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Proofed Facts about Skyrim


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In Skyrim for one to be the Dragonborn he must first send his resume to every guard in every hold and must update it every day.


Items have a mind of their own and do not like being moved around which is why they go back to where they were when you are not looking unless you trick them. They may also try to kill you if you step on them.


A housecarl's job is to protect its thane. The best way to complete this task is to block your thane in a room with one exit by blocking the door and refusing to move even when asked.


Being a thane means you need reminding that a cave may actually still exist when you leave and your housecarl will still wonder what is inside.


One of the best ways to make friends in skyrim is to punch somebody in the face until they drop to the ground.


eating human flesh in public to see what it does is ok as long as its not attached to a human.


If you are not the Dragonborn you are supposed to activate every trap available even if your the one best thieves, rogues or assassins.


The best way to become a guild leader is to be the new guy and wait for the old to die.

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In places that haven't been visited in hundreds of years, it is perfectly reasonable to find edible tomatos, potatoes, leeks, and ... apple pies!


I am always looking protect myself or deal some damage. Even if I'm just selling a few things, and I'm a better smith than you.


Curing Lycanthropy does not remove extra hair growth from your nose/face/underarms. And you will receive comments about it along with your personal hygiene. You nasty, smelly, hairy person.


I should always rethink my outfit before heading to the Blue Palace. Even my Legendary armor that no one else has ever seen. With dragon bones.


If you are a Khajiit and you die, your tail will live on!

Edited by xlr8films
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1. No one has a use for a spade.


2. Dragons have debates.


3. The fabled college of the voice is invisible.


4. The Thalmor react badly if you so much as sneeze on them.


5. No one can drive a boat in Skyrim - all the wrecks can attest to this.


6. Bandits are so brave about taking on a Daedric Armour wearing, lightning wielding badass with a BFS on his back.


7. Chickens are sacred in Skyrim like Cow are in India.

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1. In Skyrim, every natural lit cave is magical. From the inside, lots of holes to look at the sky, from the outside, there are no holes, just an entrance.


2. In Skyrim, you can be such a good pickpocket that you can steal organs from ppl and kill them in the process.


3. In Skyrim, every true nord consider that magic is for pansies, even if their ancestors created many of the most powerful magical artifacts ever seen (so much for keeping the ol ways)


4. In Skyrim, the only easy way to skin a dragon is to absorb their soul.


5. In Skyrim, everyone has a terrible fear of trying to parry an attack if one wields another weapon in the offhand. Thats how Yokuda was destroyed.


5. In Skyrim, most nords are very progressive ppl, its the only place in Tamriel in wich homosexual marriage is allowed and accepted through society.

Edited by eltucu
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5. In Skyrim, most nords are very progressive ppl, its the only place in Tamriel in wich homosexual marriage is allowed and accepted through society.


Not nessessarily true. However, it does seem to be the only province where Adventurers are permitted to marry. Even if it is just a 2 person pyramid scheme.

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Strange but true! - Fact #267

The person that holds the most power and wealth over Skyrim isn't the Emperor. It's the CEO of Skyrim Lock Manufacturing Co., whose company has been supplying locks for the kitchen chest to the emperor's armoury since Dwemer times. Even the Falmer are loyal customers, which attests to the superior durability and craftsmanship of their locks.

Edited by nitevision92
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The harder the lock worst the loot, why the hack I need to improve my locksmith skill?


Bethesda did right making children unkillable, otherwise none those annoying slandering brats would live to see the teenage.


The most hardworking brat in whiterun can be seen playing tag across the city night and day.


The battleborn brat is the favorite prey of that bullying tomboy girl, the dragonborn is the second in line.


The application form to city guard has the status of the knee as the lone and sine quae non requisite for acceptance... this is due to experience with guards fleeing the post in as soon dragons show up.


Skyrim mudcrabs are not the most pathetic foes anymore, still it's advisable to check if that rock on which you are going to rest has not antennae.


Levitation in Skyrim is not the healthier skill.


Draughrs have their looting stock constantly and frequently replenished by less well succeeded adventurers all the time, so there is no wonder at all they have nowadays items on them.


Don't try to brawl the most feeble looking NPC unless wearing grade A+ armors and put every point into stamina and health.

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