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Game is not saving


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As in topic. I have added 30 more mods to those already installed. From that I have launched new game and game didn't make a save after exiting the cart. After the beginning I've tried quicksaving and it also didn't work. Here is pic of my mods list:



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So you can't manually save, or Quicksave at all? Have you made it to Riverwood? I see nothing in your mod list that could cause that. I can only guess that something is wrong with your .ini files or something like that. Try validating the integrity of the game cache. Not really sure if that is going to help you at all though.


Verify Integrity of Game Cache:


Edited by DaddyDirection
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So here is mod loading order. All from the Vanilla is allright. Also I cannot locate wich mod/mods does/do that. Welp, there are notification about autosaving, quicksaving and saving, but none of these save files are made.

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1. Your master files should be:
[uSLEEP] (See #2)
[Other .esms]

2. You have all 3 dlc, so get rid of the USKP and DLC Patches for it and get USLEEP. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch. Then you are going to arrange it so it is right after Dragonborn.esm

3. I don't see your SKSE scripts. Did you follow instructions properly how to install SKSE?

4. Move your XPMSE down to the bottom of your load order. LOOT doesn't sort that.

5. Dance of Death is a "dangerous mod" according to some lists because it is not being updated. Use Violens instead. Same thing, better, and updated.

6. We also can't see your mods well. Try posting them from LOOT. Click the 3 dots in the upper right hand and copy load order. Then paste it here.

7. You are using CoT, so make sure that none of your mods are messing with weathers.

8. You are using SFO, so make sure you've made proper .ini changes that he says on his page.

9. I'm not 100% sure they are necessary, but Complete Crafting Overhaul says he would have the Weapons & Armor Fixes Remade and Clothing & Clutter Fixes. Pay attention to how he asks you to sort them.

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Before last modding game worked nice. I've also noticed that in the end of reinstalation a problem accured - no acces to Skyrim.ini file in game directory. There was only SkyrimPref.ini file. Maybe this should help solve the problem. But now I'll try doing what you adviced.

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