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Special Edition Glitch (can't start a new game)


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So I'm not Crashing... but i do get stuck

during the opening video of the Game....


When it starts:

my "view is straight ahead" as if i an riding up front and

seeing the front wagon which is driver-less and it has no passengers

(Prisoners) then......the first wagon crashes into Helgen front wall

[No guard is present to open the Gate.]


and then our wagons horse does a two wagon pile up repeatedly.


that's as far as i could get with SSE (although it worked once before)

maybe i modded it to death? _LOL_


Just need a starting point to begin my

analysis ... or a tip or TWO


thanks in Advance,



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Rule of Thumb: Vsync (Verticle Refresh) set to always ON and FPS not to exceed 60. The game physics go wild if not. Sound default 24 bit 48KHz stereo and if Realtek then "Loudness Equalisation" on. If monitor is 120-144Hz then set it to 60Hz or adaptive refresh rate or some such from GPU utility program. If you can't then "FPS Limiter" from Nexus will do the trick.http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34/?
By grimus

For Nvidia GPUs: http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/535150948606032257/
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thanks for the replies

i solved it by installing alternate start

i blew away the whole installation and started fresh

so now it works fine....


which brings up yet another question (of course)


can you run skyrim and special addition together

wondering if you can specify where your Mods go

via the manager -> as the directories are quite different.


or should you just Run say special addition and no longer

run the old skyrim...


been trying to just copy and pasting esp files from

skyrim data to the special addition data file.


post a link if there's a tutorial on that topic. plz


especially covering the best location for all your MODS files

for best performance

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