mods in Fallout3 and NV because i think it got along with the trash cyberpunk mood of these games but in TES it's kinda breaking something to me.

And to see ladies in bikini running in blizzard is kinda wired, isn't it.


But i guess all tastes must be satisfied and i think the future of skyrim will be the same as other beths games there will be stuufs for every tastes, just have a look at the number of mods yet available ( mostly pretty dumb but some are amazing) and the CK isn't out.

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now that just reminds me, since we're on the topic of anime fantasy mods, does anyone remember this mod from oblivion?


(WARNING! hentai porn invovled)



now if anyone could just port this over.......


It might be diffucult fitting that into TES Lore. Hmmm Okay how about this; long ago in Skyrim there were two cities who were absolutely corrupted by decadence. These cities were called "Scrotum" and "Gonorrhea". The "Evil" that plagued these cities were called "Lust" and "Gluttony". The sins of these cities were so severe, that they directly competed with some of the daedric princes who decided to destroy and erase them from the face of Tamriel completely.


Now, a thousand years later, the Demons of Lust and Gluttony rose from the Ashes of these cities. Lust manifested itself in beautiful but somehow dimwit young girls with big eyes while Gluttony raised the intestines of all the old perverts of the two cities as tentacles of terror.


Will our Hero or Heroine prevail? will Skyrim be saved from these ancient curses of mankind? will Delphine stop asking for Paarthurnaxs death with a Tentacle deep throat?....


Well at least i tried!

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now that just reminds me, since we're on the topic of anime fantasy mods, does anyone remember this mod from oblivion?


(WARNING! hentai porn invovled)



now if anyone could just port this over.......


It might be diffucult fitting that into TES Lore. Hmmm Okay how about this; long ago in Skyrim there were two cities who were absolutely corrupted by decadence. These cities were called "Scrotum" and "Gonorrhea". The "Evil" that plagued these cities were called "Lust" and "Gluttony". The sins of these cities were so severe, that they directly competed with some of the daedric princes who decided to destroy and erase them from the face of Tamriel completely.


Now, a thousand years later, the Demons of Lust and Gluttony rose from the Ashes of these cities. Lust manifested itself in beautiful but somehow dimwit young girls with big eyes while Gluttony raised the intestines of all the old perverts of the two cities as tentacles of terror.


Will our Hero or Heroine prevail? will Skyrim be saved from these ancient curses of mankind? will Delphine stop asking for Paarthurnaxs death with a Tentacle deep throat?....


Well at least i tried!


LOLOL! i guess it could fit skyrim if you put it that way... Scrotum and Gonorrhea FTW! LOLOL! but i guess a potion of "cure disease" would do the trick.

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This isn't the Future of Skyrim Modding, at least not all of it. There will be Mods like shown in the Video and a lot more with the Artstyle, which i recon has the Threadstarter dying his Pants brown in all natural dye.

For the sake of diversity i would like to see more like this. The modern Anime Artstyle isn't really my thing but the extreme ease of modding the Elderscrolls Games shouldn't lead to a closed off western Culture Ghetto.

One should have Variety in mods and Artstyles used in Mods. We should be able to download Mods with Characters with giant Eyes and pointy Hats (if they're Wizards).

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Some peeps in this topic just make me shake my head...these mods exist for those who like 'em. No need to bash or be worried, because if previous mods in previous games are any indication there'll be enough for everyone's tastes. The hate for anime mods is just uncalled for. Don't like it, don't use it.


In the meantime though, I am LOVING the thought of Idolmaster being in Skyrim. :P


This is just gonna force me to have 2 different sets of files/mods for Skyrim when I swap chars. One will have JRPG music and models and the other WRPG. Weeee!

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I liked the porn\ nude mods in Fallout3 and NV because i think it got along with the trash cyberpunk mood of these games but in TES it's kinda breaking something to me.

And to see ladies in bikini running in blizzard is kinda wired, isn't it.

About the first thing I look for in any RGP like this is a nude mod. Not for the titillation value but because it breaks immersion when every single person is wearing identical, anachronistic underwear. It kinda makes me feel like I'm playing with dolls (well, in a way I am I guess). A perfect mod would be to have people wearing different things under their clothes or armor -- some modest, some naked, the rest in between. Baring that, I prefer to presume that the concept of small clothes hasn't reached this fantasy world.


Regarding bikinis and blizzards: In FO3 I had nudist characters. In FONV not as much because the American desert southwest can be pretty tough on bare skin. In Skyrim, anywhere north of Whiterun at least, my characters bundle up as best they can when out of doors. Skinny dipping by Ivarstead can be exhilarating for a native Nord tough.

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Oh, how I yearn for some lore-friendly clothing options for my mages...


I actually did a piece some time ago that *might* fit in...




Or something a bit more "warrior" friendly...




But, alas, I`m no mesh maker...*sigh*...

Edited by MacKom
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If it turns into this, then Skyrim mods will be ruined. Anime just takes eefect on RPG's, and Bethesda even said they don't support 1,000's of anime mods. I hope people think twice before completly flooding mods with this.


But apparently a Portal plug was awesome to them.

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