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Is this true :O ?


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I haven't seen that on my system. My guess may be one of our 'admirers' that have been banned finding a new way to annoy us. :rolleyes: The site is not a US owned site, it is a UK owned site. SOPA is a US law and has no standing in the UK.
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Dark0ne unless you are teasing, then you need to look up why its causing a lot of fury lately, its definitely not something to be yay about.


Blacklist policies which can force the worlds internet providers to enforce them - Imagine BT, Virgin and TalkTalk were all ordered to blacklist Nexus because some pleb had uploaded one dodgy file you guys had not seen for a few days.


From what I have heard its shiny suit generated by people who do not realise the implications or that it will not work, who are being pushed by the Music and Video industry.


Like black listing spam sources, it wont work .. they just move on very agile very quick, whereas genuine sites suddenly blacklisted at the domain level for whatever reason will be killed.


Go Daddy have recently backpeddled on their supportive stance towards SOPA, because they lost huge amounts of custom.


Yay. Not.


@ Homeworlder1 - I dont know what browser you use, but you could possibly help by finding how that banner was added to your screen, can you right click it and choose Show Page Source (or Page elements), maybe also what plugins your browser has might help pin the source of that feed of crap.


PM Dark0ne with any useful details if you dont wish to show it publicly.

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