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Any one know which mod does this?


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Okay first of all, I hope this correct place to ask this.


I started a Nightblade character yesterday, and when I stopped playing I got a warning from Mod Organizer that there where files in the override folder. So I checked the override and inside is a Meshes folder with inside it just a file? A file called ~AnimationDataSingle.txt, with inside it a huge list of other txt file names and several other things? ( To huge to use the forums spoiler tags, and Pastebin needs a whole lot of time to completely load the page? )


So I uploaded it to Mediafire. ( It is packed with 7z. )



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It might be FNIS related. Without your mod list, no one could really say for sure.


Whoops, I forgot about that. :wallbash:


Active Mod Files:

00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Dawnguard.esm
03  [JmV]LTTF.esm
04  HearthFires.esm
05  Dragonborn.esm
06  Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm
07  Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp  [Version 3.0.7]
08  notice board.esp
09  Cutting Room Floor.esp  [Version 2.0.3]
0A  EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
0B  ELFX - Exteriors.esp
0C  Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
0D  JBMod.esp
0E  Tamriel Reloaded.esp
0F  JKs Skyrim.esp
10  JBMod - ELFX3 Patch.esp
11  Purity.esp
12  iWil_UselessShopOverhaul.esp
13  Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp  [Version v6.5.2b]
14  Forgotten DungeonsAll.esp
15  Populated Skyrim Legendary.esp
16  OBIS.esp
17  OBISDB.esp
18  Dark Fantasy Overhaul.esp  [Version 0.9.4]
19  Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp
1A  AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp
1B  Differently Ebony.esp
1C  Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp
1D  Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
1E  Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp  [Version v6.5.2a]
1F  Animallica.esp
20  aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp
21  Remove Interior Fog V2 - Full Version.esp
22  AutoConsumePotions.esp
23  SkyUI.esp
24  WSCO - OcciBetterMale.esp
25  VioLens.esp  [Version 2.1]
26  DFB - Random Encounters.esp  [Version 1.2]
27  TheChoiceIsYours_Dragonborn.esp
28  BHWarPaints.esp
29  Skyrim Knights.esp
2A  Skyrim Knights Leveled List.esp
2B  Revamped Ghosts.esp
2C  RaceMenu.esp
2D  RaceMenuPlugin.esp
2E  OBIS Loot.esp
2F  FISS.esp
30  DragonWarrior-Effects.esp
31  TradeBarter.esp
32  AHZmoreHUD.esp  [Version 2.1.3]
33  WSCO - OcciFemaleUNP.esp
34  MikanEyes All in one.esp
35  Potions.esp
36  UIExtensions.esp
37  AddItemMenu.esp
38  KS Hairdo's.esp
39  VipersWarpaint.esp
3A  AMatterOfTime.esp  [Version 2.00]
3B  WSCO - Better NPCs.esp
3C  towConversation.esp
3D  EK_RingLimiter.esp
3E  TheChoiceIsYours.esp  [Version 1.4]
3F  Atlas Legendary.esp
40  Solstheim Landscape Overhaul.esp  [Version 2.0]
41  Dwemer Goggles & Scouter.esp
42  Worlds Dawn.esp
43  Isharas_FullNormalNumberedAutosaves.esp
44  DragonWarrior-Lighting.esp
45  The Paarthurnax Ultimatum.esp
46  Disparity.esp  [Version 2.1]
47  Instant Merchant.esp
48  ISD_DragonspearCraft.esp
49  NoRadialBlur.esp
4A  Realistic-Voice.esp
4B  MusicMerge.esp
4C  Portals of Skyrim.esp
4D  UltimateDragons.esp
4E  DragonEngine2.esp
4F  EmbersHD.esp
50  TheChoiceIsYours_Dawnguard.esp
51  Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
52  HavenBag.esp
53  Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp
54  Raven Witch Armor.esp
55  Better, Animated Soulgem.esp
56  NoAnimalsReportCrimes-DG+DB.esp
57  SkyTweak.esp
58  Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp
59  Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp  [Version 3.1.5a]
5A  TES5EditMerged.esp
5B  Bashed Patch, 0.esp

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It might be FNIS related. Without your mod list, no one could really say for sure.


Whoops, I forgot about that. :wallbash:


Active Mod Files:


It IS FNIS related. But when you use MO you should be aware that there are files in overwrite, and how to handle them.

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It IS FNIS related. But when you use MO you should be aware that there are files in overwrite, and how to handle them.



Yes, I am aware of that fact, I have been using MO for quit a long time. :smile:


But the problem is that I do not use FNIS? ( Never have in all my Skyrim playthroughs. )

Edited by Illius
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That may be, but as far as my issues have gone, all of my Draugr and other humanoid creatures (such as Spriggans) were locked in a T Pose until I ran FNIS.


FNIS may fix the issue, whatever it is. It might not be Immersive Creatures, but your problem seems to be animations. FNIS deals with fixes for that, in addition to the fact that Fore says it's an FNIS issue...might be time to install FNIS.

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It IS FNIS related. But when you use MO you should be aware that there are files in overwrite, and how to handle them.



Yes, I am aware of that fact, I have been using MO for quit a long time. :smile:


But the problem is that I do not use FNIS? ( Never have in all my Skyrim playthroughs. )



The name of the file is animationdatasinglefile.txt. And when there is a tilde in front of the name, then that file is opened by another program, like an editor, or, I think, MO.


I am very sure that there is no other mod or tool than FNIS which which changes this file, or even pulled out of the meshes bsa. It'S a collaction of behavior/animation data that the engine uses to easier deal with more complicated animations. So no need for anywhere to be used. Except FNIS. :)

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It IS FNIS related. But when you use MO you should be aware that there are files in overwrite, and how to handle them.



Yes, I am aware of that fact, I have been using MO for quit a long time. :smile:


But the problem is that I do not use FNIS? ( Never have in all my Skyrim playthroughs. )



The name of the file is animationdatasinglefile.txt. And when there is a tilde in front of the name, then that file is opened by another program, like an editor, or, I think, MO.


I am very sure that there is no other mod or tool than FNIS which which changes this file, or even pulled out of the meshes bsa. It'S a collaction of behavior/animation data that the engine uses to easier deal with more complicated animations. So no need for anywhere to be used. Except FNIS. :smile:



Well it was never present before, and I know it was not present when I created the mods for TES5EditMerged patch and the bashed patch from the override folder, I would have seen it for obvious reasons. So how can a file that most likely is connected to FNIS as far as you are aware of, be created when I do not have FNIS installed? By that definition the file should not have been created when I started my Nightblade character?


It must have been created when I started playing with my new char because before I started Skyrim up it was not created yet, I am absolutely certain about that. So one of the mods I use must have created it, even though I have no mods that require FNIS? It is not that I expect something strange to happen, but I do not like "not knowing" which mod does this while there is no need for it? :confused: ( I am picky and strange in that area of human behaviour. :smile: )




EDIT: I just tried to see what would happen if I delete that meshes folder. Well ... turns out is getting recreated when I am in the main menu already. A FNIS file is being created despite the fact that I do not use FNIS? :wallbash:

Edited by Illius
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